100字范文 > 农村医疗保障制度 Rural medical security system英语短句 例句大全

农村医疗保障制度 Rural medical security system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-11 23:47:27


农村医疗保障制度 Rural medical security system英语短句 例句大全

农村医疗保障制度,Rural medical security system

1)Rural medical security system农村医疗保障制度

1.The author proposes rural medical security system with different models be set up because of th.因为我国各区域经济收入、医疗消费、观念文化的差异相当大,本文建议不同经济发展水平地区应该因地制宜地选择农村医疗保障制度,在我国发展多种模式的农村医疗保障制度。


1.The Best Choice for the Rural Medical Security System Pattern:The Multi-level Rural Medical Security System;农村医疗保障体制构建模式的选择——多层次农村医疗保障制度体系

2.Researches on the System of Social Medical Security in Our Countryside of Northwest;我国西北农村医疗保障制度调查研究

3.Challenges and strategies of health insurance system development in rural China;中国农村医疗保障制度的现状与对策

4.The Path Option of the Medicare System in Our Country s Rural Areas;我国农村医疗保障制度改革路径选择

5.Theoretical reflection on health care system constitution in rural areas;对农村医疗保障制度构建的理论思考

6.International Experience and Enlightenment of Rural Medical Safeguard System农村医疗保障制度的国际经验与启示

7.The Enlightenment of Chinese New Rural Cooperative Medical System from the Rural Medical Security System in Japan and South Korea日韩两国农村医疗保障制度对我国新型农村合作医疗制度的启示

8.The Practice and Implication of the Rural Health Care Security System in Huzhou City湖州市农村医疗保障制度的实践与思考

9.Research of Rural Medical Security System Construction in Contemporary China;新时期我国农村医疗保障制度建设问题研究

10.A Research to Construction and Development of the Medical Security System in Rural Areas in Jilin Province;吉林省农村医疗保障制度建设与发展研究

11.The Study on Medical Security in Villages in Developed Area Along Sea;沿海经济发达地区农村医疗保障制度的研究

12.The Imperfections and Reconstruction of Fujian Province s Rural Medical Security System;福建省农村医疗保障制度的缺失与构建

13.The Current Mode of Rural Medical Security System in Our Country;当前我国农村医疗保障制度的模式选择

14.Legislative Study on the Establishment and Perfection of China s Countryside Medical Service Security System;建立和完善我国农村医疗保障制度的立法研究

15.The Legal Consideration of Improving the Rural Medical Treatment Safeguard System of Our Country;完善我国农村医疗保障制度的法律思考

16.The Reasons and its Inspiration of Changes of China s Rural Medical Security System;中国农村医疗保障制度变迁原因及其启示

17.Analysis and Improvement of the General Rural Health Security System;综合性农村医疗保障构架的制度分析

18.Aging and Old Age Medical Insurance in Rural Areas Center for Social Security Studies of Wuhan University;人口老龄化与农村老年医疗保障制度


Rural Health care system农村医疗保障制度

1.Several years ago, the government began to spread the new type of rural cooperative medical care system to the whole rural area, more and more people now pay close attention to rural health care system.中国农村医疗保障制度,自新中国成立至今,以合作医疗制度的发展为主线,经历了几起几落。

3)Health care and medical security system农村医疗卫生保障制度

4)Rural medical treatment safeguard legalization农村医疗保障法制化

5)the multi-level rural medical security system多层次农村医疗保障制度体系

1.The paper comes up withthe multi-level rural medical security system to replace the current system.提出构建包括卫生防疫与基础保健功能的基础层,新型农村合作医疗制度的主体层,农村医疗救助制度的最低层,商业性医疗保险的补充层的多层次农村医疗保障制度体系,以有效解决农村居民对医疗卫生服务不同层次的需要。

6)rural medical security农村医疗保障

1.The role of government in the initiation ofrural medical security system;农村医疗保障体系初步建立时期的政府角色

2.Research of Rural Medical Security System Construction in Contemporary China;新时期我国农村医疗保障制度建设问题研究

3.Based on the theory of government regulation,to do a comparative analysis of domestic and overseasrural medical security from three aspects:governmental regulation institution,governmental regulation standard,and regulation on fund raising.运用政府规制理论,从政府规制机构、政府规制标准和对筹资的规制三个方面对国内外农村医疗保障中的政府规制进行比较分析,从而启发我们要精简规制机构,提高规制效率;完善规制标准,提高规制效力;用法律来规制各级政府对医疗保障补助资金的转移支付。


