100字范文 > 手选 hand dressing英语短句 例句大全

手选 hand dressing英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-20 10:47:13


手选 hand dressing英语短句 例句大全

手选,hand dressing

1)hand dressing手选

1.However,it is difficult to recover byhand dressing.针对粗选段矿石洗矿分级后,矿石在皮带运输过程中易发生二次碰撞,所产生的细粒矿品位高,手选难以回收,采取在同一皮带上增设正、反两种手选,预先丢废,减小矿层厚度,安装脱细筛等改进措施,使生产指标得到了改善,钨的回收率提高了1。


1.Drawing support from athletic training theory and research of other related subjects and combining with training experiences,this paper makes a further study on the physical fitness training of moderndancer and will pro.随着摩登舞的发展,其对选手的身体素质要求越来越高。

2.Sport dancing is the combination of sport and art, it is very important fordancers to show their expressive force in competition.在比赛中选手的表现能力是至关重要的,是取胜的关键。


1.Women players like to yell at their opponents.女选手喜欢向对手喊叫

2.Women player like to yell at their opponent.女选手喜欢向对手喊叫。

3.Air pistol, sport pistol, free pistol and rapid fire pistol.气手枪、运动手枪、自选手枪和手枪速射。

4.the victorious players, team, etc获胜的选手、 队等

5.a competent player [teacher]能干的选手 [教师]

6.The cagers quickly lined up.篮球选手很快排好了队

7.a marathon runner一位马拉松赛跑选手

8.The competitor assumes the required start position.选手就规定的开始位置。

9.a yacht race, club, crew帆船竞赛、 俱乐部、选手

10.as well as the lightweight double.还有轻量级选手比赛。

11.The crowd yelled encouragement at the players.人们叫喊着为选手打气.

12.Holsters and other competitor equipment枪套及其它选手的装备

13.a football player of great prowess技能卓绝的足球选手

14.She is an attacking player.她是一位进攻型选手

15.She is a defensive player.她是一位防守型选手

16.certain qualifier for finals肯定能进入决赛的选手

17.He is a marathon runner.他是马拉松赛跑选手。

18.He was hurt, and another player replaced him.另一个选手取代了他。



1.Drawing support from athletic training theory and research of other related subjects and combining with training experiences,this paper makes a further study on the physical fitness training of moderndancer and will pro.随着摩登舞的发展,其对选手的身体素质要求越来越高。

2.Sport dancing is the combination of sport and art, it is very important fordancers to show their expressive force in competition.在比赛中选手的表现能力是至关重要的,是取胜的关键。


1.An excellentplayers in modern tennis must be provided with high stature and favorable quality in psychology besides plentiful physical strength, prowess, agile tactrcs and plenty experience.若想成为现代网球运动顶尖级优秀选手 ,除了要有充沛的体力、高超的技术、灵活的战术和丰富的经验外 ,还必需具备良好的身高条件和心理素质

4)operational choices手术选择

1.Hypertensive cerebral hemorrhage in the basal ganglion treated byoperational choices;基底节区高血压脑出血手术选择

5)Pen-hold grip players直拍选手

6)juvenile contestants少年选手

1.The results show that ourjuvenile contestants are inapprehensive at the dance arts, not good at using the music, lack of the dance attainment, and hard to bring their well physiques into play.采用调查访问、文献资料等方法,对当前我国体育舞蹈少年选手存在的主要缺陷进行研究。


手选手选hand sortingSh0UXU0n手选(hand sorting)根据有用矿石和废石(围岩)在颜色和光泽上的差异用手工拣选的分选方法。依据拣选对象的不同可分为正手选和反手选。拣出废石的称为正手选,拣出有用矿石的称为反手选。手选的原则是选出的废石品位(有用成分含量)应低于选矿厂的尾矿品位。手选一般要在矿石经洗矿和分级后进行。分级的上限拉度为150一20omm,下限粒度为18~Zomm。手选作业是在手选皮带机或手选平台上进行。手选皮带机的运行速度为0.2一0.4m/s,皮带宽度不大于1200mm。手选平台面积按工作人数确定,四个人工作的手选平台面积约为3.2m2。中国钨矿山对矿石进行预选主要采用手选。一般将原矿分为三级或四级进行手选。手选废石率约为50%,可将选后的矿石品位提高到原矿品位的一倍以上。手选作业回收率可达96%以上。手选的特点是简单易行,投资少,但劳动强度大,生产工效低。随着现代技术的不断进步,手选作业将逐渐为机械拣选和重介质选矿所取代。(卢继美张洪恩)
