100字范文 > 大功率UPS High-power UPS英语短句 例句大全

大功率UPS High-power UPS英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-09-15 20:04:55


大功率UPS High-power UPS英语短句 例句大全

大功率UPS,High-power UPS

1)High-power UPS大功率UPS


1.A Comparison of High Power UPS Working-frequency Machine and High-frequency Machine大功率UPS工频机和高频机性能对比

2.Study on the Digital Control System of Inverter for On-line UPS;全数字在线式大功率UPS逆变系统的研究

3.Study for High Power Flywheel Energy Storage System Applied to UPS;一种用于UPS的大功率飞轮储能系统研究

4.SMES systems would act like an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) with high power and low stored energy.SMES系统的作用就像一个大功率低储能的不间断电源(UPS)。

5.UPS Inverted by IGBT with Constant Current and High Power Factor;高功率因数恒流调光IGBT逆变UPS

6.Design of Low Power UPS Base on Bi-directional DC/DC Converter;基于双向DC/DC变换器的小功率UPS研制

7.Control Strategy of Paralleled UPS Systems based on the Averaged Power基于平均功率的UPS并联系统均流设计

8.The Research and Design of Low Power UPS Based on DSP;基于DSP的小功率数字UPS系统研究与设计

9.The Research of the APFC Circuit in On-line UPS在线UPS中有源功率因数校正电路的研究

10.Transient-state Symbolic Analysis for PWM DC-DC Converters and Synchronous Algorithm for the Paralleled-UPSPWM DC-DC开关功率变换器瞬态的符号分析及UPS并机控制同步算法的研究

11.Oil refrigeration power required (approx.)油冷却功率(大约)

12.PD (Power-Double)功率倍增(放大器)

13.full power response最大功率输出频率特性

14.It"s powerful. It"s luxurious. It"s efficient.大功率,超豪华,高效率

15.continuous maximum rated最大持续功率最大持续功率的

16.intermediate power amplifier中等功率放大器中间功率放大器

17.A Research on Uninterrupted Power Supply System with Active Filtering Function;具有APF功能的UPS电源系统研究

18.high-output large-bore engine大功率大缸径发动机


Digital High Power UPS数字化大功率UPS


1.Manufacture and application ofhigh-power fast gleithobel plough;大功率快速滑行刨煤机的研制与应用

2.Primary analyses of the development of marinehigh-power diesel engine industry;船用大功率柴油机产业发展初步分析

3.Optimum Design of Passive Coupler with Two-way Splitter for High-power Laser;大功率激光两分束无源耦合器的优化设计

4)big power大功率

1.The article introduces new developments ofbig power with high frequency,and emphasizes the important of updated soft switch bridge reverse power.介绍了大功率高频感应电源发展新趋势,重点分析了现代软开关桥式逆变电源的重要特性。

2.In order to guarantee the wind amount on the working area,choosingbig power and partial ventilator,not only guarerteen safe production,but also decrease the economic investment compared with using two fan-shaped ventilation.国投新集公司刘庄煤矿煤巷掘进工作面多数超过2 000 m,为了保证工作面用风量,选用大功率局部通风机,既保证了安全生产,又比用2台局扇供风经济投入有一些节约。

3.By analyzing switch power features,thebig power DC/DC transformation model is chosen as power cell of main electric circuit.提出了大电流低电压的大功率开关电源的设计方案,研制了整流滤波电路,分析确定了DC/DC变换模块作为主电路功率元件,并设计了PWM控制电路、软启动及过压过流保护电路。

5)power amplifier功率放大

1.OTL Circuit is one of the widely used complementary symmetrypower amplifier.OTL电路是目前应用较广的一种功率放大电路,着重研究了该电路的特殊性,并从理论上探讨了其在实际工作中可能引起的问题和解决办法。

2.The pure signal can be obtained through the low pass filter,and then target signal is drove by thepower amplifier.采用单片机AT89C51控制DDS芯片AD9850产生频率可调的正弦信号,并通过低通滤波器得到纯正的信号,最后经过功率放大驱动电路输出目标信号。

3.The device realizes the function through D/A converter,lowpass andpower amplifier.装置以TI公司的MSP430系列单片机为控制核心,经D/A转换、低通滤波后,由功率放大模块对信号进行放大输出。

6)high power大功率

1.Design ofhigh power plasma spray gun;大功率等离子喷涂枪的设计

2.Application and development ofhigh power diode-pumped solid-state laser;大功率二极管泵浦固体激光器的应用和发展

3.Research ofhigh power fiber laser atmosphere propagation;大功率光纤激光大气传输特性的研究


大功1.大功业﹐大功劳。 2.奖励用语。 3.丧服五服之一﹐服期九月。其服用熟麻布做成﹐较齐衰稍细﹐较小功为粗﹐故称大功。旧时堂兄弟﹑未婚的堂姊妹﹑已婚的姑﹑姊妹﹑侄女及众孙﹑众子妇﹑侄妇等之丧﹐都服大功。已婚女为伯父﹑叔父﹑兄弟﹑侄﹑未婚姑﹑姊妹﹑侄女等服丧﹐也服大功。参阅《仪礼.丧服》﹑《清通典.礼服制》。
