100字范文 > 相对离心力 relative centrifugal force英语短句 例句大全

相对离心力 relative centrifugal force英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-29 14:44:39


相对离心力 relative centrifugal force英语短句 例句大全

相对离心力,relative centrifugal force

1)relative centrifugal force相对离心力

1.Influence ofrelative centrifugal force on platelet concentration;相对离心力对浓缩血小板的实验研究

2.How to correctly express the quantity and unit ofrelative centrifugal force;正确表示相对离心力的量和单位符号的探讨

2)soul"s liberation from body身心相离


1.From Adaptation to Nature to Soul s Liberation from Body: Difference in Poetry Creation Between Tao Yuanming and Wang Wei;由“任真适性”到“身心相离”——从创作心态看陶渊明与王维田园诗之不同

2.Mothers Relax Away from Home妈妈们离家放松身心

3.It lengthens life, substantially boosts physical and emotional health, and raises income over that enjoyed by single or divorced people or those who live together.与单身、离婚或者同居的人相比,婚姻会延长人的寿命,大大促进身心健康,并增加收入。

4.involving the body as distinguished from the mind or spirit.涉及与思想和精神相分离的身体。

5.He is physically fit, but mentally rather confused.他身体健康,但心神方面却相当迷乱。

6.mental or emotional as opposed to physical in nature.本质上是与身体相对的心理或情绪上。

7.A Correlative Study of Occupational Stress and Mental Health in Nurses;护士职业应激与心身健康的相关研究

8.Studies of Autoantibodies Against the IC53 Gene in Heart Failure;IC53自身抗体与心力衰竭的相关性研究

9.On the Body’s Proper Relaxation and Relative Tension and the According Harmony of Body and Mind in Playing Piano;谈钢琴弹奏中身体的适度放松与相对紧张及其相应的身心协调

10.As he started to go he felt truly sorry that he had missed her.他起身离开时,对于没有见到她,心里确实很遗憾。

11.he thought, as he scrambled quickly out of bed.——吴荪甫匆匆忙忙起身离床,心里反复这么想。

12.Negative Influence of the Absence of Parental Rearing among Middle School Students Left in Rural Areas;亲子分离对农村留守初中生心身症状的影响


14.The Imperial is considerably closer to the city center than the Sate.与赛特相比,帝国饭店离市中心很近。

15.The Design and Function Study of Two Phase Flow Centrifugal Pumps;固液两相流离心泵的设计与性能研究

16.Image Measurement of Two-Phase Flow Characteristic in Centrifugal Pump Impeller;离心泵内两相流流动特性的图像测量

17.Effects of impeller outlet angle on solid-liquid two phase flow in centrifugal pump出口角对离心泵内固液两相流动影响

18.The Relationship of Atrial Expansion and P Wave Dispersion心房扩大与P波离散度的相关性研究


soul"s liberation from body身心相离

3)relative distance相对距离

1.A Better Method to Calculate the Relative Distance between Space Targets;空间动态目标间相对距离解算方法的改进

2.A high dimensional index based onrelative distance hashing method;基于相对距离哈希方法的一种高维索引

3.Density of clustering algorithm based onrelative distance基于相对距离的密度聚类算法

4)relative separation相对分离

1.Both non-homogeneity of soil strata and softening effect of soil layers around pile during vibration together withrelative separation of pile-soil interface are simultaneously taken into account.运用土动力学和结构动力学原理,基于改进的Winkler地基梁模型,考虑了地基土的成层非均质性和桩土界面的相对分离效应以及桩侧土的弱化效应,采用数理方程方法分别求解桩与土的振动方程,建立了水平荷载作用下单桩动力阻抗函数的计算力学模型。

2.Therelative separation of the civil authority and national authority all has bodied on the ancient and modern Chinese legal system, the kind of phenomenon deeply planted in therelative separation of society and nation, and so-called the third area is also the outcome of separation and interaction of society and nation.民间权威与国家权威的相对分离在古代和现代中国法制上均有体现,此种现象深刻植根于社会与国家的相对分离之中,而所谓的"第三域"也是社会与国家之间分离、互动的产物。

5)exchangeable ion相对离子

6)relative departure相对偏离


惯性离心力惯性离心力inertial centrifugal forceguanxing Iixinli惯性离心力(inertial eentrifugal foree)质点作曲线运动时,在非惯性坐标系中所观察到的由于惯性作用而产生的使质点离开曲率中心的一种象似的力,常用C表示。例如,气块按曲线路径移动时,在惯性作用下有偏离曲线路径沿切线方向移动之势,对瞬时曲率中心来说似有离心倾向,看起来气块好象受到了由惯性所产生的离开曲率中心的作用力,这就是惯性离心力。作用在单位质量气块上的惯性离心力的数值,等于气块的线速度平方与路径曲率半径之比。也等于气块的转动角速度平方与曲率半径之乘积。当空气移动路径的曲率半径小而移速大时,惯性离心力可达很大。若物体相对于地面静止,因地球旋转而作用在单位质量上的惯性离心力,常与地球引力放在一起合称(有效)重力。(曹文俊)
