100字范文 > 医疗设备检修 medical equipment maintenance英语短句 例句大全

医疗设备检修 medical equipment maintenance英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-03 15:15:12


医疗设备检修 medical equipment maintenance英语短句 例句大全

医疗设备检修,medical equipment maintenance

1)medical equipment maintenance医疗设备检修

2)medical laboratory equipment maintenance医疗检验设备维修

3)medical equipment maintenance医疗设备维修

1.Discusses the importance of establishing a set of highly effective maintenance procedure,and proposes the control method and key points,combining with the practical work related tomedical equipment maintenance.结合工作实际,论述在医院医疗设备管理工作中建立和实施规范、有序、高效的医疗设备维修流程的重要性,探讨流程控制方法和要点。

2.This article describes and discusses the arrangements and measures in the organization ofmedical equipment maintenance in our hospital.为了充分发挥出工程技术人员在医疗设备维修工作应有的作用,需要有效的管理和措施。

3.Sums up some skills of the application and experiences on digital cameras in themedical equipment maintenance.主要总结了在医疗设备维修领域中使用数码相机的一些技巧及心得。


1.Problems and Countermeasures on maintenance of Clinical Medical Equipments临床医疗设备维修存在的问题及对策

2.The Application of GHOST in Large Medical Equipment MaintenanceGHOST在大型医疗设备维修中的应用

3.Research and Development of Database Management System for Medical Equipment Maintenance医疗设备维修的数据库管理系统研究与设计

4.Medical equipment in public hospitals on the maintenance of resource sharing issues关于公立医院医疗设备维修资源共享问题的探讨

5.How to Run Medical Equipment Service Businees with Web Support;论网络时代我国医疗设备维修服务企业的运作模式

6.Periodic Maintenance and Institutional Management of Medical Devices医疗设备的周期性维修与制度化管理

7.Role of medical equipment management and service in hospital development医疗设备管理与维修在医院发展中的作用

8.How to Fulfill Repair Security Work of Medical Equipment in Peacekeeping Operation如何做好维和医疗队设备的维修保障工作

9.Discussion of Common Failures and Maintenance Methods of Medical Equipment医疗设备常见故障和维修保养方法的探讨

10.Reflections on the Dilemma of Large Medical Equipment Caused by Industrialization of Maintenance军队大型医疗设备如何走出维修产业化带来的困境

11.We expatiate on an initiative management mode of medical instruments and equipments" operation and maintenace, which is different from the usual passive management.阐述对医院在用医疗设备使用和维修的一种积极管理方式.有别于通常意义上的被动管理。

12.Matters Needing Attention in the Preventive Maintenance of Medical Equipment医疗设备维护方案中所需关注的问题

13.Experience of Preventive Maintenance of Medical Equipment开展医疗设备预防性维护工作的体会

14.Design and implementation of maintenance management system for medical equipment based on HIS基于HIS的医院设备维修管理软件的设计

15.Discussion on Three Oppositions of Medical Equipment Maintenance医院医疗设备维护三个“碰撞”的应对探讨

16.The Discussion about Service Managerial Technique Standard of Medical Equipment医院设备器材维修管理技术规范的探讨

17.Experiences of How to Manage Equipment Maintenance浅谈中小型医院设备维修管理的几点体会

18.Working Principle and Troubleshooting of LCD医疗设备中液晶显示模块工作原理及检修方法


medical laboratory equipment maintenance医疗检验设备维修

3)medical equipment maintenance医疗设备维修

1.Discusses the importance of establishing a set of highly effective maintenance procedure,and proposes the control method and key points,combining with the practical work related tomedical equipment maintenance.结合工作实际,论述在医院医疗设备管理工作中建立和实施规范、有序、高效的医疗设备维修流程的重要性,探讨流程控制方法和要点。

2.This article describes and discusses the arrangements and measures in the organization ofmedical equipment maintenance in our hospital.为了充分发挥出工程技术人员在医疗设备维修工作应有的作用,需要有效的管理和措施。

3.Sums up some skills of the application and experiences on digital cameras in themedical equipment maintenance.主要总结了在医疗设备维修领域中使用数码相机的一些技巧及心得。

4)medical equipment医疗设备维修

5)medical equipment warranty医疗设备保修

1.Expounds the reasons to purchase the large-scalemedical equipment warranty and the matters needing attention according to the present situation of large-scale equipment in the hospital.本文根据我院大型设备现状,对我院购买大型医疗设备保修的原因、注意事项进行了论述。

6)commercial examination of medical equipment医疗设备商检


