100字范文 > 电耦合 Electrical coupling英语短句 例句大全

电耦合 Electrical coupling英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-02-07 17:31:26


电耦合 Electrical coupling英语短句 例句大全

电耦合,Electrical coupling

1)Electrical coupling电耦合

1.Characteristics analysis of electrical couplings between cylindrical combline resonators;圆柱形波导梳状线谐振器间电耦合特性分析

2.This paper also gives the method for weakening coupling hoop inductance and the electrical coupling and compares the measurement results with the theoretical calculation.给出消除耦合环自感影响的方法及减弱电耦合的途径,並给出了实测结果与理论计算的比较。


1.optoelecric coupling光电耦合光电离合器

2.coupled-pair many-electron theory耦合电子对多电子理论

3.balanced valve coupler平衡式电子管耦合电路

4.resistance capacitance coupled amplifier电阻电容耦合放大器

5.differential coupler差动耦合器-电话机的

6.radio autopilot coupler无线电自动驾驶耦合器

7.coupling factor of two circuits两个电路的耦合因数

8.DCTL [Direct-Coupled Transistor Logic]直接耦合电晶体逻辑

9.emitter coupled flip-flop发射极耦合触发电路

10.charge coupled image sensor电荷耦合摄像传感器

11.charge-coupled device camera电荷耦合器件摄影机

12.emitter-emitter coupled logic circuit双射极耦合逻辑电路

13.negative photodiode coupler负型光电二极管耦合器

d multiplexer电荷耦合掐多路转换器

15.surface channel ccd表面沟道电荷耦合掐

d image array电荷耦合掐成像阵列

d shift register电荷耦合移位寄存器

18.polysilicon gate ccd多晶硅栅电荷耦合掐


electromechanical coupling机电耦合

1.Modeling of dynamic nonlinear piezo-actuatedelectromechanical coupling dynamic system and its wideband high precision displacement control;动态非线性压电驱动机电耦合动力学系统建模及其宽带高精度位移控制系统

2.Analysis and modeling of a novel piezo-actuatedelectromechanical coupling dynamic system;新型压电驱动机电耦合动力学系统分析与建模

3.Analysis of the Electromechanical Coupling Facts about Precise Mechanical Transmission in Servo System;伺服系统中精密传动系统机电耦合分析

3)coupled arc耦合电弧

1.Analysis of twin-electrode TIGcoupled arc pressure;双钨极氩弧焊耦合电弧压力分析

4)photoelectric coupling光电耦合

1.In research of the square wave laser by smooth Q-switch cavity dumping, getting the stable synchronized signal from the multi-channels laser power supply with serious electromagnetic interference, by using ofphotoelectric coupling.在变Q值缓慢腔倒空方波激光器的研制中,从电磁干扰较严重的多路激光电源内;用光电耦合方式取出稳定的同步信号,对高稳定性激光电源建模仿真并设计制作,取得了较好效果。

2.The principle and characteristics ofphotoelectric coupling technology are applied in the fault diagnosis of circuit to solve the problem of interference in the fault diagnosis of multi-power supply control system.将光电耦合技术的原理和特点应用到电路故障诊断中,解决多供电制控制系统电路故障诊断中的干扰问题,将不共地的多种电源信号转换成可供计算机采集和处理的TTL电平信号。

5)Electro-mechanical coupling力电耦合

1.Electro-mechanical coupling laws for EME memory effect during deformation and fracture of coal or rock;煤岩变形破坏电磁辐射记忆效应的力电耦合规律

6)electromagnetic coupling电磁耦合

1.Investigation on Electromagnetic Coupling & Interference of Electric System;电子系统的电磁耦合干扰研究

2.Study on wireless multi-channel data transmission system based onelectromagnetic coupling基于电磁耦合的无线多路数据传输系统


