100字范文 > 德育内涵 connotation of moral education英语短句 例句大全

德育内涵 connotation of moral education英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-03 11:39:45


德育内涵 connotation of moral education英语短句 例句大全

德育内涵,connotation of moral education

1)connotation of moral education德育内涵


1.A Correct Cognition on Moral Connotation --Constructing New Model on Moral Education Fitting Ingenuity;正确认识德育内涵——构建适合人才发展的德育教育新模式

2.The Comparative Research on Moral Education between Chinese Middle School Language Teaching Materials and American s;中美两国中学语文教材中德育内涵比较研究

3.Systematic Thinking on the Connotation and Hierachy of Moral Education in Colleges and Universities;关于高校德育内涵和层次性的辩证思考

4.Traditional Morality Connotation in the Decoration of Shan Shan Provincial Guild Hall (SSPGH) in Sheqi论社旗山陕会馆建筑装饰艺术文化的传统德育内涵

5.Moral Responsibility: the Key Point of the Moral Education Connotation in Colleges & Universities;道德责任:高校道德教育内涵的倾斜点

6.The Creating Enviornment,Kinds and Morality Content of Meishan Long Song;梅山情歌的孕育环境、种类与道德内涵

7.The Meaning of "Dialogue" in Moral Education in Post-modernism;后现代道德教育“对话”的基本内涵

8.The Scientific Intension of Teenagers Moral Education Individual Adaptability;适应性的青少年道德教育个体学内涵

9.Contemporary Connotation and Innovation of Moral Education in Colleges and Universities;关于高校德育时代内涵和创新的思考

10.Deliberation on Confucian Culture and College Ethical Education;传承儒家文化 充实青少年德育教育内涵

11.The Connotation of Moral Education in the Information Society and the Ways of Realizing It;信息化社会德育教育的内涵及其实现途径

12.Multi- dimensional Analysis on Connotation of the Dual System of German Vocational Education;德国“双元制”职业教育内涵的多维度分析

13.Education Contents of Morality in Maths Teaching of Athletes;运动员数学教学过程中蕴涵的德育内容

14.Spirit of being Law-abiding: the Significance of Civil Moral Education in Schools;守法精神:学校公民道德教育的重要内涵

15.On Confucian methodology of moral education:implications of peculiar learning for universal understanding;孔子德育方法论:“下学而上达”的内涵及影响

16.The Scientific Connotation and Its Revelation to Moral Education;灌输论的科学内涵及其对道德教育的启示

17.The Intension Analysis and Model Research on Ethics Education in Accounting;会计职业道德教育的内涵分析与模型研究

18.College Student s Sincerity Moral Education:Intension, Reasons and Ways;大学生诚信道德教育:内涵、动因及其途径


educative connotation德化教育内涵

1.The author studied theeducative connotation of the SSPGH decoration, which included businessman s concept of seeking for progress, knowledge, value, happiness, good credit and prosperous front, and the philosophical combining idea of Confucianism, Buddhism, and Daoism as well.本文从探析社旗山陕会馆建筑装饰艺术文化中蕴涵的民间传承文化的教育内涵出发,以四个表现场景为依托,分析其所表现的流传于民间的丰富德化教育内涵,包括处世观念、经营哲理、求上、求学、求财、求福、求禄,讲究诚信,讲究进退,讲究门面的经商理念,儒、佛、道哲学理念融合状态、表现形式等,以挖掘社旗山陕会馆建筑装饰艺术文化在当时的德化教育作用,为当今抢救、保护和开发利用民间珍贵的文化遗产提供有力的艺术语言论据。

3)the connotation of moral education德育教学内涵

4)The New Connotation of the Moral Education of Institutions制度德育内涵探新

5)moral connotation道德内涵

6)military morality connotation武德内涵

1.The article utilization literature material research technique,analyzed and discussed the restructuring modernmilitary morality connotation necessity.运用文献资料研究方法,分析探讨了重构现代武德内涵的必要性。


