100字范文 > 社会资源配置 social resource distribution英语短句 例句大全

社会资源配置 social resource distribution英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-11 06:49:23


社会资源配置 social resource distribution英语短句 例句大全

社会资源配置,social resource distribution

1)social resource distribution社会资源配置

1.Based on fieldwork interviews conducted in San Francisco Bay Area of the United States,this paper studies new migrants from northeast China with a focus on a theoretical analysis of the roles played by social capital and non-institutionalsocial resource distribution in current Chinese transnational migration outflow.在田野调查访谈的基础上,本文以美国旧金山湾区的中国东北新移民为研究实例,对社会资本和非制度性的社会资源配置在当代中国的跨国移民活动中所扮演的具体角色进行考察和分析。


1.The Model,Influence and Experience of Russian Social Recourses Configuration;俄罗斯社会资源配置的模式、影响及启示

2.On Governance: the Third Mechanism for Resource Allocation--The essential construction mechanism of contemporary harmonious society;论协理:社会资源配置的第三机制——当代和谐社会的基本建构机制

3.Thory of Harmonious Society and the Value of Society Resource Deploy;试论和谐社会理论对资源配置的指导

4.Business Incubation:Distribution of Resources and Social Supporting Networks;企业孵化:资源配置与社会支持网络

5.The Paretian Optimization of Allocation of the Resources in Social Insurance of Supporting the Old;社会养老保险资源配置的帕累托优化

6.Social allocation of college sports resources in China论我国普通高校体育资源社会化配置

7.Optimization of Political Resources Allocation and Construction of Socialist Harmonious Society;政治资源优化配置与社会主义和谐社会构建

8.The Allocation of Political Resources and Building Socialist Harmonious Society;政治资源配置与社会主义和谐社会的构建

9.Constructing socialism harmonius sociey’s resource and its allocation构建社会主义和谐社会视野中的资源及其配置

10.Water Property Utilization Management in Resource Economy Society;资源节约型社会建设中的水权优化配置研究

11.A Brief Discussion of Guiding Function of Policing Resources Allocation According to Social Demand;浅议社会警务需求对警务资源配置的导向作用

12.On Political Resource Allocation and Integration in a Process of the Construction of Harmonious Society;构建和谐社会进程中的政治资源配置与整合

13.Effective allocation of social sports instructors in China;我国社会体育指导员有效资源配置研究

14.Study on Current Condition of Township Social Sports Human Resource Allocation in Chengdu;成都市乡镇社会体育人力资源配置现状研究

15.On Optimizing the Allocation of College Material Resources under the Background of Economic Society;论节约型社会背景下高校物质资源的优化配置

16.The Research of ChengDu s Township Sports-for-all Human Resource Allocation;成都市乡镇社会体育人力资源配置目标研究

17.Optimized Allocation of Education Resources under the Construction of Harmonious Society Perspective;构建和谐社会视角下的教育资源优化配置

18.A Rational Distribution of Information Resources & its Social Influence;信息资源的合理配置及其产生的社会影响


social resources distributed by network社会资源网络配置

3)social resources distribution社会性资源分配

4)allocation of social resources社会资源分配

1.The internal logic between national legislation and theallocation of social resources originates from the various contradictions and widespread conflicts among various kinds of social groups.国家立法与社会资源分配之间的内在逻辑发端于各社会群体之间矛盾冲突的客观存在性。

5)allocation of press resources出版社资源配置

6)allocation of community resources社区资源配置


