100字范文 > 项目调度遗传算法 genetic algorithm for project scheduling英语短句 例句大全

项目调度遗传算法 genetic algorithm for project scheduling英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-15 12:08:34


项目调度遗传算法 genetic algorithm for project scheduling英语短句 例句大全

项目调度遗传算法,genetic algorithm for project scheduling

1)genetic algorithm for project scheduling项目调度遗传算法

2)Tasks Schedule项目调度算法

3)genetic scheduling algorithm遗传调度算法

1.Based on combination of simulated annealing algorithm(SAA)and genetic algorithm,we have improved the existing genetic scheduling1algorithm and propose a newgenetic scheduling algorithm maintaining optima adaptively with simulated annealing(SAMOAGSA).在结合已有的模拟退火算法和遗传算法的基础上,改进了现有的遗传调度算法,自适应地保存最优个体,并对其进行模拟退火。

4)multi-objective genetic algorithm多目标遗传算法

1.Process parameters optimization for sheet metal forming during drawing with amulti-objective genetic algorithm;板料拉深成形工艺参数的多目标遗传算法优化

2.Application ofmulti-objective genetic algorithm in chemical engineering;化学工程中多目标遗传算法的应用

3.Application ofmulti-objective genetic algorithm in rolling strategy optimization of 8-high 5-stand continuous tandem cold mill;多目标遗传算法在八辊五机架全连续冷连轧机轧制策略优化中的应用


1.The Research of Multi-objective Genetic Algorithm for Searching Pareto Front;求解Pareto Front多目标遗传算法的研究

2.Research on Optimal Allocation of Water Resources by Multi-Objectives Cenetic Algorithm多目标遗传算法优化配置水资源研究

3.A Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm for Hardware/SoftwarePartitioning of Embedded Systems;基于多目标遗传算法的软硬件划分算法

4.The Research on Constructing Non-Dominated Set in Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm;多目标遗传算法中非支配集构造算法的研究

5.Multicast QoS Routing Optimization Based on Multiobjective Genetic Algorithm基于多目标遗传算法的多播服务质量路由优化

6.Formation of Multi-Objective Dynamic Cells Using Random Weight Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm;基于随机权重多目标遗传算法的多目标动态单元构建方法

7.Multi-objective Optimization of Aeroengine Control Based on Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithms;基于多目标遗传算法的航空发动机多目标优化控制

8.Optimal deployment of water resources based on Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm基于多目标遗传算法的水资源优化配置

9.Research on Genetic Algorithms for Multi-Objective Optimization Algorithms;基于遗传算法的多目标优化算法研究

10.The Multi-Objective Optimal Pass Design Based on GA;基于遗传算法的棒材孔型多目标优化

11.Study on Multi-Objective Optimization of Engineering Project Based on Genetic Algorithm;基于遗传算法的工程多目标优化研究

12.Research and Application of Pareto Genetic Algorithm for Multi-objective Optimization;基于Pareto遗传算法的多目标优化

13.Multi-objective Elevator Group Control Technology Based on Genetic Algorithm基于遗传算法的多目标电梯群控技术

14.Application of Land Multi-objective Planning Based on Genetic Algorithm基于遗传算法的土地多目标规划应用

15.Intuitionistic Fuzzy Multi-Objective Programming Based on Genetic Algorithm基于遗传算法的直觉模糊多目标规划

16.Research on Multimodal Genetic Algorithm and Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm;多峰优化遗传算法及多目标优化进化算法研究

17.Adaptive Multi-maneuvering Target Tracking Algorithm Based on Genetic Algorithm基于遗传算法的自适应机动多目标跟踪算法

18.Study on an Multi-agent Genetic Algoiuthm Applied to the Multi-Objective Optimization Problem;基于多Agent的多级多目标规划遗传算法实现研究


Tasks Schedule项目调度算法

3)genetic scheduling algorithm遗传调度算法

1.Based on combination of simulated annealing algorithm(SAA)and genetic algorithm,we have improved the existing genetic scheduling1algorithm and propose a newgenetic scheduling algorithm maintaining optima adaptively with simulated annealing(SAMOAGSA).在结合已有的模拟退火算法和遗传算法的基础上,改进了现有的遗传调度算法,自适应地保存最优个体,并对其进行模拟退火。

4)multi-objective genetic algorithm多目标遗传算法

1.Process parameters optimization for sheet metal forming during drawing with amulti-objective genetic algorithm;板料拉深成形工艺参数的多目标遗传算法优化

2.Application ofmulti-objective genetic algorithm in chemical engineering;化学工程中多目标遗传算法的应用

3.Application ofmulti-objective genetic algorithm in rolling strategy optimization of 8-high 5-stand continuous tandem cold mill;多目标遗传算法在八辊五机架全连续冷连轧机轧制策略优化中的应用

5)multi-objective genetic algorithms多目标遗传算法

1.Deriving multipurpose reservoir operating rule curves usingmulti-objective genetic algorithms;基于多目标遗传算法的综合利用水库优化调度图求解

2.Parameter optimization for biomass gasification process based on themulti-objective genetic algorithms;基于多目标遗传算法的生物质气化过程参数优化

3.This paper presents the airframe/scramjet integrated design method of hypersonic vehicle,in which we design lower surface configuration of airframe and get the Pareto front side through using one-dimensional flow formula to compute performance objectives,and adoptingmulti-objective genetic algorithms as the optimization method.以多目标遗传算法为优化方法,采用一维流动模型计算性能指标,对机身下壁面前体和后体型线进行了优化设计,得到了Pareto最优前沿面。


1.In this paper,a new design optimization procedure is set up,based multi-objective genetic algorithm(MOGA)combined with the finite element method(FEM).文章把多目标遗传算法(MOGA)和有限单元法(FEM)有机地结合起来,建立了一种新的结构优化方法。

2.This paper generalizes multi-objective genetic algorithm(MOGA) and summerizzes a new-patterMOGA.概括介绍了目前的多目标遗传算法 (MOGA) ,并给出了一种新形式的MOGA ,也就是稳定态非受控排序遗传算法 (SNSGA)。

3.TheMOGA(multi-objective genetic algorithm) and AVL/BOOST software are applied to the automatic optimization design of a four-strokes engine performance,with the closing shift time,opening shift time and the diameter of the intake and exhaust manifold as design variables.运用AVL/BOOST对发动机性能进行了数值模拟,以进排气提前角、迟闭角和进排气管直径为设计变量,应用目前已成熟的多目标遗传算法对某四冲程发动机的性能进行了优化设计。


