100字范文 > α粒子散射 α-particle scattering英语短句 例句大全

α粒子散射 α-particle scattering英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-02 07:59:04


α粒子散射 α-particle scattering英语短句 例句大全

α粒子散射,α-particle scattering

1)α-particle scatteringα粒子散射

1.Research onα-particle scattering with quantum mechanics;α粒子散射的量子力学研究


1.Calculation of α-particle"s scattering angle in the Thomson atomic model原子汤姆孙模型中α粒子散射角的计算

2.Proton-~(12)C、~(16) O Scattering in the α-Particale Structure;α粒子激发机制下的P-~(12)C、~(16)O散射

3.The Study of Proton-~(12)c Inelastic Scattering in the α Particle Structure;α粒子结构下p-~(12)c非弹性散射的研究

4.The Study of ~(16)O+~(12)C Scattering by Alpha Particle Folding Model Optical Potential;用α粒子折叠模型光学势研究~(16)O+~(12)C散射

5.Scattering of relativistic and classical particles相对论粒子的散射与低速粒子的散射

6.Polarization and Cross-Section for Proton-~(12)C, ~(16)O Elastic Scattering in the α-Particales Structure;α粒子结构下P-~(12)C,P-~(16)O散射截面及极化量的研究

7.alpha-emitting radionuclides发射α粒子的放射性核素

8.Type of radioactive disintegration (see radioactivity) in which some unstable atomic nuclei dissipate excess energy by spontaneously ejecting an alpha particle.放射性蜕变的一类,某些不稳定原子核自发射出一个α粒子以耗散过剩能量。

9.forward-angle counter向前散射粒子计数管

10.Radiative scattering depends on the particle size in relation to the wavelength of light scattered.辐射散射取决于与散射光波长有关的粒子大

11.the radiation of alpha particles during radioactive decay.在放射性衰变的过程中放出α粒子的辐射。

12.The scattered particles are fanning out from the target.散射粒子从靶处作扇形散开。

13.A scattering experiment thus requires the firing of particles of the same energy.散射实验要求入射粒子具有相同能量。

14.The Analytic Solution of Scattering Field and its Characteristics for An Ellipsoid;椭球粒子散射场的解析解及其散射特性

15.Measurement of the complex refractive index of particles based on Mie theory and transmission methodMie散射理论测量粒子系复折射率的透射方法

16.a radioactive transuranic element synthesized by bombarding einsteinium with alpha particles.一种放射性超铀元素,用α粒子轰击锿而合成。

17.a radioactive transuranic element; discovered by bombarding curium with alpha particles.一种放射性超铀元素,在用α粒子轰击锔时发现。

18.Studies on the Mechanisms of Genetic Instability Involving in the Process of α Particles Radiation Carcinogenesis;α粒子辐射致癌的遗传不稳定性机制研究


particle scattering orbitα粒子散射径迹

1.Concise deduction on the Rutherford scattering formula and the α-particle scattering orbit being one of hyperbola;Rutherford散射公式及α粒子散射径迹是双曲线一分支的简明推证

3)α-particle scattering experimentα粒子散射实验

1.A look into his scientific pursuit from Rutherfordα-particle scattering experiment;从α粒子散射实验看卢瑟福的治学精神

4)alpha-particle rangeα-粒(子)射程

5)alpha particle emissionα粒子发射

6)alpha particle rangeα粒子射程


