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螯合纤维 chelating fiber英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-10 23:29:09


螯合纤维 chelating fiber英语短句 例句大全

螯合纤维,chelating fiber

1)chelating fiber螯合纤维

1.Study on treatment of copper-containing wastewater by super fastchelating fiber with amidocyanogen胺基型超快螯合纤维处理含铜废水性能研究

2.Adsorption property of multi-donor atomschelating fiber for Ag~+多配位基螯合纤维对Ag~+的吸附性能研究

3.The thioamide-groupchelating fiber was prepared by cross-linking of initial polyacrylonitrile(PAN) fiber with ethylenediamine,and following chemical modification with sodium sulfide.0%(与缓冲溶液的体积比)、反应时间7 h、反应温度80℃;上述条件下制备得到的螯合纤维对Ag+具有一定的吸附能力,同时具有良好的断裂强度。


1.Preparation and adsorption of novel chelating fiber based on cellulose新型纤维素基螯合纤维的制备与吸附性能

2.metal-chelated PTO fibre聚对苯二甲酰草酰双脒腙金属螯合纤维

3.Preperation and Characterization of Poly(N-Vinylamine-Acrylonitrile) Chelating Fiber;聚(N-乙烯胺—丙烯腈)螯合纤维的制备与表征

4.Preparation of Poly(acrylonitrile/vinylamine) Chelating Fiber Containing Activated Carbon含活性炭的聚(丙烯腈/乙烯胺)螯合纤维的制备

5.Study on treatment of copper-containing wastewater by super fast chelating fiber with amidocyanogen胺基型超快螯合纤维处理含铜废水性能研究

6.Adsorption property of multi-donor atoms chelating fiber for Ag~+多配位基螯合纤维对Ag~+的吸附性能研究

7.Studies on Synthesis of a New Chelating Fiber and Using it to Remove the Deleterious Metal Ions from Apple Juice;螯合纤维的制备及其对苹果汁中有害金属离子去除研究

8.Study on Adsorption Properties of Poly(acrylonitrile/vinylamine) Chelating Fiber Containing Activated Carbon含活性炭的聚(丙烯腈/乙烯胺)螯合纤维的吸附性能研究

9.Studies on the Preparation of Cellulose Metal-chelated Affinity Membrane and Its Application;纤维素金属螯合亲和膜的制备及其应用研究

10.Studies on the Synthesis and Adsorptive Characteristics of Ethylenediamine Chelating Cotton Cellulose;乙二胺螯合棉纤维的制备及吸附性能研究

11.Chelating effect of clioquinol on zinc ions in hippocampal mossy fibers of mice氯碘羟喹对小鼠海马苔藓纤维内游离锌离子螯合作用的研究

12.Partial Adsorption Characteristics of Self-made Cellulose Metal-chelated Affinity Membraneand Its Application for Purification of Bovine SOD from Blood自制纤维素金属螯合亲和膜的部分吸附性能及纯化牛血SOD

13.Preparation of ethylenediamine chelating bacterial cellulose for the adsorption of copper ions乙二胺螯合细菌纤维素的制备及其吸附Cu~(2+)研究

14.Fig.9 Myocardium cell of Procambarus clarkii. Showing striation of myofibril.图9螯虾心肌细胞示肌原纤维的横纹。

15.a mixture of cellulose fibers.纤维素纤维的混合物。

16.chelation value螯合值(测螯合剂效率)

17.synthetic detergents [fibers]合成清洁剂 [纤维]

18.Study on Properties of Steel/Wood Fiber Composite MDF不锈钢纤维/木纤维复合中纤板的研究


chelate fiber螯合纤维

1.Reaction kinetic study on preparing amidoxime-groupchelate fiber;偕胺肟基螯合纤维制备的反应动力学研究

2.Preparation ofchelate fiber containing amide group Ⅰ. Preparation of precursor fiber;含氨基螯合纤维的制备 Ⅰ.前驱纤维的制备

3.Synthesis of PVAAO typechelate fiber and its adsorption for metal ion Cu(Ⅱ);聚乙烯醇胺肟型螯合纤维的合成及其对铜(Ⅱ)离子的吸附

3)Chelating cellulose螯合棉纤维

1.Chelating cellulose is of simple preparation, excellent nature and low cost.以预处理后的棉纤维为骨架 ,通过间接醚化法 ,接枝合成了 2 巯基苯并螯合棉纤维 (CC MBM ) ,研究了CC MBM吸附重金属离子的动力学行为。

4)Chelating cellulose螯合纤维素

1.Chelating cellulose is of simple preparation,excellent nature and low cost.螯合纤维素制备工艺简单,性能优越,成本低廉。

5)Polyamines chelated cellulose多胺螯合纤维

6)metal chelating fiber金属螯合纤维

1.Based on the chelating fiber with amidoxime group(AOCF), which is obtained from chemical modification of PAN fiber with hydroxylamine, a series ofmetal chelating fibers containing amidoxime group are prepared by the reaction of AOCF with metal ion Cu(Ⅱ)?Co(Ⅱ)?Hg(Ⅱ)?Zn(Ⅱ)and Cd(Ⅱ).以偕胺肟纤维与金属离子Cu(Ⅱ)、Co(Ⅱ)、Hg(Ⅱ)、Zn(Ⅱ)、Cd(Ⅱ)反应生成一系列的金属螯合纤维(M-AOCF),测定了各M-AOCF的单纤强力。


