100字范文 > 中低收入群体 lower and middle income group英语短句 例句大全

中低收入群体 lower and middle income group英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-03 04:24:53


中低收入群体 lower and middle income group英语短句 例句大全

中低收入群体,lower and middle income group

1)lower and middle income group中低收入群体

1.Based on analying the problems in the policy to economically affordable housing,suggestions have been proposed about how to perfecting house of economy suitable for use policy,resolving thelower and middle income groups,such as defining housing purchase referfent,policy allowance to the accommodation.指出经济适用房政策的目标主要是为了扩大住房供给,调节房地产投资结构和扩大市场有效需求,通过对经济适用房政策存在问题的分析,对如何完善经济适用房政策,解决中低收入群体的住房问题提出了界定购房对象、政策补贴等建议。


1.On Housing Policy for Low Income Group中低收入群体“房困”难题的破解路径

2.Research on How to Resolve the Housing Problem of the Mid and Low Income Stratum in China;中国中低收入群体住房问题解决对策研究

3.The Study of Housing Problems of the Middle and Low-Income Groups in City;城市中低收入群体住房困难的调查与研究

4.International Comparison and Revelation on Housing Security of low-middle Income Groups;中低收入群体住房保障国际比较及启示

5.Guidance and Adjustment of Social Mentality among Low-income Community in the Construction of a Harmonious Society;和谐社会建设中低收入群体社会心态的引导与调适

6.Qualifications Discrimination of Urban Housing Security for Middle and Low Income Residents Based on Data Mining;基于数据挖掘的中低收入群体住房保障资格判别

7.Immigrants tend to cluster in low-and high-income groups.移民们趋于集中在低收入和高收入的两个群体中。

8.A New Phenomenon of Private Education in Developing Countries: Serving for Low-income Families;发展中国家私立教育新现象:为低收入群体服务

9.The Status of the Urban Low-income Groups and Its Affected Factors--A Survey on the Low-income Groups in Nanjing;城镇低收入群体状况及原因探析——对南京市低收入群体的调查

10.Efforts will be made to increase the income of urban and rural residents, particularly low-income groups.努力增加城乡居民特别是低收入群体的收入。

11.An Analysis of Income Difference among Residents and Low-incomed Group of People in Xi an City;西安市居民收入差距与低收入群体的实证分析

12.Income Gap among the City and Town Residents and the Social Security of the Lower-Income Groups;城镇居民收入差距与低收入群体的社会保障

13.The Raise of Consumer Price Index and Group with Low Income居民消费价格指数上涨与低收入群体

14.The livelihood of low-income urban and rural residents has improved continuously.城乡低收入群体的生活条件不断改善。

15.Research on Housing Welfare of Changchun with Low Income Group;长春市低收入群体住房保障问题研究

16.Developing Microfinance Loan and Aiding Low-income Group;发展小额金融信贷 扶助低收入群体

17.Study on the Effects of Price-Rising on Urban Low-Income Group论物价上涨对城镇低收入群体的影响

18.Analysis on the Present Living Conditions of the Urban Low-income Populations in Shanxi Province浅析山西城镇低收入群体的生活现状


Low-income groups低收入群体

1.Recently the Chinese urban low-income groups have been the hot topic of academic research.近年来,中国城镇居民中的低收入群体问题成为理论界研究的热点。

2.From the government functions and social security point of view, the first part of the paper demonstrates that resolving the housing problem of the low-income groups is unshirkable responsibility of the government, and it is also one part of the social security system.本文首先从政府职能和社会保障的角度出发,论证解决低收入群体住房问题是政府不可推卸的责任之一,是构筑社会保障体系的一部分。

3)low-income group低收入群体

1.An analysis on higher education consumption of thelow-income group;我国低收入群体高等教育消费现状分析

2.Currently, most urban low-income people can’t afford to buy an apartment house which can satisfy their basic housing need in the housing market; therefore, the problem of the urbanlow-income group’s housing guarantee system is becoming more and more obvious with the faster development of housing market.当前,由于广大城市低收入者无力参与市场化的交易,难以通过市场解决其基本的居住需求,使得低收入群体的住房保障问题随着住房市场化进程的加快而日益突出。

3.Pricerising usually makes quite a big negative impact towardslow-income group, among it, the fluctuation of food price plays the most important role to low-income people, the resource product ranks the second.物价上涨通常会对低收入群体产生更大的负面影响。

4)low-income community低收入群体

1.During social transformation,the sense of unfairness and anxiety in social life caused by income disparity makes thelow-income community suffer both materially and psychologically,resulting in their indifference in politics and confusion in beliefs.在社会转型时期,由收入差距扩大引起的不公平感和社会生活中的焦虑感,使低收入群体遭受到物质和精神上的双层困扰,并产生政治上的冷漠心态和信仰上的迷茫,为此,需要在社会意识领域做好教育疏导工作,更要在社会存在领域做好良好社会心态的强本固基工作。

5)low income group低收入群体

1.Research on Housing Welfare of Changchun with Low Income Group;长春市低收入群体住房保障问题研究

2.With the income creasing among the inhabitants, more and more questions appear in thelow income group.随着居民的收入不断扩大,使低收入群体问题表现得越来越突出。

3.Therefore,either for assistinglow income groups and disadvantaged group,or for completing the rural financial system and rural social security system,there is a practical significance for us to study how to convert potential demands regavding micro-insurance into actual demands.我国小额保险的发展面临着一些问题,农村的中低收入群体对基本保障型保险服务的需求是现实存在的,但保险公司提供的产品与农民需求不相适应,适合广大中低收入者的保险产品很少。

6)the low income community"s housing safeguard中低收入群体住房保障


