100字范文 > 健康商数 Health quotient英语短句 例句大全

健康商数 Health quotient英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-05-17 11:02:58


健康商数 Health quotient英语短句 例句大全

健康商数,Health quotient

1)Health quotient健康商数

1.Objective To investigate the status of health quotient(HQ)of the graduating students of different specialties in a military medical university for identifying their health problems and provide health guidance for them.目的了解军医大学毕业生的健康商数状况及存在问题,为增强军队医科毕业生毕业前健康指导工作提供依据。


1.Investigation and Analysis on Status of Health Quotient of Graduating Students of Different Specialties in a Military Medical University某军医大学不同专业毕业生健康商数的调查与分析

2.To Inaugurating the Age of Big Health and Crossing the Divide of Digital Health开创大健康时代、跨越健康数字鸿沟

3.Promoting Health Quotient(HQ) for Undergraduate Student-A New Subject for the Curriculum Construction of Health Education in Institutions of Higher Learning;“健商”——高校健康教育课程建设的新课题

4.Formulation of River Health Index and Its Application to Downstream Yellow River;河流健康指数公式及其对黄河下游健康诊断

5.A Study on College Minority Students Consciousness about Health and Healthy Behavior;高校少数民族大学生健康意识和健康行为研究

6.Global Initiative on Reproductive Health Commodity Management生殖健康商品管理全球倡议

7.Green, health, novel, safety of tea merchandise.绿色、健康、新颖、安全的茶类商品。

8.A Survey on "Inferior Health" of the Ss in FJ Commercial College;福建商专学生“亚健康”现状调查与分析

mercial health insurance in China:current situation and its development strategies中国商业健康保险的现状与发展战略

10.An Analysis of Reasons for Hysteresis of the Development in Commercial Healthcare Insurance in China我国商业健康保险发展滞后原因分析

11.The Development of Private Health Insurance Market in the United States and Its Enlightenment美国商业健康保险市场的发展及启示

12.The Research on Elderly Cadre Electronic Health Record and System Realization保健对象电子健康档案研究与数据库实现

13.To designing for the database of electronic health record of army men军队保健对象电子健康档案数据库框架设计

14.Most people desire happiness and good health.大多数人渴望幸福和健康。

15.Health is more important to most people than money.对大多数人来说健康比金钱更重要。

16.Hong Kong"s health indices compare favourably with those of most developed countries.本港市民的健康指数可媲美发达国家。

17.May I have a receipt for my health insurance?可不可以给我申请健康保险的数据?

18.Analytical Report of Data and Statistics of "Standards of Students s Physical Health";《学生体质健康标准》数据统计分析报告


health quotient健康智商

1.Health Quotient-The Concept should be set up;应该明确提出健康智商这一概念 ,其含义是 :健康智商是个人或一个区域的居民所具有的健康意识、健康知识和健康能力水平的反映。

3)commercial health insurance商业健康险

1.The development opportunity forcommercial health insurance under the perspective of new healthcare system reform新医改视角下我国商业健康险的发展契机

4)Health index健康指数

1.It was tried to choose more indicators, to calculate the health index by these indicators.用“健康指数”来表征我国国民的健康状况,以预期寿命为核心,选择27项与寿命有密切关系的、能反映人的身体素质和文化素质的健康指标,综合求得健康指数,基本上反映了各地区人群的健康状况及其区域差异,表明我国大城市和东南沿海地区人群的健康状况较好,西部地区稍差。

2.Using principal components analysis,the paper analyses and calculates operation data of engines then extracts a health index to stand for deterioration degree of modules performance,and assesses condition of every module.航空发动机单元体性能的好坏直接关系到整台发动机是否能正常运转,运用主成分分析法对发动机的运行数据进行分析计算,提取出一个健康指数来表征单元体性能的衰退程度,并对各个单元体的状况进行评估。

3.Several basic formulation definitions,such as health vector,health index,health function,were presented to mitigate the lack of formal concepts for the system health.针对目前复杂系统综合健康管理技术领域缺乏有效的系统健康表示方法的问题,提出了健康向量、健康指数、健康函数、健康态变映射、健康状态映射等一系列描述工程系统健康的基本概念。

5)health parameters健康参数

1.By takinghealth parameters as augmented state variables,a Kalman filter was then designed to predict thehealth parameters from the deviation of measurable parameters.将健康参数作为增广的状态变量,设计了卡尔曼滤波器,从而可以根据可测参数的偏离量估计得到健康参数。

6)health function健康函数


伤害商数伤害商数damage quotient,DQ伤害商数(damago quotient,DQ)韦氏智力量表中的一个术语。韦克斯勒在应用他的W一B时发现,有些分测验在老年人中成绩下降,如背数、数字符号等分测验均如此。他称这一类测验为支撑不住(Don’t Hold)测验,而另一类则不然,到老年其成绩仍不降低,如词汇测验、常识测验等均如此,他称之为能支撑(H old)的测验。所有支撑得住的测验成绩之和,减去所有支撑不住的测验成绩之和,然后除以所有支撑得住的测验成绩之和,得出的商数为DQ。DQ越大,说明受试者的智力在老年时受损害的程度越高。后来的研究者还采用此DQ来估计受试者的脑损害,并发展了诊断其他功能性疾病的商数。(龚雄先撰林传涌审)
