100字范文 > 出租屋 rental housing英语短句 例句大全

出租屋 rental housing英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-09 05:56:47


出租屋 rental housing英语短句 例句大全

出租屋,rental housing

1)rental housing出租屋

1.The Market Research of Village-in-city Rental Housing in Tianhe District;天河区城中村出租屋市场研究

2.The management of urbanrental housing and floating population is a very complicated social project,which needs the integration of all kinds of social powers and resources.城市出租屋与流动人口管理是一项复杂的社会工程,其需要社会各种力量与资源的整合。


1.The slum lords battened on the poor.贫民窟的出租屋主们靠盘剥穷人养肥了自己。

2.He rents several other houses.他还有几幢房屋出租。

3.On the Law Effect of the Relationship between the Lessee and the Renter in House Leases;房屋租赁中承租人与出租人关系的法律效力

4.Article 36 The lessor shall be responsible for repairing the building it rents out.第三十六条 出租房屋的修缮,由出租人负担;

5.Business languished, and she hung out a Room to Let card.生意冷清,她挂出了"出租房屋"的招牌。

6.Lease rental housing market is also active in private saving taxpayers?房屋租赁市场活跃私房出租是否还要纳税?

7.Housing rental contracts : the rental housing area is?房屋租赁合同:这套出租房面积究竟是多少?

8.Probe into the Legal Issues Concerning the Preemptive Right of Leasees of Lodge;出租房屋承租人优先购买权法律问题之探讨

9.Rooms to let, eg on a sign outside a house房间出租(如房屋外的招贴)

10.letting and vacancies of interim housing中转房屋的出租/空置情况

11.Betty and Paul are looking for an apartment to rent.贝蒂和保罗正在找出租的房屋。

12.The house is to let; inquire within此屋出租,详情请进内询问。

13.letting by negotiation [commercial premises in housing estate]以协商方式出租的屋?商业单位

14.She has let her house furnished.她已将她备有家具的房屋租出。

15.Mianma subsidiary machinery processing, sales, installation and rental housing.棉麻附属机械加工,销售,安装,房屋出租。

16.If lessor rented the building,do not have according to operator, what consequence can you produce?假如出租人将房屋出租给了无照经营者,会产生什么后果?

17.The Buy or Rent Option (BRO) was launched by the HKHA in July 1999 to allow prospective public rental housing tenants the option of buying rental flats when their turn comes for flat allocation.房屋委员会于一九九九年七月推出可租可买计划,让公屋准租户在获配屋时,可改为购买单位。

18.Article 31 In any of the following situations, the lessor may rescind the lease before the expiration of the term of the lease:第三十一条 有下列情形之一者,出租人可以提前解除房屋租赁合同:


building lease房屋出租

1.This paper discusses such important factors in the appraisal of standard land price based onbuilding lease data as the collection of reliable data, reasonable methods and steps of appraisal, and common problems and solutions.房屋出租资料是城镇基准地价评估的主要依据之一,遇到的问题也最多。

3)premises to let出租房屋

4)This house is to be let.此屋出租。

5)House for rent吉屋出租


1.Well-governedhouse-leasing is the important foundations of social stability,involving numerous households interest and the society as a whole.出租屋管理,被视为广州市社会治安状况的"晴雨表"。


