100字范文 > 全程育人 educate in the whole course英语短句 例句大全

全程育人 educate in the whole course英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-01 21:44:45


全程育人 educate in the whole course英语短句 例句大全

全程育人,educate in the whole course

1)educate in the whole course全程育人

2)Whole procedure education全程教育

1.This text bring upped the new thought of graphics education, namely whole procedure education.提出了图学教育的新思维既全程教育思想,建立了相应的新的课程体系——图学课程三阶段教学模式,并运用于教学实践之中,通过专业主线将图学教育贯穿在四年教学之中,实现了学生知识、能力的同步提高。


1.Exploration and Research on the Major of Elementary Education s Complete-Process Educational Practice;初等教育专业全程教育实践的探索与研究

2.On Difference between the Total and the Partial Engineering Education;全面工程教育和片面工程教育的区别

3.Study on Function of Modern Distance Development in Education for All;远程教育对开展全民教育的作用研究

4.A Study of Practice Teaching Model for Physical Education Through the Four-year Teaching in University;体育教育专业“全程实践教学模式”研究

5.To Enforce Talent s Fostering Engineering , Promote Quality Education in an Overall Way--The practice and thinking of “five education engineering”implemented in Jiangxi Agricultural University;全面推进素质教育,实施“五项教育工程”

6.On Appreciation Education论赏识教育——全程成功教育的原理之一

7.The Reform on DE General Courses under the Holistic Education Theory;全人教育理念下的远程教育通识课程改革

8.The Globalization of Distance Education:On Distance Education Systems (4);远程教育的全球化趋势——论远程教育系统(四)

9.Study on Educational Practice Model of Entire School Year in Physical Educational Major;体育教育专业全程化教育实习模式研究

10.Realizing university physical education process with existence of multi-modes;多模式并存实现大学体育教育全程化

11.Development of Latent Curriculum in Physical Education and Enhancement of Quality Education;开发体育隐性课程,全面推进素质教育

12.Improving education quality in general by actualizing quality engineering;实施质量工程 全面提高教育教学质量

13.Development of School-based Curriculum in Vocational Education for Overall Push the Competence Education;开发职教校本课程 全面推进素质教育

14.Strengthen the teaching process of mathematicsand improve the quality education;加强数学过程教学 全面推进素质教育

15.Development of quality should occupy a central positionin classroom instruction;素质教育要贯穿于课堂教学的全过程

16.Modern Distance Education --A New way of Teaching and Learning;现代远程教育:一种全新的教与学方式

17.Continuing Education should be an Education for ALL:Discussion on the Relation among Continuing Education,Adult Education,Vocational Education,and Distance Education;继续教育应是一种全民化教育——论继续教育与成人教育、职业教育、远程教育的关系

18.Research on the General Education Concept in "TEE";“全面工程教育”理念中的通识教育思想解读


Whole procedure education全程教育

1.This text bring upped the new thought of graphics education, namely whole procedure education.提出了图学教育的新思维既全程教育思想,建立了相应的新的课程体系——图学课程三阶段教学模式,并运用于教学实践之中,通过专业主线将图学教育贯穿在四年教学之中,实现了学生知识、能力的同步提高。

3)holistic education全人教育

1.The Rise of Holistic Education and the Transition of Educational Goal;全人教育思潮的兴起与教育目标的转变

2.The Theory and Practice of Holistic Education in Taiwan HEIs;台湾地区大学全人教育的理念及实践

3.Based on the perspective of "holistic education",by reflecting on the talents cultivation model of vocational education,the author put forward eight "holistic education" blocks of vocational education including body drill,psychological control,volunteer service,adversity temper,open vision,social experience,humanities feelings and interpersonal communication.基于"全人教育"的视角,反思职业教育人才培养模式,提出职业教育八大"全人教育"板块,即军体训练、心理调控、义工服务、逆境磨炼、开放视野、社会体验、人文情怀和人际沟通。

4)holistic person education全人教育

1.The PCMAGS works on the theoretical basis ofholistic person education and the method of diagnoses is adopted.学校心理综合素质测评指导系统是在“全人教育”理论背景下研究开发的以诊断为手段,以指导为目的的综合素质测试系统,它能对学生、家长、教师的心理、品质、知识和技能等素质进行全面科学的分析、诊断和指导。

5)all-member cultivating people全员育人

1.Building the system ofall-member cultivating people,enhancing the validity of ideological education;构建全员育人体系 增强思想教育有效性

6)comprehensive education全人教育

1.Thecomprehensive education and the frustration education should be attached greater importance to.在新形势下,公安高校素质教育必须作出科学调整,确立两个重点内容:全人教育和挫折教育。




概率论与数理统计全程导学及习题全解(浙大第三版)图书作者: 谢婧 主编出版社: 中国时代经济出版社isbn: 780221047x出版时间: -9-1印刷时间: 1开 本:价 格(元): 14本书是按照高等院校教材《概率论和数理统计》(第三版 浙江大学 盛骤等编)而编写的学习辅导与习题全解参考书。全书按教材章节进行编写,每章分为本章知识要点、典型例题讲解和教材课后习题全解三部分。并对教材书后的补充习题给出了全面的解答过程。本书可作为高等院校在校学生及自考学生学习《概率论与数理统计》课程的辅导教材、复习参考书以及考研强化指导书,并可作为教师的教学参考用书。
