100字范文 > 互高阶累积量 cross-high-order cumulant英语短句 例句大全

互高阶累积量 cross-high-order cumulant英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-29 14:43:24


互高阶累积量 cross-high-order cumulant英语短句 例句大全

互高阶累积量,cross-high-order cumulant

1)cross-high-order cumulant互高阶累积量

1.A sinusoidal signal phase estimation method——Singular Value Decomposition(SVD),based oncross-high-order cumulant,is proposed.这种方法通过对互高阶累积量矩阵进行奇异值分解,得到信号子空间和噪声子空间。


1.Study of Methods of Harmonic Retrieval of State-space Model Based on Cross-high-order Cumulants;基于互高阶累积量的状态空间模型的谐波恢复方法的研究

2.Higher Order Cumulants in Echo Cancellation一种基于高阶累积量的回波对消方法

3.Research on DOA Estimation Based on High-Order Cumulant;基于高阶累积量的DOA估计法研究

4.Research on Automatic Classification of Phase Modulated Signals Using High-order Cumulant调相信号自动识别的高阶累积量方法

5.An Algorithm of DOA Estimation Based on Cross Array and High-order Cumulants基于十字阵的高阶累积量DOA估计算法

6.Signal Modulation Classification Based on Support Vector Machines and High-Order Cumulants基于高阶累积量和支持向量机的信号调制分类

7.The Harmonic Retrieval Based on The Cross-High-Order Cumulant of Hybrid Colored Noises基于互高阶累计量的混合色噪声中的谐波恢复

8.Method for Dim Small IR Target Detection Based on Wavelet and Higher-Order Cumulant基于小波和高阶累积量的红外弱小目标检测

9.Multi-parameter Estimation Technology of Wide-band Array Signals Based on High-order Cumulant;基于高阶累积量的阵列信号多参数估计技术

10.Research on Complex Signal Identification Based on High-order Cumulant under Low Signal/Noise Rate;基于高阶累积量的低信噪比复杂信号识别研究

11.Hybrid Global Algorithm Wavelet Estimation and Extraction Via Higher Order Cumulants;高阶累积量全局混合法子波估计及外推

12.DOA Estimation Based on Fourth-Order Cumulants and Sparse Decomposition;联合高阶累积量和稀疏分解的DOA估计算法研究

13.Research of Maneuvering Detection Using Higher-Order Cumulants Target Tracking Algorithm;基于高阶累积量机动检测的目标跟踪算法研究

14.Improved PSO Algorithm Wavelet Estimation via Fourth-order Cumulant Matching;基于粒子群算法的高阶累积量地震子波提取

15.Research of Near-field Source Localization Method Based on Higher-order Cumulant;基于高阶累积量的近场源定位方法研究

16.Blind System Equalization and Identification Based on Higher Order Statistics;基于高阶累积量的系统盲均衡与盲辨识

17.Research on Modulation Identification of OFDM Signals Based on Higher Order Cumulant基于高阶累积量的OFDM信号调制识别技术研究

18.Similarity of high-order cumulants for single molecule kinetics单分子体系动力学的高阶累积量相似性


cross high-order cumulants互高阶累积量

3)cross high order cumulant互高阶累积量

1.A method of multi channelcross high order cumulant was proposed by combining the ideal of cross spectral with high order cumulant method.将互谱思想与高阶累积量方法相结合形成了多通道互高阶累积量方法 ,该方法用于谐波恢复 ,突破了高阶累积量方法对噪声的限制 ,降低了互谱方法对硬件隔离的要求 。

4)higher order cumulants高阶累积量

1.By Hinich s test,the nongaussian and nonlinear components of ship radiated noise was detected, and the objective evidences were given for usinghigher order cumulants to extract noise features.用Hinich检验方法 ,验证了实际舰船辐射噪声中存在非高斯性、非线性成分 ,为利用高阶累积量方法提取舰船辐射噪声的非高斯特征 ,提供了客观依据。

2.Blind separation of sources based onhigher order cumulants is applied to the separation between vibration signal and noise,which is important to diagnosi.本文利用基于高阶累积量的盲信号分离方法 ,设计了相应算法 ,成功地从被噪声污染的信号中恢复源振动信号 ,从而可确保碰摩故障的检测和诊断能顺利进

3.The identification of such a system is discussed when applyinghigher order cumulants.研究了利用高阶累积量方法对复共轭四阶系统进行辨识的问题 ,分析讨论了这种四阶系统的特点 ,给出了由连续系统到离散系统的转换公式 ,并利用基于累积量表示的修正尤勒 沃克方程对该四阶系统进行了辨识 。

5)high-order cumulant高阶累积量

1.Estimation of time delay by using weightedhigh-order cumulant on correlated noise;相关噪声背景下加权高阶累积量的时延估计方法

2.Research on DOA Estimation Based on High-Order Cumulant;基于高阶累积量的DOA估计法研究

3.Seismic wavelet estimation usinghigh-order cumulant matching method and hybrid ant colony algorithm.基于高阶累积量拟合及混合蚁群算法的地震子波估计

6)higher-order cumulants高阶累积量

1.Lung sound feature extraction based on parametric bispectrum analysis ofhigher-order cumulants;基于高阶累积量的参数化双谱分析的肺音特征提取

2.The ARMA model parameters of lung-thorax system from lung sound were estimated by thehigher-order cumulants.应用高阶累积量方法 ,从肺音信号辨识肺胸系统的ARMA模型参数 。

3.To investigate the modulation recognition of Phase Shift Keying (PSK) signals widely used in satellite Communication, such as pi/4-QPSK and 8-PSK , an algorithm for modulation recognition based onhigher-order cumulants of signal difference is proposed.针对卫星通信中常用的数字调相信号pi/4-QPSK、8PSK的调制识别问题,提出了一种基于信号差分高阶累积量的识别算法,该算法利用信号差分的四阶和八阶累积量特征对pi/4-QPSK、8PSK信号进行识别。


