100字范文 > 海陆交互相 interactive marine & terrestrial deposit英语短句 例句大全

海陆交互相 interactive marine & terrestrial deposit英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-05-16 15:27:38


海陆交互相 interactive marine & terrestrial deposit英语短句 例句大全

海陆交互相,interactive marine & terrestrial deposit

1)interactive marine & terrestrial deposit海陆交互相

1.Evaluation research and distinguishing of cohesive soil properties in theinteractive marine & terrestrial deposit;海陆交互相下黏性土性状辨析及评价研究

2.Cohesive soil of theinteractive marine & terrestrial deposit along the north side of the Yangtze River estuary has poor physical properties in which water content ratio is approximate or excessive to liquid limit and void ratio is approximate or excessive to one.长江口北侧分布有海陆交互相黏性土,其物理性质较差,天然含水率接近或大于液限,孔隙比接近或大于1,与一般海相软粘土物性相似,但压缩变形特征与强度指标有别于一般海相软粘土,是一种结构性黏性土。


1.Engineering Properties and Micro-structural Characteristics of Cohesive Soil in the Interactive marine & Terrestrial Deposit海陆交互相黏性土工程特性及微结构特征

2.At the same time, the author outlines the history of interactionbetween Chinese and Turkish ceramics and the land and sea communication routes between China andTurkey.同时对双方陶瓷相互影响的历史背景及海陆交通作一概略地叙述。

3.Scientific Conference on Sea-Land-Atmosphere Interface海洋-陆地-大气相互作用科学会议

4.Reaearch of Land and Ocean Interactions Progress of the Coastal Zone in Jiangsu Province Since the Yellow River Flows Northward;黄河北归后江苏海岸带陆海相互作用过程研究

5.Many such interactions link the atmosphere, oceans, ice, and land masses.许多这样的相互作用把大气、海洋、冰和陆块彼此联系起来。

6.Climate-Vegetation Interannual Variability and Interaction in a Coupled Atmosphere-Ocean-Land Model一个海陆气耦合模式中大气-植被的年际变化及其相互作用

7.Correlation Analysis on Fiber Fineness-related Traits in Advanced Backcross Lines between Upland Cotton(G. hirsutum L.) and Island Cotton(G. barbadense L.)陆海杂种高代回交自交系纤维细度性状相关性分析

8.The Cross-Straits Agriculture Development after China’s Accession into WTO;入世后海峡两岸农业发展:相互依存、交流与合作

9.The shore is the area where the land meets the sea.海岸是大海和陆地交界的地方。

10.The Thousand-Ship Navy is one of three overlapping strategy initiatives now in development.千舰海军计划是三个处在发展中的互相有交叉的战略倡议之一。

11.A study of correlation relationship between the level of urbanization and transport network;青海省城市化进程与交通网络的相互关系研究初探

12.Only through exchange can we learn from each other and come to know each other better.只有交流,才能相互学习,相互了解;

13.fisheries interactio海豚与渔业的相互影响

14.atmosphere-ocean interactio大气-海洋相互作用

15.large scale air-sea interaction大尺度海-气相互作用

16.sequenceof nonoverlapping intervals互不相交的区间序列

17.Two cars locked together in passing.两车交会时互相卡住了。

18.interchange agreement of container集装箱相互交换协定


coastal belts海陆交互带

3)land-sea interaction海陆交互作用

4)sea-land interaction海陆相互作用

5)land-ocean interaction陆海相互作用

6)Air-sea-land interaction海-陆-气相互作用


