100字范文 > 深硅刻蚀 Deep silicon etching英语短句 例句大全

深硅刻蚀 Deep silicon etching英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-27 00:55:19


深硅刻蚀 Deep silicon etching英语短句 例句大全

深硅刻蚀,Deep silicon etching

1)Deep silicon etching深硅刻蚀



1.Study on Etch Selectivity Ratio of Masking Materials in Silicon Deep Etching硅深刻蚀中掩蔽层材料刻蚀选择比的研究

2.Effects of Technical Parameters on Etching Rate and Selectivity of Si Deep Trench Using ICP Etching硅深槽ICP刻蚀中刻蚀条件对形貌的影响

3.Acceptable Error of Etching Depth in Ion Beam Etching Microlens离子束蚀刻微透镜中蚀刻深度允许误差的研究

4.Study on Wet-etching of PZT Thin Films on Silicon Substrate硅基PZT热释电薄膜湿法刻蚀技术研究

5.Focused Ion Beam Milling of Photonic Crystals in Bulk SiliconFIB技术在硅基上刻蚀光子晶体的研究

6.Parameter Optimization Based on High-Aspect Ratio Si Dry Etching基于高深宽比Si干法刻蚀参数优化

7.Fabrication of 128×128 Area Silicon Field Emission Arrays Using Ar Ion Beam Etching128×128元硅场发射阵列的氩离子束刻蚀制作

8.Experimental Study on Excimer Laser Electrochemical Etching Process of Silicon;准分子激光电化学刻蚀硅工艺实验研究

9.Research on the Interference Nanosecond Laser Ablation of Micro-grating Structures on the Silicon Surface硅表面微光栅结构的纳秒激光干涉刻蚀研究

10.The study of the voltage effect on laser-induced electrochemical etching of silicon外加电压对激光电化学刻蚀硅的影响研究

11.etchings, woodcuts, lithographs;蚀刻、木刻、平版画;

12.multi-tone etching(陶瓷) (玻璃) (法国式浮雕) 多种深度结合的蚀刻

13.Investigation of Electro Chemical Deep Etching Technology for Micro-nano-Electro-Mechanical System Device Fabrication;应用于微纳机电器件制造的电化学深刻蚀技术

14.Deep-scan Analysis of Composition and Valence of Vanadium Oxide Thin Film氧化钒薄膜成分及价态的深度刻蚀分析

15.Multilayer Dielectric Gratings: In-situ Monitoring of Duty Cycle of photoresist Mask and Ion-Beam-Etched Groove Depth;介质膜光栅:光刻胶掩模占宽比和离子束刻蚀槽深的监控

16.One is the integrated circuit the device with hundreds of thousands of components etched on a single "chip" of silicon.一件是集成电路,上面的每一个硅块都蚀刻着数以十万计的元件。

17.In one variant of this process the bumps are etched onto the tape rather than deposited on the wafer.这种工艺有一种方式是,凸出物被蚀刻在带上,而不是沉淀在硅片上。

18.Modeling and Simulation for Inductively Coupled Plasma Etching of Silicon in MEMS Fabrications;MEMS加工中电感耦合等离子体(ICP)刻蚀硅片的模型与模拟



3)etch of deep silicon trenches硅深槽刻蚀

4)silicon deep etching process硅深刻蚀工艺

1.Making method of high deep-width rate, batch production of planar windings with LIGA process andsilicon deep etching process is researched .较深入地研究了以LIGA工艺、硅深刻蚀工艺为主的平面绕阻的高深宽比、批量化制作方法。

5)Silicon etching硅刻蚀

1.It is reviewed various silicon etching methods for electronic devices.概述了电子器件中的各种硅刻蚀技术,提出了新的旋转喷射硅腐蚀方案,对2种酸腐蚀挖槽方法进行了试验对比。

6)silicon mesa etching硅台刻蚀


水泵气蚀(见空化与空蚀)水泵气蚀(见空化与空蚀)shuibeng qishi水泵气蚀见空化与空蚀。
