100字范文 > 高密度PCB high-density PCB英语短句 例句大全

高密度PCB high-density PCB英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-04-28 02:35:55


高密度PCB high-density PCB英语短句 例句大全

高密度PCB,high-density PCB

1)high-density PCB高密度PCB

1.The traditional machine drilling can\"t appease the requirement in the microvia formation ofhigh-density PCB manufacture.传统机械钻削难以满足高密度PCB微细孔的加工要求。


1.The Application Research of Laser in High-Density PCB Manufacture激光在高密度PCB制造中的应用研究

2.New Technology Trend of High Density High Performance PCB高密度化高性能化PCB的最新技术动向

3.Investigation of Improving HD-PCB Substrate Packaging Quality改善PCB高密度基板封装质量的研究

4.Study on High Accuracy and High Speed PCB NC Drilling Machine Based on PLCPLC型高速高精度PCB数控钻床的研制

5.high desity assembly高密度装配高密度组件

6.Research on Static and Dynamic Properties of Feeding System of High-speed and High-precision PCB CNC Drilling Machine高速高精度PCB数控钻床进给系统静动特性的研究

7.Research on Control of High-speed and High-precision Servo Feeding System of PCB CNC Drilling Machine高速高精度PCB数控钻床伺服进给系统的控制研究

8.Baseb and Hardware PCB Design and Implementation of High Sensitivity Satellite Navigation Receiver高灵敏度卫星导航接收机基带系统的硬件PCB设计和实现

9.PCB design of high-speed circuit based on PROTEL基于PROTEL的高速PCB设计

10.The EMC Analyzing and Optimizing with High-frequency Interference in PCB Design;高频干扰对PCB电磁兼容性影响的分析与PCB优化

11.accurate rapid dense method高速度高密度精密压铸法

12.Jacket: Black low mid or high density polyethylene.护套:黑色低密度或中密度或高密度聚乙烯。

13.high-density high-conductivity charge高密度高导热性炉料

14.high molecular weight high density polyethylene高分子量高密度聚乙烯

15.A single high power LED with integrated aluminum PCB for heat conduction. Drill holes available for screw mounting. Options including LED power levels, colors and color temperature (for white LED).单颗超高亮度LED,加上散热铝基PCB板及螺旋固定孔,方便整合入各式产品之优质光源模组。

16.The Optimization on Insertion Scheduling for a Printed Circuit Board Assembly MachinePCB插装机组装调度优化及其实证研究

17.Simulations & Verifications-Based Research on Performance of High-Speed PCB;基于仿真与验证的高速PCB性能研究

18.Study on Board-Level Signal Integrity Problem of High-Speed PCB;高速PCB板级信号完整性问题研究


high-speed PCB高速PCB

1.This article analyzes some methods to improve the EMC property of High-speed PCB in PCB layout,the design of power wire,ground wire and transmission wire.本文从PCB布局,电源线、地线和传输线的设计几个方面分析研究了改善高速PCBEMC性能的方法,并介绍了其它的一些抗电磁干扰技术。

2.In order to improvehigh-speed PCB design,the designers should correct or abandon some conventional PCB design ideas and practice.为了满足EMC标准的要求,高速PCB设计正面临新的挑战。

3.The paper introduces thehigh-speed PCB design techniques based on signal integration simulation and analysis and expounds on how to realize the techniques by using Cadence PSD15.本文介绍了一种基于信号完整性仿真分析的高速PCB板的设计方法,并详细说明如何运用Cadence公司的PSD15。

3)high performance PCB高性能PCB

1.It is suitable to isolation laminate forhigh performance PCB such as coreless all layer IVH Single multilayer board, LSI buried single multilayer board, cavity board, complex board and deflection board.它适用于无芯全层IVH一次多层板,嵌入LSI一次多层板、空腔基板、复合基板和弯曲基板之类的高性能PCB用绝缘基材。

4)high-speed PCB board高速PCB板

5)high speed PCB高速PCB

1.Such signal integrity(SI) issue as timing,reflection,crosstalk,ringing inhigh speed PCB design is discussed.讨论了高速PCB设计中涉及的定时、反射、串扰、振铃等信号完整性(SI)问题,结合CA-DENCE公司提供的高速PCB设计工具Specctraquest和Sigxp,对一采样率为125 MHz的AD/DAC印制板进行了仿真和分析,根据布线前和布线后的仿真结果设置适当的约束条件来控制高速PCB的布局布线,从各个环节上保证高速电路的信号完整性。

2.First, the dissertation introduces transmission line theory, analyzes SI in the design ofhigh speed PCB, including reflection, crosstalk, simultaneous switch noise etc in detail.随着集成电路开关速度的提高以及PCB(Printed Circuit Board)板密度的增加,信号完整性问题已成为高速PCB设计必须关注的问题之一。

6)density altitude密度高度


