100字范文 > 分离回收 separation and recovery英语短句 例句大全

分离回收 separation and recovery英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-13 16:18:55


分离回收 separation and recovery英语短句 例句大全

分离回收,separation and recovery

1)separation and recovery分离回收

1.The composition and its application value of waste-liquor of auto-catalyted ethanol pulping,theseparation and recovery of the waste liquor were introduced.针对自催化乙醇法蒸煮废液的分离回收,介绍了其废液的组成及各组分的分离回收方法。

2.The effects on the production and cost of fumaric acid of nutritional components, mycelial morphology, the control of pH and the technology ofseparation and recovery are discussed in detail.本文对发酵生产富马酸的常见根霉菌及其代谢机理进行了评述,并详细讨论了营养成分、菌体形态、pH控制及产物分离回收技术等对富马酸生产强度和生产成本的影响。


1.Study on Recovering Indium and Tin from ITO Waste Targets;从ITO废靶中分离回收铟、锡的研究

2.The Experiment of Aniline Seperated and Collected from the Aniline-Water Mixed Liquid;分离回收苯胺—水溶液中的苯胺试验

3.Separation of W and Mo from Mo Stripping Solutionby Ion Exchange Method;离子交换法从解钼液中分离回收钨钼的研究

4.Effective Separation and Recovery of HMW Glutenin Subunits in Wheat小麦中高分子量麦谷蛋白的高效分离回收

5.Mathematical Modeling of Adsorption and PSA Separation of Acetone/air Mixtures;吸附及变压吸附分离回收丙酮蒸气的数学模拟

6.Research on Recovery of Ammonium Perfluorooctanoate from Waste Water by Adsorptive Bubble Separation Method;泡沫分离回收废水中全氟辛酸铵的研究

7.The Research on High Nickel FCC Equilibrium Catalyst Magnetic Separation Recovery Technology Industry Application;高镍FCC磁分离回收技术工业应用的研究

8.Separate and Reclaim Ribavirin from Crystal Effluent by Resin Column Chromatography-Crystal Progress;柱层析-结晶法分离回收结晶废液中的利巴韦林

9.Study on Recycling and Separation of Antibiotic from Pharmaceutical Wastewater by Adopting Nanofiltration Membranes;纳滤膜法分离回收制药废水中抗生素的研究

10.Study on Modification of Activation Carbons and Their Application for Gasoline Vapor Separation and Recovery活性炭改性及其在油气分离回收中的应用研究

11.Research on Extracting Cu and Ni from Nitric Stripping Solution and the Recycling Technology硝酸退镀液中铜镍分离回收与资源化工艺研究

12.Study on recovery of benzoic acid in residue from oxidation unit of purified terephthalic acid精对苯二甲酸氧化残渣中苯甲酸的分离回收

13.Highly Photocatalytic Active and Easily Recycled Sulfur-Doped TiO_2 Nanotubes高光催化活性和易分离回收的硫掺杂TiO_2纳米管

14.Factors influencing the liquefaction,separation,and recovery of solid grease from restaurant garbage餐厨垃圾固相油脂液化及分离回收的影响因素

15.substantially reduce the ratio of non-performing assets分离和收回不良资产

16.Analysis of Membrane based hydrocarbon VOCs recovery technique at petrol stations加油站膜分离烃类VOCs回收技术分析

17.The Recovery of Sulfur and the Separatica of Organic Sulfur from Spent Desulfurizer;废脱硫剂中有机硫的分离及硫的回收

18.Technology research on the concrete reclamated and recycled混凝土分离和回收再利用技术的研究


Seperation and reusing of copper分离回收铜

3)separation and recycle分离与回收

4)separation and recovery of catalyst催化剂分离回收

5)the technologies of separation and recovery分离回收技术

6)separation and recovering of the condensate凝液分离回收


