100字范文 > 双层越江隧道 double-deck tunnel英语短句 例句大全

双层越江隧道 double-deck tunnel英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-09-08 15:35:47


双层越江隧道 double-deck tunnel英语短句 例句大全

双层越江隧道,double-deck tunnel

1)double-deck tunnel双层越江隧道


1.The Influencing Factor of the Temperature Field of Cross-passage Construction by Freezing Method in Double-Deck Road Tunnels双层越江隧道联络通道冻结法温度场影响因素

2.Study on the Ventilation and Disaster Prevention of Urban River Highway Tunnel Services Layer城市越江公路隧道服务层通风及防灾研究

3.The ground has been Broken for the cross- river tunnel越江隧道已破土动工

parative Analysis on the Adaptability of CRD and Dual Sidewall Guide Pit for Passing through the Sand Layer of Xiamen Xiangan Seabed Tunnel厦门翔安海底隧道CRD法和双侧壁法穿越砂层对比分析

5.The minimum overlying rock thickness of a crossing-river tunnel is one of the major factors,which determine the construction cost and the safety of the tunnel.越江隧道上覆最小岩石覆盖层厚度是决定隧道建设造价和安全的主要因素之一。

6.Study on the Longitudinal Anti-bending Capacity of Nanjing Cross-river Shield Tunnel南京越江盾构隧道纵向抗弯能力研究

7.Allround analysis of construction treatment technology for some tunnel in karst cave浅析某越江隧道工程岩溶的处理措施

8.Study on construction technology of sole hole double deck tunnel in underground railway地下铁道单洞双层隧道施工技术研究

9.Engineering Monitoring for Yangtzi River Tunnel Crossing Project of Anqing Gas Transmission Pipeline川气东送管道安庆长江隧道穿越的施工监测

10.The Bund Sight-seeing Tunnel is China"s first cross-river pedestrian tunnel dug by hi-tech means.外滩观光隧道是我国第一条运用了高科技手段的越江行人隧道。

11.Analysis on Deformation of Operating Metro Tunnel Caused by Undercrossing Construction of South Xizang Road Crossing-river Tunnel in Shanghai上海西藏南路越江隧道下穿运营地铁隧道变形分析

12.Study on the Durability Analysis and Evaluation System for River Shield Tunnel;越江盾构隧道耐久性分析与评估体系研究

13.Cross-River Tunnel Ventilation Control Model and Ventilation Control Strategies Research;越江隧道的通风控制模型及控制方法研究

14.Numerical Simulation Study on the Combined Fire Ventilation in Crossing-River Tunnel;组合通风方式越江隧道火灾的数值模拟

15.Research on Fire Scenario and Safe Evacuation of Chongming Crossing-river Tunnel;崇明越江隧道火灾场景和安全疏散的研究

16.Study on Some Key Problem on the Durability of Shield Tunnel under River;越江盾构隧道耐久性若干关键问题研究

17.Long-term settlement of tunnels across a river induced by vehicle operation车振荷载引起的软土越江隧道长期沉降分析

18.Correlation of Cross-river Shield Tunnel Between Longitudinal Deformation Curvature and Segment Leakage越江盾构隧道纵向变形曲率与管环渗漏的关系


River tunnel services layer越江隧道服务层

3)cross-river tunnel越江隧道

1.This article presents an overview ofcross-river tunnel projects in China and the development of large diameter shield tunnelling technology.本文阐述了中国越江隧道工程的建设概况和大直径盾构掘进技术的发展,主要介绍了在上海黄浦江底软弱地层越江交通隧道工程采用盾构掘进施工技术的应用和发展过程,并介绍了正在建设和施工的三大长江越江隧道工程的概况,其中崇明和南京越江隧道为世界上直径最大的盾构隧道。

2.Based on longitudinal structure analysis model ofcross-river tunnel,relationship under different critical states between longitudinal deformation curvature and circular seam stretching-amount was built.分析了三次样条插值法在越江隧道纵向变形曲线拟合中的适用性与计算方法,应用三次样条插值对越江盾构隧道纵向变形曲线进行了拟合,并通过曲线拟合方程计算了隧道全长纵向的变形曲率。

3.In a conclusion, the ventilation system innovation tocross-river tunnels is regarded to be of more safety, environmental protection and energy conservation.西藏南路越江隧道作为上海世博会场馆内专用隧道,通风系统采用了射流风机纵向通风结合半横向排烟的独特模式。

4)crossing-river tunnel越江隧道

1.Study on the minimum overlying rock thickness of acrossing-river tunnel by borehole-blasting method;越江隧道钻爆法施工最小岩石覆盖层厚度研究

5)cross-river roadway tunnel越江道路隧道

6)River-crossing roadway tunnel公路越江隧道


