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经验关系 empirical relations英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-05 23:44:14


经验关系 empirical relations英语短句 例句大全

经验关系,empirical relations

1)empirical relations经验关系


1.Empirical or semi-empirical correlations are adopted to calculate slug flow parameters.段塞流流动特性参数的计算只能采用经验或半经验关系式。

2.A Test of Two Classical Macroeconomic Relationships in China;两个经典宏观经济关系在中国的检验

3.Past work or experience or family connection过去的职业或经验或家庭关系

4.Build and sustain an enduring relationship with建立并维护恒久的/久经考验的关系

5.An Empirical Analysis of Exchange Rate Volatility and Trade Flows;汇率波动与贸易流量关系的经验分析

6.35 Jahre chinesisch-deutsche Beziehungen Ergiebige Früchte und wertvolle Erfahrungen;中德关系35年的丰硕成果和宝贵经验

7.An Empirical Study of the Relationship between FDI and the Wage of Manufacturing Sector;FDI与制造业工资关系的经验研究

8.Firm resources and competitive advantage: An empirical research;企业资源与竞争优势关系的经验研究

9.Empirical Test on the Relationship between the Economy Growth and Taxation of China;中国税收与经济增长关系的实证检验

10.The Historical Experiences of Sino-Japan-Russia(the Soviet Union) Trilateral Relations during 20th Century;20世纪中、日、俄(苏)三国关系的历史经验

11.An Empirical Analysis of the Relation Between Corporate Governance and Financial Statement Fraud;公司治理与财务舞弊关系的经验分析

12.Interpersonal Relations Norm in Economic Transaction:An Experimental Study;经济交易中的人际关系规范:实验研究

13.On the Dialectical Relationship between Experienced Knowledge and Theoretical Knowledge of Coach论教练员经验与理论知识的辩证关系

14.Research on Relationship between Industrial Structure and Economic Growth by Method of Granger Test产业结构与经济增长关系Granger检验研究

15.Empirical Research on Response Relationship between Economic Growth and Environmental Pollution in China;中国经济增长与环境污染响应关系的经验研究

16.Adjustment of Labour-Capital Relations & Gain and Loss During the Period of National Economy Recover;国民经济恢复时期劳资关系的调整与经验教训

17.The Empirical Study on the Relationship between Economic Growth and Life Insurance and Non-life Insurance寿险业和非寿险业与经济增长关系的经验分析

18.How to Find Empirical Formulas of Usual Relation Curves in Mechanics关于求解力学中常用关系曲线的经验公式


empirical relationship经验关系

1.Theempirical relationship of the differences was obtained using nonlinear regression meth- od and verified with the determined data.结果表明,悬浮颗粒物浓度(SS)是澄清样和浑样之间、清样和浑样之间、清样和澄清样之间高锰酸盐指数差别的主要影响因子;用非线形回归方法得出了水样不同处理方式下高锰酸盐指数间的经验关系,并用实测数据进行了验证,结果表明,计算值和实测值吻合良好。

3)empirical correlation经验关系式

1.Theempirical correlations for calculating the performance parameters such as the capacity of refrigeration,the power consumption of the compressor and the fluid rate of mass are obtained with the method of ten factors.介绍了一种涡旋压缩机的实验研究,给出了设计工况下该型号压缩机的性能曲线,用十系数法得到了计算压缩机制冷量、输入功率和质量流量等性能参数的经验关系式。

2.Theempirical correlation for calculating the frictional pressure drop is simulated.分析了影响流动总压降的因素,给出了计算摩擦压降的经验关系式,实验数据与计算结果误差约±15%,此关系式可以用来预测该实验范围内的摩擦压降。

4)empirical relationship经验关系式

1.Theempirical relationship for calculating the frictional pressure drop is sim ulated.模拟出了计算摩擦压降的经验关系式 ,试验数据与计算结果误差约± 15 % ,此关系式可以用来预测该实验范围内的摩擦压

5)experienced correlation经验相关关系

1.Discussion onexperienced correlation of rainfall runoff selected optimally by floating polynomial;浮动多项式优选降雨径流经验相关关系探讨

6)semi experiential formulation半经验关系式


经济关系(见生产关系)经济关系(见生产关系)economical relation1 ingji gU口nxj经济关系(eeonomieal relation)系。见生产关
