100字范文 > 锚固理论 theory of anchorage英语短句 例句大全

锚固理论 theory of anchorage英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-01-26 14:22:55


锚固理论 theory of anchorage英语短句 例句大全

锚固理论,theory of anchorage

1)theory of anchorage锚固理论

2)dilatancy anchor theory剪胀锚固理论

1.Professor Jia Xirong of Taiyuan University of technology put forward thedilatancy anchor theory as a new anchor theory.剪胀锚固理论是太原理工大学矿业工程学院贾喜荣教授提出的一种新的锚固理论,应用该理论计算分析方法,对上社煤矿9号煤层和15号煤层的回采巷道进行了锚固计算分析和锚固设计。

3)anchor mechanism锚固机理

1.The keys for effective protection of caves are the study ofanchor mechanism and the selection of grouting material.岩体严重风化、垮塌和裂隙发育是库木吐拉千佛洞普遍存在的地质环境病害,风化岩体锚固机理的研究和灌浆材料的优选是对洞窟实施有效安全保护的关键。


1.Research on Bond Mechanism of GFRP Bolt;玻璃纤维增强塑料锚杆锚固机理研究

2.Study on the Mechanical Properties and Anchoring Mechanism in Anchored Structure of Underground Cavity地下洞室锚固结构的力学特性与锚固机理研究


4.The Reinforcement Mechanics of Fully Grouted Rock Bolt in Underground Engineering;地下工程中注浆岩石锚杆锚固机理研究

5.The Anchoring Mechanism of High-strength Prestressed Anchor and Time-dependent Deformation Analysis of Bolted Rock Mass;高强预应力锚杆的锚固机理及时效性分析

6.Research on Prestressed (Distribution) Tendon s Mechanism Study and Using in Engineering;压力(分散)型锚索锚固机理及工程应用研究

7.The Anchoring Mechanism and the Numerical Analysis of the Fiber Reinforced Polymer Tendon;纤维聚合物锚杆的锚固机理及数值分析

8.Contrastive Study of Sectionalized and Wholly Grouted Anchor Load Transfer Machanism多段型与全长粘结型锚杆锚固机理的对比研究

9.Experimental investigation on the anchorage mechanics of anchorage cable of the late model with the pressure uniform新型压力均布型锚索锚固机理的试验研究

10.Numerical Model Tests for Anchoring Mechanism of Prestressed Anchor Rope预应力锚索锚固机理的数值模型试验研究

11.Experimental Study of Early Strong Grouting and Mechanism Analysis for Prestress Anchor;预应力锚杆早强型水泥浆液试验研究与锚固机理分析

12.Study on the Reinforcement Mechanism of Fully Grouted Rock Bolt Considering the Interaction between Bolt and Wallrock Mass全长注浆岩石锚杆与围岩体相互作用下的锚固机理研究

13.Study on Anchorage Performance and Load-Transfer Mechanism of Embedment Section of Prestressed Rock Cable Bolt;预应力岩锚内锚固段锚固性能及荷载传递机理研究

14.An Analysis Method of the Whole Working Course for the Force Transferring Mechanism in Fixed Segment of Tensile-type Anchor Bar拉力型锚杆锚固段传力机理的全过程分析方法

15.On supporting and reinforcing of strengthen anchor arm and bolting sustaining in soft rock lanway软岩巷道高强锚杆和锚注支护加固机理分析

16.Anchorage Mechanism and Anchoring Effect of Joint Rockmass and Their Applications;锚杆在节理岩体中的加固作用机理和锚固效应分析及应用

17.Mechanical behavior and fatigue reliability of tensile anchor plate structure in the cable-beam anchorage zones of cable-stayed bridges斜拉桥锚拉板式索梁锚固结构传力机理及疲劳可靠性研究

18.Model Test and Analysis on Vertical Load Transfer Mechanism in Cable-Pylon Anchorage Zone Using Steel Anchor Box;锚箱式索塔锚固结构竖向静力传力机理及模型试验研究


dilatancy anchor theory剪胀锚固理论

1.Professor Jia Xirong of Taiyuan University of technology put forward thedilatancy anchor theory as a new anchor theory.剪胀锚固理论是太原理工大学矿业工程学院贾喜荣教授提出的一种新的锚固理论,应用该理论计算分析方法,对上社煤矿9号煤层和15号煤层的回采巷道进行了锚固计算分析和锚固设计。

3)anchor mechanism锚固机理

1.The keys for effective protection of caves are the study ofanchor mechanism and the selection of grouting material.岩体严重风化、垮塌和裂隙发育是库木吐拉千佛洞普遍存在的地质环境病害,风化岩体锚固机理的研究和灌浆材料的优选是对洞窟实施有效安全保护的关键。

4)anchoring control锚固治理

5)anchorage mechanism锚固机理

1.Study onanchorage mechanism in underground caverns engineering;地下洞室工程锚固机理研究

2.Laboratory tests on consolidated sand anchorage with prestressed bolt and analysis ofanchorage mechanism;砂固结预应力锚杆的室内试验及锚固机理分析

3.Theanchorage mechanism of grouting anchorage bar is theoretically studied by use of solid mechanics.应用固体力学的知识对灌浆锚杆的锚固机理进行了理论研究,主要是在分析中采用分层法并考虑力学指标的分层性和接触面缝隙对应力和变形的影响,建立了锚固力与锚固长度及上覆岩层高度的数学模型和力学关系,为进一步揭开锚固机理和指导设计施工提供了可靠的理论依据。

6)anchoring mechanism锚固机理

1.Study on theanchoring mechanism of pre-stressed anchor cable with dispersive pressure suitable for soft-rock slope reinforcing;适用于软岩边坡加固的压力分散型预应力锚索锚固机理研究

2.Rockanchoring mechanism in high-temperature environment——theory of swelling-rising concrete arch with tree-root-shaped cable bolt reinforcement;高温环境下岩体锚固机理——“胀锚拱理论”

3.In order to study the GFRP bolt sanchoring mechanism deeply,the experiment model is manufactured by simulating the fact circs,and the drawing test under the jack load is carried out.为了深入研究GFRP锚杆的锚固机理,模拟实际情况制作了试验模型,进行了拉拔试验。


锚固锚固anchormO0gU锚固(a nchor)采用锚杆或锚索对边坡进行加固的作业。在边坡上钻孔穿过潜在滑面,插人锚杆或锚索,在锚固端注浆后对锚杆(索)预加拉应力,最后在坡面上锁紧锚头。其作用原理是借助锚固段砂浆与孔壁周围岩体的摩擦阻力,将锚杆(索)的应力传递到潜在滑动面以下的深部岩体中,增高滑体对滑面上的正应力,从而提高抗滑阻力,使锚杆(索)锚固端两端部之间形成压力锥体范围内的岩石被挤压,进而使潜在滑动面上下的岩石与锚杆(索)联成一个整体,形成一均匀挤压带,约束了岩体的变形和破坏,提高了坡体的稳定性。其作用原理见图l。对于平面型滑坡锚杆(索)加固作用(图2)以公式表达: 加固前K,一昼塑竺决李型兰卫二 。。二n:‘”Gsin口二.二。。_[Geosa+Psin(a+6)〕tan笋+CL加固后K:二匕=共一舟井拱子拼井罕拱裂止二““目,“一’‘Gsinq一尸cos(口十6)式中分子表示抗滑力;分母表示滑动力;Kl、K:分别为加固前后边坡稳定性系数;G为滑坡体重量四为滑动面倾角;0为预应力锚杆(索)与水平面的夹角;尹为岩石的内摩擦角;C为岩石粘结力;L为条块滑面长度;尸为锚杆〔索)每沿米的预拉力。预应力锚杆(索)主要适用于岩体整体性较好且具有确定的潜在滑动面的岩质边坡。笋图1锚杆(索)作用原理示意图王一压缩带;2一猫杆(索);3一未加固的表面岩石;4一锚头;5一滑动面;6一锚固段、尸少汀 G图2锚固力尸的作用图
