100字范文 > 功耗分析攻击与防护 power analysis attack and countermeasure英语短句 例句大全

功耗分析攻击与防护 power analysis attack and countermeasure英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-17 08:56:56


功耗分析攻击与防护 power analysis attack and countermeasure英语短句 例句大全

功耗分析攻击与防护,power analysis attack and countermeasure

1)power analysis attack and countermeasure功耗分析攻击与防护

2)power analysis attack功耗分析攻击

1.The random order execution which used in cryptographic ICs is a kind of few redundancy and low power countermeasures againstpower analysis attacks.乱序执行是密码芯片设计中一种低冗余、低功耗的抵抗功耗分析攻击的方法。

2.The first purpose of this paper is to present a newpower analysis attack,total power trace analysis,which is a considerable menace to the unprotected RSA chip.针对RSA密码算法的电路,提出了一种新的功耗分析攻击方法———功耗轨迹分析。


1.Differential Power Analysis and Countermeasure for RSARSA差分功耗分析攻击及防护措施

2.Research of Power Analysis Attack Methods on Cryptographic Chip Based on FPGAFPGA密码芯片功耗分析攻击方法研究

3.Simple Power Analysis and Countermeasure for RSARSA简单功耗分析攻击及防护措施研究

4.Experiment of SPA Attack Against RSA针对RSA的简单功耗分析攻击实验

5.Full-custom Design of AES Subbyte Module with Signal Independent Power Consumption抗差分功耗分析攻击的AES SubByte模块全定制VLSI设计

6.Power Analysis Attacks Against AES Based on Maximal Bias Signal一种基于最大偏差的AES功耗分析攻击方法

7.Side Channel Power Analysis on Secure Integrated Circuits and Countermeasures;安全芯片旁路功耗分析及抗攻击措施

8.Correlation power analysis (CPA) attack on synchronous stream cipher devices对同步流密码设备的相关性功耗分析(CPA)攻击

9.Research of Anti-Differential Power Analysis for Elliptic Curve Cryptosystems;椭圆曲线密码算法的抗差分功耗攻击研究

10.Solution of Cryptographic Circuit Based on Transistor Level against DPA Attacks密码电路防差分功耗攻击的晶体管级解决方案

11.Research and application of efficient power attacks model功耗攻击实验中一种高效功耗模型研究与应用

12.Power Analysis for Financail IC Card and Its Countermeasures;对金融IC卡系统的功耗攻击及对策

13.Signal Processing and Analysis Techniques in Differential Power Analysis差分功率分析攻击中的信号处理与分析

14.Research about Misalignment of Signal in DPA差分功率分析攻击中的信号对齐方法研究

15.A Research and Implementation on Fast ECC Chip Resistant against Side Channel Attacks抗功耗攻击快速椭圆曲线加密芯片的研究实现

16.An AES Smartcard Implementation Against High Order DPA Attacks智能卡中抗高阶功耗攻击AES算法实现技术

17.Implementation of power attack analysis in ML algorithm circuit with elliptic curve cryptosystems椭圆曲线密码ML算法电路实现的功耗攻击

18.Operational effectiveness analysis of group airplanes attacking ground targets;攻击机编队的对地攻击作战效能分析


power analysis attack功耗分析攻击

1.The random order execution which used in cryptographic ICs is a kind of few redundancy and low power countermeasures againstpower analysis attacks.乱序执行是密码芯片设计中一种低冗余、低功耗的抵抗功耗分析攻击的方法。

2.The first purpose of this paper is to present a newpower analysis attack,total power trace analysis,which is a considerable menace to the unprotected RSA chip.针对RSA密码算法的电路,提出了一种新的功耗分析攻击方法———功耗轨迹分析。

3)Differential power attack analysis差分功耗分析攻击

4)differential power attack差分功耗攻击

1.On the basis of discussing Hamming distance power model,proposed was a novel maxdifferential power attack(MDPA) algorithm to attack advanced encryption standard(AES) hardware implementation,which can find the correct key by comparing energy difference which was produced by real key and equivalent plaintexts.在讨论AES功耗模型的基础上,提出了一种新的最大差分功耗攻击(MDPA)的方法。

5)power analysis attack功耗攻击

1.To validate the resistibility topower analysis attacks for different countermeasures,this paper presented the method which can find the feasiblepower analysis attacks in various implementations of cryptographic algorithms.为验证密码算法具体实现技术抗功耗攻击的有效性,提出一种可发现在密码算法具体实现中可能存在的功耗攻击的分析方法,主要包括识别潜在攻击的基本理论、描述密码算法具体实现的增强数据相关图、根据基本理论和增强数据相关图以识别不同强度功耗攻击的算法,并给出针对一种典型的AES算法防护技术的分析结果。

2.Feasible differentialpower analysis attack to this countermeasure is proposed.针对该防护技术,给出了可行的差分功耗攻击以及具体的攻击结果,提出了基于随机掩码的改进措施,可以消除原有实现中的安全漏洞,实验结果验证了改进措施的正确性和有效性。

3.To preventpower analysis attack,the chaotic noise based countermeasure was presented.实验结果表明,混沌噪声技术具有良好的抗功耗攻击能力,且具有可行性和普遍适用性;不仅易于集成和控制,而且可以保护多个不同密码算法模块免受功耗攻击。

6)power analysis功耗攻击

1.Power Analysis for Financail IC Card and Its Countermeasures;对金融IC卡系统的功耗攻击及对策

2.Dynamic dual-rail logic (DDRL) consumes nearly constant energy, so it is able to resistpower analysis.采用动态双轨逻辑实现安全芯片中密码运算模块可以有效抗功耗攻击,但也存在面积、功耗以及运算性能等方面的弱点。

3.This scheme only need execute one times public key Authentication,so that reduced the computation,furthermore,its security was better inpower analysis attacks.为了克服这些问题,结合目前的抗功耗加密算法设计和哈希签名方案,文中提出了抗功耗攻击的快速哈希签名方案。


