100字范文 > 房地产开发投资 real estate investment英语短句 例句大全

房地产开发投资 real estate investment英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-30 09:11:01


房地产开发投资 real estate investment英语短句 例句大全

房地产开发投资,real estate investment

1)real estate investment房地产开发投资

1.The serious unbalance in Xinjiang regionsreal estate investment affects the economic sustainable development.新疆房地产开发投资存在着严重的地区性不平衡,在一定程度上影响了房地产业的可持续发展。


1.(housing) developer房地产开发投资公司

2.Real estate development by region分地区房地产开发投资情况

3.Beijing real estate development investment profits?北京房地产开发投资的利润有多少?

4.Relationship between real estate development investment and GDP in China;中国房地产开发投资与GDP的互动关系

5.The Dynamic Relation between FDI and Real Estate Growth中国房地产开发投资中FDI与房地产业增长的动态关系研究

6.Research on the Factors Influencing Real Estate Investment Level--Based on the Comparative Research on the Real Estate Investment Level of Beijing,Shanghai,Tianjin,Shenzhen;房地产开发投资水平影响因素研究——北京、上海、天津、深圳房地产投资开发比较研究

7.Investment in real estate registered super-high development, with the growth rate approaching to 30 percent.房地产开发投资超高速增长,增长幅度近30%。

8.Academic Research on Investment Decision of Real Estate Development Based on Real Options Approach;基于实物期权的房地产开发投资决策理论研究

9.Risk Analysis and Countermeasure of Mixed Developing Investment in Real Estate;混合型房地产开发投资风险分析与对策研究

10.The Analysis of Key Factors of Successful Taiwanese Investment in Real Estate;台商房地产开发投资成功关键因素之初步探讨

11.The Investment Decision-making Study of Real Estate Development Based on Real Options;基于实物期权的房地产开发投资决策研究

12.Early-warning and Evaluation of the Risk in the Whole Process of Real Estate Investment;房地产开发投资的全过程风险预警和评价

13.Financial Study and Analysis on Investment of Lu-mei Group Real Property Development;鲁煤集团房地产开发投资财务分析研究

14.Control Problem (II) in Real Estate Investment;房地产开发中的投资控制问题(II)

15.property development, management,speculation房地产开发、 管理、 投机.

16.The Forecast Methods Anslysis of the Housing Price in the Real Estate Investment and Exploitation;不动产投资开发中房地产售价预测方法分析

17.It is a group of people who invest in real estate.同时也给一些房地产投资商一些有关房地产开发的信息交流。

18.Adaptive Ant Colony Algorithm Based on Information Entropy for Real Estate Portfolio Optimization房地产开发项目投资组合优化的改进蚁群算法


real estate development investment房地产开发投资

1.Relationship betweenreal estate development investment and GDP in China;中国房地产开发投资与GDP的互动关系

2.Empirical analysis of relationship betweenreal estate development investment and economic growth in Jiangsu province;江苏房地产开发投资与经济增长关系实证分析

3)real estate investment level房地产开发投资水平

4)investment decision-making of real estate development房地产开发投资决策

1.There exist many problems in presentinvestment decision-making of real estate development based on real options,such as great errors of the existing methods,inexactness of pricing investment decision-making etc.通过对房地产项目的特性分析,阐述了当前基于实物期权的房地产投资决策中存在的方法误差大、投资决策定价不准确等问题;探讨了一种基于人工神经网络的房地产开发投资决策实物期权定价模型,并通过M atlab6。

5)Mixed developing investment in real estate混合型房地产开发投资

6)real estate investment房地产投资

1.The study of multiple objective planning model inreal estate investment decision;房地产投资项目决策多目标规划模型研究

2.The application of BP neutral network inreal estate investment risk analysis;BP神经网络在房地产投资风险分析中的应用

3.Application of option game theory inreal estate investment decision;期权博弈理论在房地产投资决策中的应用


