100字范文 > 校企深度合作 Close college-enterprise cooperation英语短句 例句大全

校企深度合作 Close college-enterprise cooperation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-05 22:15:45


校企深度合作 Close college-enterprise cooperation英语短句 例句大全

校企深度合作,Close college-enterprise cooperation

1)Close college-enterprise cooperation校企深度合作

1.In order to solve these problems,it is necessary to reform the model of practical teaching,and the model of the close college-enterprise cooperation is the main mode in reforming the system of practical teaching.高职院校要根据校企深度合作的基本思路,构建实践教学的目标体系、内容体系及关键的保障体系。


1.Research on the Practical Teaching System of the High Vocational Logistics Based upon the Close College-enterprise Cooperation;基于校企深度合作的高职物流实践教学体系的改革探讨

2.The reflection on the practical teaching system of the high professional logistics under the model of close college-enterprise cooperation;校企深度合作模式下高职物流实践教学体系的改革探讨

3.On Promotion of Deep-level College-enterprise Cooperation and Upgrading of College-enterprise Cooperation Drive;推进校企深层次合作 提升校企合作动力

4.Introducing Renowned Enterprises into Campus College Closely Cooperating with Enterprises Building Training Bases Jointly;引名企进校园 校企深度融合 共建实训基地

5.Study on Reform of Practice Teaching of CAD/CAM Specialty through Deepening School-enterprise Cooperation;校企合作深化CAD/CAM专业实践教学改革

6.Deepen the Content of School-enterprise Cooperation to Improve the Quality of Post Practice深化校企合作内涵 提高顶岗实习质量

7.Enhance the Cooperation Between School and Company,Strengthen the Practice Base Establishing and Innovate the New Education Model;深化校企合作加强基地建设创新人才培养模式

8.Relying on the Industry,Exploration and Practice of Advance Deeper Political School-enterprise Cooperation依托行业 推进深层次政校企合作的探索与实践

9.High School Vocational Education to Deepen Cooperation Analysis and Countermeasures深化高职教育校企合作的问题与对策分析

10.Construction of the Platform for College-enterprise Co-operation Deepening the reform of Higher Vocational Education加强校企合作平台建设 深化高职教育教学改革

11.Cooperative Education by Combination of Industry,Academic Studies and Scientific Research: Win-win for Both Enterprises and Schools;工学结合 校企双赢 深入推进产学研合作教育工作

12.Exploration on the Ways of School-enterprise Cooperation in the View of Enterprises Postdoctoral System;企业博士后制度视域中的校企合作途径探索

13.A Probe and Practice of the Teaching model of the combination of Production,Study and Research on the Basis of the Cooperation between School and Enterprise;校企合作 深化产学研结合教学模式改革的探索与实践

14.A Discussion of the Innovative Talent Training Modes in the Contexts of Deep College-Corporate Cooperation--A Case Study of Suzhou Vocational University校企深度融合下人才创新培养模式探讨——以苏州市职业大学为例

15.The Study of the Mode of "Deeper level,Multiple modules" to Build New School-busivess Cooperation in Higher Vocational Education;深层次 多模块 构建高职院新型校企合作模式的研究

16.The Survey on Wish of Enterprises in Cooperating with Polytechnics in Guangzhou City;广州市企业与职业院校合作意愿度的调查研究

17.Promotion of Railway Industry Employment Access System with the Cooperation between University & Enterprise以校企合作推进铁路行业就业准入制度

18.School-enterprise Cooperation Helps the Multi-wins of the Students,Schools,and Enterprises;校企合作实现了学生、学校、企业“三赢”


cooperation between school and enterprise校企合作

1.Training High-Tech Talent bycooperation between school and enterprise——Summary of the cases of the first batch National Demonstrative Higher Vocational Colleges;校企合作共育高技能人才——全国首批示范性建设院校校企合作、工学结合案例综述

2.Under the information technology environment,the construction of teaching model for curriculum identification in higher vocational schools based oncooperation between school and enterprise can decrease students blindness for acquiring certificate,and enhance their working adaptability.在信息技术环境下,在校企合作的基础上建构高职院校课程认证教学模式,降低了高职生考证的盲目性,增强了高职生对企业的适应性。

3)cooperation between schools and enterprises校企合作

1.Exploring the school-running model about "combination working with learning,cooperation between schools and enterprises";关于高职“工学结合,校企合作”办学模式的探索

2.Role transition model of students incooperation between schools and enterprises abroad;国外校企合作中的学生角色转变模式

3.Intensifyingcooperation between schools and enterprises,and work-integrated learning to improve vocational education大力加强校企合作、工学结合,促进职业教育新发展

4)cooperation between college and enterprise校企合作

1.The problems of the graduate design withcooperation between college and enterprise in the University of Applied Sciences in China are analyzed.通过对我国应用性大学与德国应用科学大学在本科毕业设计选题、管理方式、毕业设计与就业的关系等方面的对比,分析了我国技术应用性学院在校企合作进行本科毕业设计过程中存在的问题,对国内技术应用性本科毕业设计模式的研究和毕业论文质量的提高提出了有一定参考价值的建议。

5)college-enterprise cooperation校企合作

1.This paper introducescollege-enterprise cooperation by adopting the teaching pattern of "3+1" to strengthen practical teaching for the majors of textile engineering, and to improve their engineering capability and initiative spirit and employment ability.通过校企合作,采用“3+1”学制模式来加强纺织工程大学生的工程实训教学,提高大学生的工程素质、创新精神和就业能力,为高校工科专业培养现代制造业急需的应用型工程技术人才而探索新的教学模式。

2.Thecollege-enterprise cooperation is the primary attribute of higher vocational education and a decisive factor influencing the development of kernel strength.校企合作办学是高等职业教育的基本属性,是内涵发展的决定性因素之一。

6)school-enterprise cooperation校企合作

1.The Training of Highly-skilled personnel by School-enterprise cooperation;校企合作培养高技能人才

2.On the integration of "Double Certificate" andschool-enterprise cooperation in higher vocational education;论高职教育的“双证融通”与校企合作

3.Exploring into a Model of School-enterprise Cooperation with the University as Sponsor of Enterprise Reformation;高校作为企业改制发起人的校企合作模式探索


