100字范文 > 儿童及青少年 Children and adolescents英语短句 例句大全

儿童及青少年 Children and adolescents英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-05-01 02:10:16


儿童及青少年 Children and adolescents英语短句 例句大全

儿童及青少年,Children and adolescents

1)Children and adolescents儿童及青少年

1.Objective To study the diagnosis and surgical treatment of pituitary adenomas in children and adolescents.目的探讨儿童及青少年垂体腺瘤的诊断和治疗。


1.children and young people at risk需要特别照顾的儿童及青少年

mittee of Enquiry into Education of Handicapped Children and Young People弱能儿童及青少年教育调查委员会

3.Television Advisory Panel on Children"s and Youth"s Programmes儿童及青少年电视节目咨询委员会

4.Child and Youth Development-cum-Communication Skill Course [Hong Kong Police Force]儿童及青少年发展与沟通技巧课程〔香港警务处〕

5.Review of the Effect of Violent Video Games on Children and Adolescents;暴力电子游戏对儿童及青少年的影响研究综述

6.Finding Report of Caries in Children and Youngsters Aged 6-15 Years in Taizhou;泰州地区6~15岁儿童及青少年龋病调查

7.Nasopharyngeal cancer in children and adolescents:diagnosis and differential diagnosis of CT and MRI儿童及青少年鼻咽癌的CT、MRI诊断与鉴别诊断

8.The Important Effect of the Family Sport in the Socialization of Children and Teenagers家庭体育对儿童及青少年社会化的影响

9.An Analysis of Electronic Laryngoscopy Results in 2500 Children with Hoarseness2500例声嘶儿童及青少年电子喉镜检查结果分析

10.teenage fashions, problems, children青少年的风尚、 青少年的问题、 少年儿童.

11.teenage fashions, problems,childre青少年的风尚、青少年的问题、少年儿童.

12.Category IIB Film [Not Suitable for Young Persons and Children]第IIB级影片〔青少年及儿童不宜〕

13.Evaluation on Nutritional Status of Adolescents and Children in Liaoning Province;辽宁省青少年儿童营养状况及其评价

14.Diagnosis and Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Children and Adolescents儿童青少年2型糖尿病的诊断及治疗

15.Pituitary Tumors in Children and Adolescents: Clinical Analysis of 53 Cases儿童、少年及青年垂体瘤患者53例临床分析

16.Category II, which is subdivided into Category IIA (not suitable for children) and Category IIB (not suitable for young persons and children);第II级则细分为第IIA级(儿童不宜)及第IIB级(青少年及儿童不宜);

17.The Use of Children Overweight Screening Criteria, the Appetite Regulation of Overweight Children;儿童青少年肥胖标准应用及肥胖儿童食欲调节因素的研究

18.International Association for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Allied Profess国际儿童和青少年精神病治疗及有关专业协会


children and the youth儿童及青少年

1.Of course, to thechildren and the youths, singing means the expression of happiness.幼儿在咿呀学语阶段,高兴时就会表现出一种哼唱的欲望;儿童及青少年阶段,歌唱更是喜悦的代名词;到了成年人阶段,各种情绪的表达与宣泄大都会与歌声相伴。

3)Children and adolescents儿童青少年

1.Factors that effect maximal aerobic power in chinese children and adolescents(Summarize);影响儿童青少年最大有氧活动能力的因素(综述)

parison of detection rates by two methods for measuring overweight and obesity in 3912 children and adolescents;两种评价方法对3912例儿童青少年超重及肥胖检出率的比较

3.Prevalence of metabolic syndrome in overweight and obesity children and adolescents超重肥胖儿童青少年代谢综合征流行现状调查


1.Cross-sectional survey ofchildren body fat and influence analysis in Beijing and Guangzhou;北京与广州儿童青少年体脂现况及影响因素分析

2.Changes in the distribution of body mass index among agedchildren 6-17 in China from 1991 to ;中国6~17岁儿童青少年体质指数分布的变化

3.A Comparative Analysis of Children Myopia.目的对青少年儿童屈光状态的临床分析,探讨儿童青少年的视觉发育规律。

5)children and adolescence儿童青少年

1.Objective To modified the prediction formulas for bioelectrical impadance analysis on the fat free mass at different body mass index (BMI) levels of Chinesechildren and adolescence.目的建立生物电阻抗方法(BIA)测量中国儿童青少年体脂含量的应用方程。

6)Child and adolescent儿童青少年

1.On the Complication of Contextual Qusetionaire for Child and Adolescent at School;儿童青少年在校处境问卷的编制

2.Objective To construct normal values of body mass index(BMI) for assessing child and adolescent s overweight and obesity.目的建立儿童青少年超重与肥胖的体质指数 (bodymassindex ,BMI)年龄别正常值。


