100字范文 > 土地增值收益 land increment benefit英语短句 例句大全

土地增值收益 land increment benefit英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-02-02 10:31:21


土地增值收益 land increment benefit英语短句 例句大全

土地增值收益,land increment benefit

1)land increment benefit土地增值收益

1.On the annual correction ofland increment benefits;浅谈土地增值收益的年期修正


1.Land Value Capture and Allocation: From An International Perspective;从国际经验看城市土地增值收益管理

2.Theory and System Framework of Chinese Urban Land Value Increment Distribution;我国城市土地增值收益分配理论与制度架构

3.An Economic Analysis on Land Increment of Urban Boundary:A Discussion about the Protection of Farmer S Benefits in the Process of Land Expropriation;城市边界土地增值收益之经济学分析——兼论土地征收中的农民利益保护

4.These Regulations are formulated in order to regulate the order of land and real estate market transactions, to reasonably adjust the benefit from land appreciation and to safeguard the rights and interests of the State.为了规范土地、房地产市场交易秩序,合理调节土地增值收益,维护国家权益,制定本条例。

5.Quantitative Analysis of Incremental Profit from Land Surrounding Shanghai Rail Transport Stations and Study of Countermeasures;上海轨道交通站点周边土地增值收益的量化分析与对策研究

6.Discussion on the City Infrastructure and Allocation of Added Values from Land城市基础设施建设与土地增值收益分配问题探讨

7.The Research of the Land Added-value Benefit in the Process of Urbanization--Based on the Perspective of the System Rent城市化进程中的土地增值收益研究——基于制度租的视角

8.A New Idea of the Regional Land System Reform:Allocation of Land and Distribution of Value-added in Circulation区域性土地制度改革新思路:土地的梯次配置和土地增值收益梯次分配

9.Study on the Increment Value and Income Distribution of the Levied Farmland;被征农用土地的增值及其收益分配研究

10.Research on Increment Income Configuration Mechanism & Distribution of Farmland Requisition during the Period of Economic Transition;经济转型期土地征收增值收益形成机理及其分配

11.Financing Research for Construction of Urban Rail Transportation Based on Value-added Land Revenue;基于土地收益增值,南京地铁建设资金的筹资方法

12.Value-added Distribution of Proceeds in Collective Land Requisition in Rural Areas--a Case of RA City,Zhejiang Province;农村集体土地征用中的增值收益分配——以浙江省RA市为例

13.Study on the Relationship between Components of Farmland Expropriation Price and Land Value Increase;农地征收价格构成与土地增值的关系

14.accretion concept of income收益的自然增值概念

15.Farmer"s Reaction and Equilibrium of Distributing the Incremental Land Value Arising from Land Expropriation in Urban-rural Fringe城乡征地增值收益分配:农民的反应与均衡路径

16.Great Distance Sea Wall Construction Impetus Land Increment Benefit Analysis;千里海塘建设带动的土地增值效益分析

17.Research on the reform of the benefit allocation of "village in city" based on land value increment;基于土地增值的城中村改造利益分配研究

18.Research on Revenue Distribution of the Land Value - added Due to Urban Rail Transit;城市轨道交通沿线土地增值的利益分配研究


added values增值收益

1.The paper points out that unreasonable system for the allocation ofadded values derived from land development is one of the important reasons of dampening investors’ enthusiasm and increasing transit investment burden on government.首先通过总结国内外研究概况说明了轨道交通对沿线土地开发的影响,提出不合理的土地开发增值收益分配制度是挫伤轨道交通建设投资主体的积极性、加重政府公共交通投资负担的重要原因之一。

3)the appreciation of agriculture land non-agriculturalization农地非农化增值收益

1.Essentially, all the problems focus on the distribution ofthe appreciation of agriculture land non-agriculturalization.究其实质,各种问题的焦点都集中于农地非农化增值收益的分配上,因此,只有实现了增值收益的公平分配,才能妥善地解决以上各类社会问题,才能构建出和谐的人地关系,构建和谐社会,才能确保社会主义市场经济的建立和完善。

4)distribution of incremental land value arising form land expropriation城乡征地增值收益分配

5)land revenue土地收益

1.The different land supply way means differentland revenue.不同的供地方式其所产生的土地收益差异明显。

6)land income土地收益

1.Based on increment ofland income, financing methods for comprehensive development and treatment of Jiuxi River basin is discussed by use of market operation and certain policy.流域的综合开发治理已经成为滨水城市发展的又一新的增长点,在城市建设中有着显著的社会效应和外部效益,基于土地收益增值,提出运用市场运作和政策的优势,寻求九溪流域综合开发治理的融资方法。

2.It is very important to study the train of thought, approaches and ways of theland income calculation, expenses, rate of income capitalization when income capitalization approach is used to value the price of agricultural land.着重探讨采用收益还原法评估农业用地宗地价格时,土地收益、农地费用及土地还原利率的测算思路、方法及途径。

3.State-owned urban land calls for economical realization,but abuse brought by present way ofland income participation threatens ultimate aim of land market allocation.城市土地国有要求得到经济上的实现,但现行中央政府对土地收益分享制度安排引发种种弊端,进而威胁到土地市场化的终极改革目标。


资本增值收益 资本增值收益——股票投资获得资本增值收益的形式是送股,但送股的资金不是来自于当年的可分配利润,而是公司提取的公积金,因此,又可称为公积金转增股本。资本增值收益是长期投资者选择优质公司股票后长期持有的主要投资目的。
