100字范文 > 肺部损害 lung injuries英语短句 例句大全

肺部损害 lung injuries英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-08-05 19:59:05


肺部损害 lung injuries英语短句 例句大全

肺部损害,lung injuries

1)lung injuries肺部损害

1.Radiological manifestations of thelung injuries caused by liver cirrhosis;肝肺综合征所致肺部损害的影像学表现

2)extrapulmonary lesion肺外损害

1.A clinical analysis ofextrapulmonary lesions in mycoplasma pneumoniae infection of children;肺炎支原体感染肺外损害临床分析


1.Clinical Analysis of Extra-pulmonary Complications in Children with Mycoplasma Pneumoniae Infection and High-risk Factors;小儿肺炎支原体感染肺外损害及其相关因素分析

2.Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection of children with extraplumonary organ involvement in 210 cases.小儿肺炎支原体感染肺外器官损害210例临床分析

3.Analysis of Clinical cases of Children Mycoplasma Pneumonia complicated with Cardiac Damage.儿童肺炎支原体肺炎心肌损害的临床分析

4.Experimental Study of the Mechanism of Lung Injury and Protection during Cardiopulmonary Bypass;体外循环肺损伤机制及肺保护的研究

5.The ratio of impairment of lung function appeared of which deficiency of yin syndrome accunted for 30.4%;肺功能损害出现比率阴虚证占30.4%;

6.a majority of patients has multi-lobe damages on lung;大多数患者肺损害为多叶,多节段;

7.Effects of Pericardial Shed Blood Re-transfusion during Off-pump CABG on Inflammatory Reaction, Myocardial Injury and Lung Function;非体外循环冠状动脉旁路术中血液回输对炎症反应及心肌损害和肺功能的影响

8.an accident that results in physical damage or hurt.造成身体伤害或损害的意外事件。

9.Research of Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenator on the Treatment of Acute Lung Injury in Rats;体外膜肺氧合对大鼠急性肺损伤治疗的研究

10.The Research on the Mechanism of Acute Lung Injury Induced by Endogenous and Exogenous Factors of Lungs;肺内源性/外源性因素致急性肺损伤机制研究

11.Ex-pulmonary adult stem cell engraftment in treatment of acute lung injury:recent progress肺外成体干细胞移植治疗急性肺损伤研究进展

12.Second-hand smoke may cause the same lung damage as smoking eleven cigarettes a day.二手烟对肺造成的损害如同一天吸 11 根香烟。

13.Analysis of pulmonary ventilation function of workers exposed to cigarette dust;烟草粉尘对接触工人肺功能损害的调查分析

14.Death from pulmonary interstitial fibrosis and liver damage after taking gefitinib吉非替尼诱发肺间质纤维化及肝损害死亡

15.Evaluation of brain injury and coma after cardiopulmonary resuscitation心肺复苏后脑损害昏迷转归的早期观察与评价

16.Clinical analysis of adult patients with Mycoplasma pneumoniae and the myocardial damage成人支原体肺炎并发心肌损害的临床特征分析

17.The effect of sparfloxacin on pulmonery tuberculosis patients with liver injury司帕沙星治疗合并肝损害肺结核患者疗效分析

18.Clinical analysis of myocardial lesion due to Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection肺炎支原体感染致心肌损害50例临床分析


extrapulmonary lesion肺外损害

1.A clinical analysis ofextrapulmonary lesions in mycoplasma pneumoniae infection of children;肺炎支原体感染肺外损害临床分析

3)Lung injury肺损害

1.Nursing of 46 patients with lung injury by Paraquat poisoning;46例百草枯中毒患者肺损害的护理

4)Pulmonary damage肺损害

1.Pulmonary damage caused by right side infective endocarditis in intravenous drug users;经静脉应用毒品致右心感染性心内膜炎肺损害

2.ResultsPulmonary damage was observed in 47.目的加深对恙虫病所致肺损害的认识。

5)Pulmonary parenchyma lesion肺实质损害

6)damage on lung and pleura肺胸膜损害

1.Objectiv To study and discuss thedamage on lung and pleura casused by SLE.目的 探讨系统性红斑狼疮(SLE)的肺胸膜损害。


肺部放射性核素检查肺部放射性核素检查放射性核素应用于肺部疾患的检查。1955年Knipping首先用放射性隋性气体133氙( 133Xe)作局部肺功能测定。1963年Taplin等用133I大分子聚合白蛋白作肺灌注扫描以诊断肺栓塞。近年来,加速器生产的新核素如"15氧、11碳、8氧和13氮等也用于肺疾患检查。
