100字范文 > 煤泥水系统 Slurry water system英语短句 例句大全

煤泥水系统 Slurry water system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-09-12 23:57:02


煤泥水系统 Slurry water system英语短句 例句大全

煤泥水系统,Slurry water system

1)Slurry water system煤泥水系统

1.This paper introduces the process flow of vibro-assisted jigging and slurry water of Xinghua Coal Washing Plant,and analyzes the existent problems of slurry water system in detail.介绍杏花洗煤厂动筛跳汰工艺流程和动筛跳汰煤泥水流程,详细分析了该煤泥水系统存在问题。


1.Discussion on optimization of slime water system and realization of washing coal with clear water in dense medium优化煤泥水系统 实现重介清水洗煤

2.Operation Practice of Coal Slurry System at Jining No.2 Coal Preparation Plant济宁二号煤矿选煤厂煤泥水系统运行实践

3.The Transformation of the Coal Slurry System in Dacheng Cleaned Coal Limited Liability Company大诚精煤有限责任公司煤泥水系统的改造

4.The model can be used to provide foundation for the macroscopic control of slurry system as well as coal processing system.该模型的建立可以为煤泥水系统和选煤系统的宏观控制提供依据。

5.Design and Application of Coal Slurry Automatic Dosing System in Preparation Plant选煤厂煤泥水自动加药系统的设计与应用


7.Special Container Management Support System for Three Gorges Project-Cement Fly Ash Dispatching散装水泥/粉煤灰专用集装箱管理支持系统

8.The transport system for coal, crude oil, grain in bulk and cement in bulk has been continuously improved.煤炭、原油、散粮、散水泥等运输系统不断完善。

9.Study on Auto-adding of Slime Water System Base on PLC-fuzzy Control;基于PLC模糊控制的煤泥水自动加药系统的研究

10.Effect of reinforcing agent to the strength of fly ash-slag-portland cement system增强剂对粉煤灰-矿渣-水泥系统强度影响的研究

11.Model Selection and Application on Bag-hose Precipitator of Coal Powder Preparation System in Cement Plant水泥厂煤粉制备系统袋除尘器的选型及应用

12.Feasibility Analysis on Optimization Coal Slimes Water Concentration Filter Pressing System Project优化煤泥水浓缩压滤系统项目的可行性分析

13.(2) The setting time of 70% P.O. 425 cement-30% FBC ashes-water pastes is normal.(4)系统的体积稳定性比70%普通硅酸盐水泥-30%粉煤灰系统的差;

14.When Fly Ash is mixed into FBC -cement - water pastes, the soundness of cement is improved.(6)抗冻性能明显高于70%普通硅酸盐水泥-30%粉煤灰系统。

15.Study of Raw Meal Decomposition, Pulverized Coal Combustion and NO_X Control for Cement Precalciner System;水泥预分解窑系统内生料分解、煤粉燃烧与NO_X控制研究

16.Effects of FG on mechanical properties of cement-fly ash systems with steam curing蒸养条件下激发剂对水泥-粉煤灰系统性能的影响

17.Alkaline activated fly ash in cement-fly ash system碱对水泥-粉煤灰体系中粉煤灰活性的激发作用

18.The research of coarse slime recovery of flotation system in Cheji Coal Preparation Plant车集选煤厂浮选系统粗煤泥回收问题研究


slurry system煤泥水系统

1.Research on coal processing system could be focused on coalslurry system,which generally consists of all steps of coal processing.选煤厂煤泥水系统从广义上包括了选煤系统的全部工艺过程,因此对选煤系统的研究可以集中在对煤泥水系统研究上。

3)slush water treatment system煤泥水处理系统

1.Aimed at the current situation and existing problems before reform ofslush water treatment system of Qianjiaying Coal Mine,the reform necessity and specific plan are brought forward.就钱家营矿煤泥水处理系统改造前的现状及症结所在,提出了改造的必要性及具体改造方案,对改造前后的各项经济指标进行了比较。

4)Open circuit of thick coal slime systems粗煤泥系统开路

5)cement rotary kiln system水泥窑系统

6)water gas system水煤气系统

1.Based on the analysis of the trouble in the operation of thewater gas system, the technical measure was employed for recovery of waste heat from the water gas and the blast gas.分析了水煤气系统在运行过程中存在的问题,可采用分别回收水煤气和吹风气余热的技改措施,提高水煤气的产量和品质,并实现水煤气系统的蒸汽平衡。


标准煤(见煤当量)标准煤(见煤当量)standard coal、~‘~1人、4《1工兀飞coal)见煤当等
