100字范文 > 金融服务业 financial service industry英语短句 例句大全

金融服务业 financial service industry英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-09-08 17:36:59


金融服务业 financial service industry英语短句 例句大全

金融服务业,financial service industry

1)financial service industry金融服务业

1.The decentralized spatial pattern of thefinancial service industry in Dongguan:a perspective of consumer behavior of enterprises financial services;东莞市金融服务业分散化空间格局——企业金融服务消费行为视角

2.The Study of Agglomeration in Financial Service Industry Base on Actor Network Theory基于行动者网络理论的金融服务业集聚的研究


1.The decentralized spatial pattern of the financial service industry in Dongguan:a perspective of consumer behavior of enterprises financial services;东莞市金融服务业分散化空间格局——企业金融服务消费行为视角

2.The Strategy of the Developement of SME Financial Service of Commercail Banks;商业银行中小企业金融服务业务发展策略

3.The impact on our financial services industry;·对我们金融服务业的影响;

4.UK performance in invisible earnings has generally been good, with financial services,在英国无形收益普遍良好,金融服务业

5.I have chosen changes in institutional boundaries in the financial services industry,是金融服务业部门界限的变化,

6.Study on Cooperation in Financial Services Industry between Taiwan and the Mainland in WTO;WTO框架下两岸金融服务业合作研究

7.The innovation of financial service industry in China:An overview at the beginning of the new century;中国金融服务业的创新:新世纪的观察

8.On Measures of Developing Financial Service in Chinese Automobile;中国汽车金融服务业发展的对策研究

9.On WTO and the Internationalization of Financial Service;WTO与金融服务业的国际化问题研究

10.“Value-chain management”the“new Potential”of the financeservice industry;价值链管理:金融服务业的“新生命线”

11.Studies on the Issue of Market Access of Financial Services;我国金融服务业的市场准入问题研究

12.<Agreement on Financial Service> of WTO and Opening-up of Financial Sector of India;WTO金融服务协议与印度金融业的开放

13.Electronic construction and service innovation have developed rapidly, which has enhanced the financial service level significantly.金融电子化建设和金融业务创新快速发展,金融服务水平明显提高。

14.(21) financial services;(21)金融服务界;

15.Banking and insurance:Further enhanced functions were available from the banking and insurance services.金融保险业:金融保险服务功能进一步增强。

16.Banking and insurance: Further enhanced functions were available from the banking and insurance services.金融保险业: 金融保险服务功能进一步增强。

17.Liberalizing Trade in Financial Service and Strategies for Our Finance Industry;金融服务贸易自由化与我国金融业的应对策略

18.Financial Service Integration and Comprehensive Operation of China s Financial Industry;金融服务一体化和中国金融业的综合经营


financial service金融服务业

1.The innovation offinancial service industry in China:An overview at the beginning of the new century;中国金融服务业的创新:新世纪的观察

3)financial services industry金融服务业

1.Based on the relationship analysis offinancial services industry in OECD countries and the difference of industrial relationship between China s financial industries and that of foreign countries, this paper studies the difficulties and the development that China s financial service is confronted with.金融服务业是现代服务业的核心,同其他产业有着密切的关联。

4)financial services sector金融服务业

1.Thefinancial services sector includes banking business,securities business and insurance industry.金融服务业主要包括银行业、证券业和保险业,现代金融服务业发展的层次和水平直接影响着经济发展的速度和效率。

5)financial services金融服务业

1.Research on the current state of development of the Chinesefinancial services and their related strategies广州金融服务业发展的现状与政策探讨

2.On the base of theoretical summary of relative subjects,the special properties of industrial clusters offinancial services is studied.本文在对产业集群相关文献进行简要梳理和范畴界定的基础上,对金融服务业集群独特性进行了分析。

6)automobile financial service汽车金融服务业

1.In China,automobile financial service is a burgeoning financial industry and the development of automobile finance has a profound influence on automobile industry and automobile consumption.在我国,汽车金融服务业是一个相对独立的新兴金融行业,汽车金融业的发展对汽车业和汽车消费起到了巨大的推动作用。


