100字范文 > 边远山区 remote mountain area英语短句 例句大全

边远山区 remote mountain area英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-24 09:07:24


边远山区 remote mountain area英语短句 例句大全

边远山区,remote mountain area

1)remote mountain area边远山区

1.Demands of health practitioners inremote mountain area by EU-HAI China Project;四川省边远山区乡村医务人员服务需求调查

2.On the development of agricultural mechanization inremote mountain areas;农业机械化在边远山区的发展与推广


1.His hometown is in an outlying mountain area.他的家乡地处边远山区。

2.On the development of agricultural mechanization in remote mountain areas;农业机械化在边远山区的发展与推广

3.An Approach to Developing the Adult Education in Distant Hilly Areas of the West China;西部边远山区成人教育发展路径探微

4.On Cable TV in Remote Mountainous Areas --Development of Cable TV System in Wumeng Mountainous Areas;边远山区有线电视初探——乌蒙山区有线电视系统的发展探讨

5.Study on the Ecotourism Development of Remote Mounta Area in Guidong County, Southeast Hunan;湘东南边远山区桂东县生态旅游发展研究

6.Ideas on socialism new countryside construction in remote mountainous areas of Chongqing;重庆边远山区社会主义新农村建设思考

7.Analysis on Senior Students Mental Health in Remote Mountain Region Senior Students;边远山区高中男女生心理健康状况及其分析

8.A Study On the Ecological Reputation Strategy of Sustainable Social Economic Development in Remote Mountain Areas;边远山区社会经济可持续发展的生态信誉研究

9.Analysis of Factors Affecting Farme rs Income in Remote Mountainous Area in Beijing;北京市边远山区农民收入影响因素分析

10.Thoughts on Chemistry Teaching in Middle Schools of Remote Mountain Areas under the Guidance of the New Course Concept;新课程理念下边远山区中学化学教学的思考

11.Construction Strategy about School’s Information Technology Education Environment in Remote Coteau;边远山区县(市)学校信息技术教育环境建设策略

12.The Actualities, Problems and Countermeasures to the Construction of Small Towns in Remote Mountainous Area of Beijing;北京边远山区村镇建设的现状、问题与对策

13.Some Thoughts of Tourism Development Within the Peripheral Mountain Areas of Beijing;对北京边远山区旅游资源开发的若干思考

14.Wuling region is a special geography district that is made up of outlying mountain areas of four provinces as Hunan, Hubei, Sichuan and Guizhou.武陵地区是湘、鄂、渝、黔四省(市)的边远山区构成的一个特殊地理区域。

15.Even today many people in the remote mountainous areas have no access to free medical treatment.即使是在今天,很多边远山区的人们仍不能享受免费医疗。

16.Light the Lamp of Life to Send Warmth to the Children in Remote Mountain Areas Chongqing New Year Charity Ball重庆新年慈善舞会 点燃生命的心灯 为边远山区儿童送去温暖

17.A Study on the Resource Conformity and System Construct of Technical Manpower Training in Remote Mountainous Areas;边远山区技术人才培训资源整合及体系建设研究

18.A Research Program of Educational Experiment with Poor-study Students in Senior Middle Schools in Remote Mountainous Areas;边远山区农村高中学习困难学生的教育实验的研究方案


Remote Mountainous Area in Beijing北京市边远山区

1.Analysis of Factors Affecting Farme rs Income inRemote Mountainous Area in Beijing;北京市边远山区农民收入影响因素分析

3)Chongqing remote mountainous areas重庆边远山区

4)remote and poor mountaious area边远贫困山区

5)Outlying mountain village边远山村

6)remote areas边远地区

1.Through the practice of the lemedical services in the frontier military hospital in this paper, the telemedical services should be done as following in theremote areas: First, adjust measures to local conditions; Second, lay stress on applications; Third, make amends for its weaknesses by developing its strongppoints.本文通过总结分析边疆地区军队医院开展远程医疗服务的应用实践 ,提出边远地区开展远程医疗服务力求因地制宜、注重应用、扬长避

2.Modern open education inremote areas should be integrated with the local conditions.边远地区的现代远程开放教育要结合当地实际,在充分利用现代多媒体教学手段进行教学的同时,因地制宜,重视面授、巡回指导、形成性考核、教研等教学过程,发挥教师的主导作用,提高学生的自主学习能力,保证教学质量。

3.People, especially inremote areas,are often uncovered by the related information before disaster occurs.在灾害造成的损失中,相当部分源于灾害信息的传播不畅,在边远地区这种情况更为严重。


