100字范文 > 气阴两虚兼痰热证 Deficiency of both qi and yin and phlegm-heat英语短句 例句大全

气阴两虚兼痰热证 Deficiency of both qi and yin and phlegm-heat英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-12 19:37:59


气阴两虚兼痰热证 Deficiency of both qi and yin and phlegm-heat英语短句 例句大全

气阴两虚兼痰热证,Deficiency of both qi and yin and phlegm-heat

1)Deficiency of both qi and yin and phlegm-heat气阴两虚兼痰热证

1.Method:40 cases of lung fever(Deficiency of both qi and yin and phlegm-heat) patients were selected,treating with methords of replenishing qi to nourish yin,Clearing heat and resolving phlegm method in Traditional Chinese Medicine.方法:选取40例肺癌发热(气阴两虚兼痰热证)患者,给予益气养阴、清热化痰法,进行口服中药治疗,并观察体温、中医临床症状及KPS评分的变化。

2)deficient qi and yin and having estra heat气阴两虚兼热证

3)Deficiency of both Qi and Yin complicated by damp and heat syndrome气阴两虚兼湿热证

4)pattern of deficiency of both qi and yin and accompanying symptoms of damp-heat气阴两虚兼有湿热证

1.Objective: Exploring Zhen Qi nourishing kidney granulations’clinical curative effect and safety to chronic glomerulonephritis (CGN) (pattern of deficiency of both qi and yin and accompanying symptoms of damp-heat).目的:探讨贞芪益肾颗粒对慢性肾小球肾炎(气阴两虚兼有湿热证)的临床疗效及安全性。


1.Zhen Qi Nourishing Kidney Granulations Clinical Study to Chronic Glomerulonephritis (Pattern of Deficiency of Both Qi and Yin and Accompanying Symptoms of Damp-heat);贞芪益肾颗粒治疗慢性肾小球肾炎(气阴两虚兼有湿热证)临床研究

2.Clinical Study of Using TCM Therapy Expelling Damp-heat by Boosting Qi and Nourishing Yin to Treat Chronic Glomerulonephritis of Dual Vacuity of Qi and Yin益气养阴清热利湿法治疗慢性肾小球肾炎(气阴两虚证)的临床观察

3.Study on differential expression gene between syndrome of damp-heat accumulating spleen and syndrome of deficiency of both qi and yin of T2DM2型糖尿病中医气阴两虚证与湿热困脾证差异表达基因的研究

4.Clinical and Experimental Studies on Chronic Glomeruloephritis of Deficiency of Both Qi and Yin, Damp-hent Retention with Modified Zhuling Decoction;加味猪苓汤治疗慢性肾炎气阴两虚湿热证的临床和实验研究

5.The Clinical Investigation on the Mesangial Proliferative Glomerulonephritis Qi and Yin Deficiency and Dampness Heat Toxin and Blood Stasis Syndrome in Treating with Shen Li Kang Capsule肾力康治疗系膜增生性肾小球肾炎气阴两虚兼湿热毒瘀型的临床研究

6.Tongue Observation on 136 Cases of Chest Stuffiness and Pains Patients with Qi and Yin Deficiency and Blood Stasis Syndrom136例胸痹(气阴两虚兼血瘀证)患者舌象观察

7.Characteristics of Qi-Yin Deficiency Syndrome and Phlegm-dampness Due to Deficiency of the Spleen Syndrome of Type 2 Diabetes;气阴两虚证及脾虚痰湿证2型糖尿病动态血糖谱的特点

8.Clinical Research That is Yiqi Yangyin Eliminating Damp-heat on Treatment of Chronic Pyelonephritis Belong to Deficiency of Qi-yin and Combination of Damp-heat益气养阴清利湿热法治疗慢性肾盂肾炎(气阴两虚、湿热留恋)的临床研究

9.During the courses of treatment, the following were observed:waistline 、 blood pressure, blood sugar, blood fat. Results:1. Selecting 40 patients, the Chinese medicine certificate waits with the phlegm drink a certificate for lord, and have qi deficiency, yin dificiency, blood stasis etc.1.入选40例患者中,中医证候以痰饮证为主,兼有气虚、阴虚、血瘀等证;

10.Chinese medicine practitioners from dialectical point of view, "old chronic bronchitis" is a scorching Shanglin, injury-a long illness, Qiyinliangxu Syndrome.从中医辩证的角度来看,“老慢支”属燥热伤阴、久病伤气、气阴两虚。

11.Contrasting Analysis of the Results of Treadmill Test for Patients with Coronary Heart Disease with Angina Pectoris and the Syndrome Differentiation of Qi-yin Deficiency or Plus Phlegm and Blood Stasis in TCM;冠心病心绞痛气阴两虚及兼痰瘀证平板运动试验结果对照分析

12.Jian Gan Granule Treatment of Qi-Yin Deficiency and Blood Stasis with Chronic Hepatitis B Clinical Research健肝颗粒治疗慢性乙型肝炎气阴两虚兼血瘀证的临床研究

13.Clinical Study on Treatment of Diabetic Kidney Disease (Qi-yin Deficiency and Blood Stasis) with Replenishing Qi and Nourishing Yin Promoting Blood Circulation to Dredge Collaterals Way益气养阴活血通络法治疗糖尿病肾脏病(气阴两虚兼血瘀证)的临床研究

14.Study on the Micro Syndrome Differentiation of Deficiency of Both Qi and Yin Syndrome in Patients with IgA Nephropathy;IgA肾病气阴两虚证的微观辨证研究

15.Clinical Abservation on Treatment of Qi-Yin Deficiency and Blood Stasis Phlegm Muddy Type 2 Diabetes Mellttus with Xiaoke Yin;消渴饮治疗气阴两虚兼有血瘀痰浊型2型糖尿病的临床研究

16.3. To some extent there exist differences in Kidney Yang- and Yin-deficiency,blood stasis upon Kidney-deficiency and deficiency of Kidney-energy,contrasted between the two groups of Colombian and Chinese aged.3两组样本在肾刚虚、肾阴虚,肾虚血瘀、肾气虚证型上有差异,其余证型无差异。

17.The Clinical Observation on the Treatment of Diabetic Nephropathy Phase Ⅳ~Ⅴ(Qi-Yin Deficiency and Damp-Blood Stasis Syndrome) by Tang Shen Prescription Combined with Tripterygium Wilfordii Multi-glucoside Piece糖肾方联合雷公藤多苷片治疗糖尿病肾病Ⅳ~Ⅴ期(气阴两虚湿瘀证)的临床观察

18.The Clinical Study of the Double Senate to Pass the Crown Capsule to the Mad and Cloudy Two Empty Concurrently Blood Silt Card Coronary Heart Disease Stable Angina Pectoris;双参通冠胶囊治疗气阴两虚兼血瘀证冠心病稳定型心绞痛的临床研究


deficient qi and yin and having estra heat气阴两虚兼热证

3)Deficiency of both Qi and Yin complicated by damp and heat syndrome气阴两虚兼湿热证

4)pattern of deficiency of both qi and yin and accompanying symptoms of damp-heat气阴两虚兼有湿热证

1.Objective: Exploring Zhen Qi nourishing kidney granulations’clinical curative effect and safety to chronic glomerulonephritis (CGN) (pattern of deficiency of both qi and yin and accompanying symptoms of damp-heat).目的:探讨贞芪益肾颗粒对慢性肾小球肾炎(气阴两虚兼有湿热证)的临床疗效及安全性。

5)qin-yin deficiency with phlegm-stasis sydrome type气阴两虚、痰瘀互阻证

6)Deficiency of both Qi and Yin,damp-heat retention气阴两虚湿热证

1.Clinical observation:Deficiency of both Qi and Yin, damp-heat retention patients that are treated by Modified Zhu.临床观察:用加味猪苓汤治疗慢性肾炎气阴两虚湿热证患者34例,三个月为1疗程,结果总有效率为91。


气阴两虚气阴两虚 气阴两虚 病因病理学术语。又称气阴两伤。常见于热性病过程中,热在气分,汗出不彻,久而伤及气阴;或热盛耗伤津液,气随液脱;或温热病后期及内伤杂病,真阴亏损,元气大伤。也可见于某些慢性消耗性疾病。症见口渴、气短等。治宜益气生津养阴。
