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预防与治疗 Prevention and treatment英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-17 21:39:20


预防与治疗 Prevention and treatment英语短句 例句大全

预防与治疗,Prevention and treatment

1)Prevention and treatment预防与治疗

1.Prevention and treatment for diabetic foot through cooperation of multiple sciences;因此,对糖尿病足病的预防与治疗已是当务之急。


1.Prevention and Treatment of Ankle Sport Injury;运动性踝关节损伤的预防与治疗对策

2.The Prevention and Treatment of the Middle-distance Race Runner Injury中长跑运动员运动损伤的预防与治疗

3.Prevention and Treatment of the Knee Injury in Tennis网球运动中膝关节损伤的预防与治疗

4.Prevention and treatment of pelvic lymphocyst after radical hysterectomy宫颈癌根治术后盆腔淋巴囊肿的预防与治疗

5.The Empirical Study on the Prevention and Treatment of Imiquimod Suppress Scar;咪喹莫特对皮肤瘢痕预防与治疗的实验研究

6.Clinical Advancement of Osteoporosis Prevention and Treatment by Evidence-based Medicine Method骨质疏松症预防与治疗的循证医学研究

7.It reveals that even for Boer goats, the importance must be attached to prevention and treatment of hidden mastitis.这就提示 ,对于布尔山羊 ,同样需要重视乳腺炎的预防与治疗。

8.Sepsis Treatment and Prevention Measures(126 Cases Analysis)脓毒血症的治疗与预防(附126例分析)

9.Prevention is better than cure. -- Dickens预防胜于治疗。-- 狄更斯

10.preventive and curative measures预防性和治疗性措施

11.The High Risk Factors and Therapy and Nursing Strategies for Diabetic Foot;糖尿病足的高危因素与治疗预防对策的研究

12.Psychoanalysis on Vocational Adaptation Disorder and Ways of Diagnosis and Prevention;职场适应障碍的精神分析及治疗与预防模式

13.Scientific Treatment and Prevention for Chronic Viral Hepatitis B;慢性乙型病毒性肝炎的科学治疗与预防

14.Prevention and Treatment of Hypothyroidism After ~(131)I Therapy for Graves Disease~(131)I治疗Graves病早发甲减发生的预防与处理

15.Discussion to the Treatment and Prevention of Serious Complications in Hysteroscopic Surgeries of 35 Cases宫腔镜操作严重并发症35例的治疗与预防探讨

parision of Propafenone and Amiodarone in the Treatment and Prevention of Aroxysmal Artial Fribrillation普罗帕酮、胺碘酮治疗与预防阵发性房颤的比较

17.Preventive Measures and Stepwise Treatment of Fungal Urinary Tract Infection Based on TCM Syndrome Differentiation真菌性尿路感染的中医分期辨证治疗与预防

18.Treatment and Precaution on Mycoplasma Pneumonia in Children of Hospital Onset of Infection院内感染小儿支原体肺炎的治疗与预防


treatment and precaution治疗与预防

3)ways of diagnosis and prevention治疗与预防模式

4)Prevention and treatment预防治疗


1.Objective:To evaluate the cost-effectiveness of universal screening and azithromycin-basedprophylaxis against no intervention for Chlamydia trachomatis infection among women seeking induced abortions,and to determine the sensitivity of cost-effectiveness analysis to variation in the probability of development of sequelae.目的:评估人工流产妇女衣原体感染普查和阿奇霉素预防治疗的投入成本效果,确定不同并发症发生率对投入成本效果影响的敏感性。

2.Methods In addition to triple intrathecal medication, 30 cases of lymphogenic leukemia were treated with high-dose cytosine arabinoside (HDAra-c) or/and high-dose methotrexate (HDMTX) for CNSprophylaxis.方法三联鞘注治疗基础上 ,对 30例淋巴源性白血病应用大剂量阿糖胞苷 (high- dose arabinside- cytosine HDAra- c)加 (或不加 )大剂量甲氨碟呤 (high- dose m ethotrexate,HDMTX)对中枢神经系统白血病进行预防治疗 ,全部病例均以 MCP- 841方案治疗。

6)preventive treatment预防治疗

1.Early chronic cerebral insufficiency is reversible,the need to diet,living habits,drug treatment to be heard,therefore, a correct understanding of the elderly chronic cerebral insufficiency hazards,earlypreventive treatment in a timely manner is extremely urgent.早期的慢性脑供血不足是可逆的,需要在饮食、生活习惯、药物治疗等受到重视,因此,让老年人正确认识慢性脑供血不足的危害,及时及早预防治疗极为迫切。


不合格品预防措施(见预防措施)不合格品预防措施(见预防措施)preventive actions for nonconforming product: see preventive actionsbuh6g6Pi阅YUfong cuoshi不合格品预防措施Co刊rorrni鳍p耐uet)(preventive actions fornon-见预防措施。
