100字范文 > 层状沸石 layered zeolite英语短句 例句大全

层状沸石 layered zeolite英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-02-15 17:05:39


层状沸石 layered zeolite英语短句 例句大全

层状沸石,layered zeolite

1)layered zeolite层状沸石

2)powdered zeolite粉状沸石

1.Effect study ofpowdered zeolite absorbs and resolves ammonium and nitrogen;粉状沸石吸附及解吸氨氮影响研究

3)delaminated zeolite剥层沸石


1.The Studies on Synthesis and Characterization of Zeolite MCM-22 and Its Delaminated Zeolite ITQ-2;MCM-22分子筛的合成、表征及其剥层沸石ITQ-2的研究

2.To expose(rock strata)by erosion.剥蚀因腐蚀而露出(石层)

3.Preparation of palladium composite membrane supported on macroporous α-Al_2O_3 tube modified with zeolite silicalite-1 layer基于纯硅沸石修饰层的钯复合膜制备方法研究

4.manganese permutite锰泡沸石(软水剂)

5.To strip off the skin or outer covering of.剥皮剥去皮或表部表层

6.Synthesis of Zeolite ECR-1 from Hydrothermal Phase Transition of Zeolite YY沸石水热转晶为ECR-1沸石的研究

7.The Research of Artificial Zeolite-Coal Slag Double-layer Medium Biological Aerated Filter for Municipal Wastewater;炉渣—沸石双层填料生物滤池处理城市污水的试验研究

8.Test of Treatment of Domestic Wastewater by Zeolite-lava Double-layer Medium Biological Aerated Filter;沸石—火山岩双层滤料曝气生物滤池处理城市生活污水的试验研究

9.The major failure mechanisms of diamond coated cu tting tools are flaking and breakthrough of diamond coating.金刚石薄膜涂层刀具失效主要形式是膜剥落或膜被磨穿。

10.Abstract: The major failure mechanisms of diamond coated cu tting tools are flaking and breakthrough of diamond coating.文摘:金刚石薄膜涂层刀具失效主要形式是膜剥落或膜被磨穿。

11.Delamination of Layered Double Hydroxides in Microemulsion and Application in Nanocomposites;层板剥离水滑石的制备及其在纳米复合材料中的应用

12.delamination of concrete cover混凝土保护层层状剥落

13.fluosolid lime calciner沸腾式石灰渣焙烧炉

14.International Committee on Natural Zeolites(ICNZ)国际天然沸石委员会

15.Synthesis of Oriented Silicalite-1 Zeolite Films;定向Silicalite-1沸石膜的合成

16.It mainly consists of clinoptilolite ( Cp ) and mordenite ( Mdn ) .该矿主要由斜发沸石(Cp)和丝光沸石(Mdn)组成。

17.Studies on the Synthesis and Performance of the ZSM-11 and B-ZSM-11 Zeolites;ZSM-11沸石和B-ZSM-11沸石的合成及其性能研究

18.Surface Modification of Zeolites and Study of Synthesizing Nano Zeolite β;沸石的外表面改性及纳米β沸石的合成研究


powdered zeolite粉状沸石

1.Effect study ofpowdered zeolite absorbs and resolves ammonium and nitrogen;粉状沸石吸附及解吸氨氮影响研究

3)delaminated zeolite剥层沸石

4)powdered zeolites粉末状沸石

1.The performances of differentpowdered zeolites for removing low-concentration ammonia nitrogen from water were compared through batch experiments.通过静态试验比较了不同产地粉末状沸石去除水中低浓度氨氮的性能。


6)bedded rock层状岩石

1.On tilting failure ofbedded rock slope;论层状岩石边坡的倾倒破坏


RM(I)粉状硅酸钠分子式:Na2O·nSiO2 CAS号:性质:白色或略带浅灰色粉末或呈小颗粒状。在空气中极易吸湿结块。能快速溶于水。水溶液呈碱性。粘接性强。分散性好。耐低温性好(-40℃性能不变)。由水玻璃溶液浓缩一定浓度后,经喷雾干燥制得。用作粘接剂,炉窑喷补剂,洗涤剂除油污助剂,石油开采和隧道堵孔剂,加固剂。其他用途与一般水玻璃。
