100字范文 > 制造设备 Manufacturing equipment英语短句 例句大全

制造设备 Manufacturing equipment英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-08-17 04:24:39


制造设备 Manufacturing equipment英语短句 例句大全

制造设备,Manufacturing equipment

1)Manufacturing equipment制造设备

1.Some Inspiration from a New Upsurge of the Investment Fervourfor Semiconductor Manufacturing Equipment;新一轮半导体制造设备投资热的启示

2.In this paper,the developing process of monitoring and disgnosis for manufacturing equipment is reviewed and the state of art of Internet based remote monitoring and diagnosis is briefly istroduced.概述了设备状态监控与故障诊断的发展过程和基于 Internet的制造设备远程诊断技术研究现状 ;提出了制造设备远程监控与诊断系统的网络体系结构 ,介绍了远程诊断的基本原理与工作模式 ;讨论了实现远程监控与诊断的关键技术问

3.Along with the rapid development of computer, communication and automation technologies, manufacturing equipment is having improving automation level, more complex structures and functions, and increasing potential fault possibilities and modes.随着以计算机、通信、自动化为代表的信息技术的迅猛发展,制造设备的自动化程度越来越高,功能、结构日趋复杂,发生故障的潜在可能性和方式也在相应的增加,且一处故障就可能引起链式反应,导致整个系统的失效。


1.buildings with facilities for manufacturing.有制造设备能够制造东西的工厂。

2.Research of optimizing device description technology in Manufacturing equipment networks通用制造设备网络中设备描述技术的优化研究

3.cooling equipment for candymaking糖果制造用冷却设备

4.precision machinery and instruments精密机器仪器设备制造

5.industry for the manufacture of metallurgical and mining equipment冶金、矿山设备制造工业

6.Fire Equipment Manufacturers" Association消防设备制造商协会

7.make or possess equipment for making a false instrument制造或管有用作制造虚假文书的设备

8.OEM: Original Equipment Manufacturer (i.e. maker of computer hardware).原始设备制造商:原始设备制造商(例如:计算机硬件制造商)。

9.The design guide of the outline and structure for the electric control equipmentGB/T10217-1988电工控制设备造型设计导则

10.Machine Layout Design in a Unidirectional Loop Manufacturing System制造系统中的单向环型设备布局设计

11.Instrumentation engineering and design in fiber industrial sectors.为纤维制造业的策划和设计提供设备。

12.Monitoring of equipment design and fabrication work.跟踪及监督设备设计和制造过程。

13.Design of ERP system in CATV equipment production enterprise有线电视设备制造企业的ERP系统设计

14.Design and manufacture of new liquor filter equipment白酒过滤新型设备的设计和制造方案

15.Fabrication Specification Required in Design of Home Made Equipment by Using 2.25Cr1Mo国产2.25Cr1Mo在设备设计中的制造要求

16.technology and equipment of manufacturing aluminium water heater solar energy铝制太阳能热水器制造技术与设备

17.Cost-controlling Model in Large Equipment Manufacturing Enterprises;大型设备制造企业成本控制模式研究

18.Optimize Design of Manufacturing Technology of Mill Stand;基于重大装备制造技术优化设计机架制造工艺


Equipment manufacturing设备制造

1.The main technical requirements, scheme, technical and economical indices of typical design for power transmission and transformation project were introduced, and the existent problems in equipment manufacturing and material processing at present were pointed out.介绍了输变电工程典型设计的主要技术条件、方案划分和技术经济指标;指出了目前设备制造和材料加工中存在的问题;介绍了规范变电站设备制造和材料加工借鉴的经验以及典型设计对输电线路铁塔材料加工的影响;提出了对规范变电站设备制造的建议(包括一次主设备和二次主设备)。

2.The relationship between the delivery condition of the pressure vessel materials and the materials′ actual properties,together with the hot forming and heat treatment in the process of equipment manufacturing was discussed.对压力容器材料供货状态与材料实际性能的关系以及在设备制造过程中的热成形、热处理进行了讨论,对某些标准和设计图样中的规定提出了不同认识,以期为压力容器的设计、制造、监检、认证和使用单位在这些问题的认识上能趋于一致。

3)equipment manufacture设备制造

1.It is pointed out that in order o localize the manufacturing of large and medium size wind power equipment and to lower wind power price,it is necessary for China s wind powerequipment manufacturers to have a accurate understanding on the development trend of the wind .对国内外风力发电的现状进行了总结,然后对国内外风电设备制造业的现状作了详细的分析,指出我国风电设备制造业要想尽快实现大中型风电设备国产化,降低风电电价,就必须准确把握当今风电设备的发展趋势,准确选型,积极购买或引进专利技术,逐步实现固产化,最终形成产品系列自主开发的能力。

4)manufacturing equipments制造业设备

1.Novel applications and developments of linear motors in advancedmanufacturing equipments were described.分析直线电机的特点,阐述国内外多种先进制造业设备中直线电机最新应用情况及今后发展方向。

5)Nuclear equipment manufacture核设备制造

6)IC Manufacturing EquipmentIC制造设备

1.Some key parts ofIC Manufacturing Equipment have critical requirement on their roughness of interior and exterior surfaces, which is too difficult to be met by the traditional millering and polishing methods, resulting in the blocking of the localization of such equipments.IC制造设备中的关键零部件对于其内外表面粗糙度有着很高的要求。


