100字范文 > 磁力线 magnetic line of force英语短句 例句大全

磁力线 magnetic line of force英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-09-02 11:20:24


磁力线 magnetic line of force英语短句 例句大全

磁力线,magnetic line of force

1)magnetic line of force磁力线

1.Based on the mechanical phenomena appeared in the experiments,put forward three suppositions aboutmagnetic line of force named repellency among lines,least resistance route property and amount limit property whenmagnetic line of force penetrates ferromagnet.依据实验中电磁、永磁两种元件同极间的力学现象 ,提出了关于磁力线性质的三个假说 ,认为磁力线具有线间斥性、最小阻径性和磁力线通过铁磁质时的容限性。

2.The equation ofmagnetic line of force for current element is derived and the concluion is obtained that anymagnetic line of force is a close circle and its center changing in straight line on three coordinate plane, the oblique rate is determined by current element.导出了电流元的磁力线方程 ,发现任一磁力线是一闭合圆线 ,圆心在三个坐标平面上沿直线变化 ,斜率由电流元的取向决


1.horizontal isomagnetic chart水平强度等磁力线图

2.Around a bar magnet, for example, the lines of force point from the north pole to the south.例如,在磁铁棒周围的磁力线从北极指向南极。

3.Magnetic lines of force will, whenever possible, travel through iron or other magnetic materials.磁力线只要有可能就会通过铁或其他磁性材料。

4.Magnetic lines of force (or flux) can be set up by passing a large current of electricity through the component to be inspected, by use of a magnetizing yoke, and by use of a magnetizing coil.用大电流通过被测部件并用磁轭和用磁化线圈可以产生磁力线(或磁流)。

5."The density of the lines indicates the magnitude of the field, the lines Being crowded together where the magnetic field is strong. The SI unit for magnetic flux is the weber. "线的密度表示磁场的强度,磁场强的地方磁力线就密集。磁通量的国际单位是韦伯。

6.Magnetic lines of force do exist though invisible.磁力线虽然看不见,但确实存在。

7.one of the two ends of a magnet where the magnetism seems to be concentrated.磁力线在地球表面是垂直的两点之一。

8."The magnetic lines of force don"t exist, they are defined by scientists.""磁力线并不存在,它是由科学家所定义。"

9.A magnetic field exerts forces on such charged particles, too, sending them twirling around magnetic field lines.磁场也会对这些带电粒子施力,使它们沿著磁力线快速旋转。

10.torque coil magnetometer力矩 线圈式磁强计

11.Research on minimizing Detent Force of Permanent Magnet Linear Synchronous Motor永磁直线同步电机磁阻力最小化研究

12.Research and Development of the Electromagnetic-Hysteresis Yarn Tensioning Device电磁式磁滞纱线张力器的研究与开发

13.Research on Electromagnetic Design and Detent Force of Permanent Magnet Linear Motor永磁直线电机的电磁设计及磁阻力研究

14.Fibre Bragg Grating Based Magnetic Force Online Measurement System for Magnetic Bearings基于光纤光栅的磁力轴承磁力在线测量系统

15.A wire carrying an electric current exerts magnetic forces, and these forces act back on the wire itself.载流导线产生磁力,磁力反过来又作用于导线本身。

16."Magnetic fields are commonly represented by continuous lines of force, or magnetic flux, that emerge from north-seeking magnetic poles and enter south-seeking poles. "一般用连续的力线,或称磁通量,来表示磁


18.Axial Suspending Feedback Linearization PID Control for Magnetic Suspending Switched Reluctance Motor磁浮开关磁阻电机悬浮力的反馈线性化PID控制


Magnetic Line磁力线

1.Analysis ofMagnetic Line for Design of Magnetic Abrasives Machining Device;磁研磨装置设计中的磁力线分析

3)magnetic field line磁力线

1.With the special theory of relativity, using the transform relation of electromagnetism field in the inertial coordianate, and based on the properties of electric field lines andmagnetic field lines, this paper derived the equations of electric field lines and themagnetic field lines in two defferent inertial reference frames.运用狭义相对论电磁场在惯性坐标系中的变换关系式,并根据电力线和磁力线的性质,导出不同惯性参照系的电力线方程和磁力线方程,为描绘空间电力线和磁力线提供理论依

2.On the basis of the definition of themagnetic field line and the distribution of magnetic field around an uniform magnetized sphere,the article resolves a differential equation and deduces a simple expression of themagnetic field lines,which makes it easy to draw the magnetic lines for an uniform magnetized sphere in geomagnetic research.基于磁力线定义和均匀磁化球体周围的磁场分布,通过解算微分方程,推导出一个简单的磁力线簇公式,便于在地磁场研究中绘制均匀磁化球体的磁力线。

4)line of force力线,磁力线

5)line of magnetic field磁力线,磁力线数

6)magnetic tube oforce磁力线管


