100字范文 > 可重构操作系统 operating system for reconfigrable system (OS4RS)英语短句 例句大全

可重构操作系统 operating system for reconfigrable system (OS4RS)英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-20 01:52:54


可重构操作系统 operating system for reconfigrable system (OS4RS)英语短句 例句大全

可重构操作系统,operating system for reconfigrable system (OS4RS)

1)operating system for reconfigrable system (OS4RS)可重构操作系统


1.Researching on hard-soft Partition of Reconfigurable Computing Operating System基于硬件透明编程可重构操作系统的研究

2.Research on Operating System for Reconfigurable Hybrid Systems;支持可重构混成体系结构的操作系统研究

3.The Research of Operating System with Transparent Programming Support for Reconfigurable Device;支持可重构硬件透明编程的操作系统研究

4.An Operating System for Hybrid Reconfigurable Systems: Design and Implementation一种支持可重构混成系统的操作系统设计与实现

5.Research on Tasks Scheduling of Operating System with Hardware Transparent Programming Support for Dynamic Reconfiguration;支持动态可重构硬件透明编程操作系统的任务调度研究

6.Portable Operating System Interface for UNIX UNIX可移植操作系统接口

7.Portable Operating System Interface for UNIX可移植操作系统接口UNIX

8.the system is easy and reliable to operate系统的操作简便可靠

9.operating system操作系统,[台]操作系统

10.Job-shop scheduling strategy in reconfigurable manufacturing systems;可重构制造系统的车间作业调度策略

11.Or it could mean reformatting those hard drives and restoring the systems to operations.或者这可能意味着重新格式化硬盘驱动器,重装操作系统。

12.Research on Componentized Operating System Architecture and Realization;构件化操作系统体系结构研究和实现

13.On the Operation System of Sustainable Agriculture Systematic Regulation;试论可持续农业系统调控的操作系统

14.For information, the operating system used by the host specified in subfield$ a is indicated in this subfield. Not repeatable.参考性信息,说明子字段$中所指的主机所使用的操作系统。不可重复。

15.Truested Booting, Trusted Filesystem and Trusted Application of Operating System;操作系统启动可信、文件系统可信和应用可信

16.The Unix operating system is scalable, reliable and performs well.Unix操作系统可扩缩、可靠、性能也好。

17.Research and Construction of 《Operation System》 Teaching System《操作系统》教学体系的研究与构建

18.Vacuum switch which uses the new type permanent magnetic actuator (PMA), has much higher operating accuracy and reliability.真空开关利用新型的永磁机构作为操动系统,具有较高的操作精度与可靠性。


reconfigurable hardware operating system可重构硬件操作系统

1.Therefore,reconfigurable hardware operating system for reconfigurable computing has been a novel hot topic in last few yeas.因此面向可重构计算的操作系统技术—可重构硬件操作系统技术成为一个新的研究热点。

3)Operating System for Reconfigurable Hybrid Systems可重构混成操作系统

4)reconfigurable systems可重构系统

5)reconfigurable system可重构系统

1.Design of flow for dynamicreconfigurable system based on module;基于模块的动态可重构系统设计

2.Genetic algorithm based hardware/software partitioning forreconfigurable system;基于遗传算法的可重构系统软硬件划分

3.Two optimization techniques for the reconfiguration ofreconfigurable system可重构系统重构过程的两种优化技术

6)trusted operating system可信操作系统

1.Trusted objects intrusted operating system;可信操作系统中可信客体的研究


分时系统(见操作系统)分时系统(见操作系统)time-sharing systemfens卜一x一tong分时系统(time一sharing system)系统口见操作
