100字范文 > 挂轮 change gear英语短句 例句大全

挂轮 change gear英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-13 00:47:22


挂轮 change gear英语短句 例句大全

挂轮,change gear

1)change gear挂轮

1.Introduce the principle and possibility of use isochronous system of spline processing beuel gear,stress on whew the feeding is certained,change gear calculation method form isochronous system compensate and error checking calculation for machining workpiece.介绍了利用无差动系统的花键铣床加工斜齿轮的原理及可行性,重点阐述了当机床进给量一定时,工件由差动系统补偿的挂轮计算方法,以及误差验算方

2.Result is thatchange gear can"t be chosen or processing is not normally.当滚切螺旋角很小或很大的斜齿圆柱齿轮时,用普通滚切斜齿圆柱齿轮的差动计算式所得传动比过小或过大,造成无法选择挂轮或不能正常加工。

3.This paper analyses the calculating characteristic ofchange gear sets of hobbing machine Y3150E.选配挂轮是滚齿机加工调整的主要内容之一,但一般计算和查表过程较繁琐,且不一定符合配备齿轮齿数和挂轮架结构尺寸的要求,本文分析了Y3150E齿机挂轮计算的特点,提出一套,优化计算程序、可以快速、准确地同时选出范成运动与差动运动传动链的所需挂轮,并符合机床挂轮架结构尺寸与传动比相对误差最小的要求。


1.change gear box交换齿轮箱,变速齿轮箱,挂轮箱

puter Aided Development of Change Gears Selection System in Hobbing Machine计算机辅助滚齿机挂轮选择系统开发

3.The design of selective procedure of change gears used for additional movement of hobbing machine关于滚齿机附加运动挂轮选择程序的设计

4.A Easy way of turning non Standard Screw Pitch;车削非标准螺距螺纹的挂轮简便选配法

5.Design and Realization of Optimal Selection of Change Gear System Based on Technology基于技术的挂轮优化选取系统的设计与实现

6.maximum design tyre load轮胎最大设计拖挂质量

7.rack and pinion suspension system齿轮齿条式悬挂系统

8.The rivalry between U. S.-flag freighters and foreign-flag ships is rather keen.悬挂美国旗货轮兴挂外国旗轮船间之竞争颇为激烈。

9.Number of notifications happened that are pending (i.e. to be polled).处于挂起状态(例如要被轮询)的通知数。

10.a full moon was hanging over the garden.一轮圆月挂在花园的上空。

11.Put the V belt on the pulley of the sewing machine.首先把v 形皮带挂到缝纫机皮带轮上。

12.The full round moon and the star-laden sky,天上挂着明月一轮和繁星点点,

13.A moon hung above the water like a silver plate.一轮圆月就像银盘一样悬挂在水面上。

14.Three-Point hitch implement quick-attaching coupler of agricultural wheeled tractors--Category 3NGB/T7120-1986农用轮式拖拉机三点悬挂农具快速挂接器3N类

15.Agricultural wheeled tractors and implements-Three-point hitch couplers--Part 3: Link couplerGB/T17127.3-1998农业轮式拖拉机和机具三点悬挂挂接器第3部分:连杆式挂接器

16.Man: Don"t mention it. But don"t forget to get the puncture repaired.男人:举手之劳,不足挂齿。别忘了修补轮胎。

17.The moon was full and the stars were glistening, something to terrify the soul天上挂着一轮满月,星星在闪烁,有点儿使人害怕。

18.Matching of agricultural wheeled tractors and rear mounted implementsGB/T10911-1989农业轮式拖拉机和后悬挂农具的匹配


change gears挂轮

1.Selective procedure ofchange gears of general hobbing machine;滚齿机差动挂轮选择程序

2.The design of selective procedure ofchange gears used for additional movement of hobbing machine;关于滚齿机附加运动挂轮选择程序的设计

3.The software based on Visual Basic used in the calculation and selection ofchange gears in gear hobbing process is developed in this paper.利用VisualBasic开发了计算和选配滚齿机挂轮的软件,该软件计算精度高、界面美观友好、操作快捷方便,提高了生产效率,在生产实际中有着广泛的应用前景。

3)gear change挂轮

1.This paper introduces a simple homemadegear change matching table for milling spiral groove.为了铣削螺旋槽,结合综合计算法和查表法,自制了一张简易挂轮表,能方便快速地选到一组最精确的挂轮,从而提高了生产效率。

4)differential hanging gear差动挂轮

1.Aim for the problem that producing gears exist precision low and error big in practical produce,passed to technically regenerate todifferential hanging gears of primeval equipment(Y320 roll-gear machinery),improved some big module-small spiral angle gears of producing quantity,attained to user requirement,and received the satisfactory economic performance.针对在实际生产中遇到的齿轮加工精度低和误差大等问题,通过对原有设备(Y320滚齿机)的差动挂轮技术改造,提高了几种大模数小螺旋角齿轮的加工质量,达到了客户要求,收到了良好的经济效益。

2.In this paper,computer technology is applied to solve the problem that exist in selecting thedifferential hanging gears,such as database generation、hanging gears finding and big error of traditional calculation method,and to improve the precision and speed of findingdifferential hanging gears,and to satisfy the needs of actual processing.运用计算机技术,解决机床差动挂轮选择中存在的数据库生成、挂轮查找以及传统方法计算精度低的问题,提高了机床差动挂轮的计算精度和查找速度,满足了实际生产的需求。

5)Index change gear分度挂轮

6)error of hanging wheel挂轮误差


