100字范文 > 频带能量 Frequency band energy英语短句 例句大全

频带能量 Frequency band energy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-10 11:09:00


频带能量 Frequency band energy英语短句 例句大全

频带能量,Frequency band energy

1)Frequency band energy频带能量

1.In this paper,according to the characteristics of spacial grid structures,a method of damage diagnosis is presented by the dynamic response under fast sine sweep motivation based on the analysis of frequency band energy of wavelet packet decomposition and fuzzy cluster method(FCM).本文针对网格结构的特点,利用其在快速正弦扫频激励下的动力响应,基于小波包分解频带能量分析和模糊聚类法,提出了一种适合于网格结构的损伤诊断方法。

2.It is pointed out that there is a boundary problem for most frequency band boundary frequencies: the frequency band energy leaps at the left and right sides of the boundary frequencies,and the leap directions are reverse.在边界频率左、右两侧,频带能量有巨变现象,并且能量的跳变方向相反。

3.A fault diagnosis method based on wavelet packet analysis frequency band energy was proposed this paper .文章介绍了鼠笼式异步电动机常见的故障及其诊断的重要性,采用了改进型小波包算法从电气和机械方面提取信号的故障特征,并提出了一种基于小波包分析频带能量的故障诊断方法。


1.Coal-rock interface recognition based on multiwavelet packet energy多小波包频带能量的煤岩界面识别方法

2.The frequency band energy method based on the wavelet analysis is used for getting the characteristics of the running noise.同时,运用基于小波分析的频带能量法提取运行噪声的特征。

3.New wavelet packet-band energy in electrical fault diagnosis of broken bars in the study新型小波包频带能量法在电机断条故障诊断中的研究

4.Application of Frequency Band Energy Character Method in Cutter Wear Monitoring System Using Acoustic Emission频带能量特征法在声发射刀具磨损监测系统中的应用

5.Fault Diagnosis for Diesel Valve Drain Based on Euclidean Closeness Degree and Frequency Band Energy Decomposition Using Wavelet Packets基于小波包频带能量分解和欧氏贴近度的柴油机气阀机构故障诊断

6.Feature extraction for passive sonar target based on critical band spectrum energy被动声纳目标临界频带频谱能量的特征提取

7.Audio Retrieval Based on Dynamic Range of Sub-band Energy Feature基于音频子带能量动态范围的快速音频检索

8.Methods of measurement of magnetic properties of magnetic steel sheet and strip at medium frequenciesGB/T10129-1988电工钢片(带)中频磁性能测量方法

9.Distribution Network Fault Line Detection Using the Full Waveband Complex Relative Entropy of Wavelet Energy利用全频带综合小波能量相对熵的配网故障选线方法

10.Bus Capacity Bus capacity is the maximum load that can be carried on a system without causing degradation of the generator frequency to less than a prescribed level (usually 59 Hz in a 60 Hz system).母排容量母排容量是指在发电机频率不被压低的情况下,系统所能带动的最大负载。

11.Some Problems of Measurement Bandwidth in Time Domain Frequency Stability频率稳定度时域测量带宽的若干问题

12.Telemetry Performance Analysis of DS/FH Hybrid Spread Spectrum Signal直扩/跳频混合扩频信号测量性能分析

13.Performance Analysis of Differential Hopping System Against Partial-band Jamming差分跳频系统抗部分频带干扰性能分析与仿真

14.Performance of convolutionally coded differential frequency hopping systems in partial-band jamming卷积码差分跳频系统抗部分频带干扰的性能

15.Apparent Stress Obtained from Broadband Radiated Energy Catalogue and Seismic Moment Catalogue and Its Seismological Significance由宽频带辐射能量目录和地震矩目录给出的视应力及其地震学意义

16.The gain factor and energy conversion efficiency quasi- stationary stimulated electronic Raman scattering with focused broad-band pump lasers宽频带聚焦泵浦准稳态受激电子喇曼散射的增益因子和能量转换效率

17.Performance of Partial Band Jamming-Resistance in UWB Communication Technology超宽带通信技术抗部分频带干扰性能研究

18.They come with a lot of inviting functions.数字视频产品带有很多诱人的功能。


frequency-band energy频带能量

1.The gear corrosive pitting recognition based on wavelet packet analysis andfrequency-band energy decomposition;基于小波包分析和频带能量分解的齿轮点蚀故障识别

2.In order to avoid above disadvantages of wavelet ridge, a new diagnostic method based on waveletfrequency-band energy is proposed in this paper.为克服小波脊线在诊断异步电机断条故障过程中存在的数学定义复杂、迭代逼近运算量大等缺点,应用Morlet连续复值小波,多尺度地、中心频率等间隔地分解了实测的同型正常电机和有一根断条的故障电机启动电流信号,分析和比较了对应尺度下的频带能量后,找出了上述电机两种状态的信号能量差异;定义了频带能量比(RFBE)的概念,得出断条故障电机的RFBE比良好状态的至少大2倍的定量判据,并据此提出了基于RFBE的电机断条故障诊断新方法。

3)band power频带能量

1.Objective To explore the effect ofband power and wavelet packet entropy in the recognition of hand imagery.目的探讨脑电信号频带能量和小波包熵在识别左右手想象运动中的作用。

2.A method for single trial on-line classification of imaginary hand movements,based onband power and phase synchronization derived from EEG,is proposed.提出了基于信号频带能量和相同步作为脑电特征向量,实现对左右手运动意识任务的分类方法。

4)band energy频带能量

1.New wavelet packet-band energy in electrical fault diagnosis of broken bars in the study新型小波包频带能量法在电机断条故障诊断中的研究

2.Adopts the wavelet packet algorithm for fault feature extraction and proposed a diagnosis method based onband energy.采用改进的小波包算法提取故障特征,提出了一种基于频带能量的故障诊断方法。

5)band-gap energy频带隙能量

6)frequency band energy detection频带能量检测

1.In neural network fault diagnosis technology,the waveletfrequency band energy detection technology can be used to process the observation signal,gain the information that reflect fault characteristics,and train the network by the information,and it is a rather effective method to classify the faults.利用小波包频带能量检测技术对观测信号进行处理,从中获取反映故障特征的信息,以此作为输入对网络进行训练,可对故障进行比较可靠的分类。

2.In neural network fault diagnosis technology,the waveletfrequency band energy detection technology can be used to process the voltage signal,and gain the information which will be the input of neural network that reflects the fault characteristics.利用小波子频带能量检测技术对输出电压信号进行处理,从中获取故障信息,作为神经网络的输入。


能量原理与能量法能量原理与能量法energy principles and energy methodsnengliang yuanli yu nengliangfa能量原理与能量法(energy prineiple、and energy methods)根据能量来分析结构在外来作用下的反应的力学原理和方法。能量原理是力学中的机械能守恒定律或虚功原理在变形固体力学中的具体体现,它是能量法的理论基础,也是用能量法解题时必须满足的条件。这些条件是与平衡条件或位移协调条件等价的。能量原理和能量法与先进的计算技术相结合,显示出优越性。应变能、余能和势能在单向应力状态下,弹性体的应变能密度(单位体积的应变能)怂可用一下式计算: ,‘一站O。凌它相当于图l中用阴影线表示的面积。另外,在单向应力状态下的余能(应力能)密度万可用下式计算:万一俨:而它相当于图2中阴影部分的面积。由图1.21;r知2,+万=JO‘’)。‘。~J茸祥一言一一£d£图J应变能密度图2余能密度图3线弹性情尤下的应变能密度与余能密度由图3可知,线弹性体的余能密度与应变能密度在数值上相等。在简单应力状态下的应变能密度或余能密度经过总加后,可得到复杂应力状态下的应变能密度或余能密度。把它们在整个弹性体的体积内积分就得出整个弹性体的应变能或余能。对于线弹性体,应变能或余能可表示为位移或应力(内力)的二次式。弹性体的应变能与外力势能的总和称为总势能。外力势能在数值上等于各个外力在施力点位移上所做功的总和冠以负号。能量原理在给定的外力作用下,在满足位移边界条件的所有各组位移中.实际存在的一组位移应使总势能为极值。对于稳定平衡状态,这个极值是极小值。因此,上述能量原理称为极小势能原理。它等价于平衡条件(含应力边界条件)。在满足平衡条件(含应力边界条件)的所有各组应力(内力)中,实际存在的一组应力‘内力)应使弹性体的余能为极值。对于稳定平衡状态,这个极值是极小值。因此,这个能量原理称为极小余能原理。它等价于位移协调条件。上述两个能量原理实际上就是数学中求泛函极值的变分原理,应变能和余能分别是以位移或应力(内力夕为自变函数的泛函。所以能量原理也称变分原理,是工程力学的电要组成部分。在变分原理中,位移的变分就是虚位移,应力(内力)的变分就是虚应力(虚力)。因此,能量原理中的极小势能原理又相当于虚位移原理,极小余能原理又相当于虚应力(虚力)原理。
