100字范文 > 直接搜索法 direct search method英语短句 例句大全

直接搜索法 direct search method英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-07 13:29:02


直接搜索法 direct search method英语短句 例句大全

直接搜索法,direct search method

1)direct search method直接搜索法

1.Slope stability analysis usingdirect search method based on 3D FEM边坡稳定的三维有限元直接搜索法

2.In view of 3D coordinate transformation nonlinear model,in order to adaptdirect search method to solve the transformation parameters,it is necessary to make the model simple and operand small by way of two step measurements as follows.然后,采用遗传算法与模式搜索法相结合的一种直接搜索法求解参数。

3.Thedirect search method is used to analyze the calculating steps of the model.针对武器系统,建立了串并联系统情况下,以可靠性指标和质量为约束条件求解系统最低成本的模型,分析了直接搜索法对该模型的求解步骤,并给出了算例,采用列表求解的思路,体现了该方法比动态规划法,拉格朗日乘数法等更简便有效,具有较大的实用意义。


1.Reliability Allocation of the Weapon System Based on the Direct Search Method基于直接搜索法的武器系统可靠性分配

2.Slope Stability Analysis Using Direct Search Method Based on 3D FEM and Its Application in Tunnel Excavation;边坡稳定三维有限元直接搜索法及其在隧道施工中的应用

3.PID Parameter Tuning and Robustness PID Tuning Based on LJ Method;基于随机数直接搜索法的PID控制参数整定及鲁棒PID参数整定

4.Direct Search Method of Quadratic Tridiagonal Interpolation Model;二次三对角插值模型的直接搜索方法

5.Study on efficient frontier in portfolio investment by using genetic algorithms用遗传算法直接搜索证券组合投资的有效边界

6.Research and Improvement of the Web-link Algorithms in Search Engine搜索引擎中的web链接算法研究与改进

7.Research of Wireless LAN Malicious Access Points Searching Method无线局域网恶意接入点搜索方法研究

8.hierarchical indexed direct access method (HIDAM)分层索引直接存取法;分级索引直接存取法;层次索引直接存取方法

9.A direct searching method without computing the derivative functions is given.针对这一问题给出相应的直接搜索算法,证明了算法的收敛性,并给出一些算例。

10.HIDAM (Hierarchical Indexed Direct Access Method )分层索引直接存取法

11.Study on the Key Aglorithm of Verticle Search Engine in Silk Area;面向丝绸领域的垂直搜索引擎关键算法研究

12.Research on Data Cleaning and Ranking Algorithm in Vertical Search Engine垂直搜索中的数据清洗和排序算法研究

13.An Improved Topic Relevance Algorithm for Vertical Search Engines一种垂直搜索引擎主题相关性改进算法

14.Vertical Search Engine-aimed Semantic Correlation Algorithm Based on Knowledge面向垂直搜索引擎的基于知识的语义关联算法

15.On Line Search Efficiency Optimization of Linear Induction Motor直线异步电机在线搜索法效率优化控制

16.Unable to discover search base from specified directory service connection.无法从指定的目录服务连接上找到搜索库。

17.Link Delamination Algorithm for Topic Search基于主题搜索的链接分层算法设计与实现

18.A Level Link Analysis Algorithm for Website Search一种用于站内搜索的层次链接分析算法


Direct search直接搜索法

plex Direct Search In Pseudo -Gradient Direction;伪梯度方向复合形直接搜索法

2.Hence,direct searches that need no recourse to explic.首先对直接搜索法的发展历史进行概述;特别地,给出模式搜索法统一的数学描述和收敛性分析。

3.Many difficult engineering problems cannot be solved by the conventional optimization techniques in practice, direct searches or generating set searches (GSS) that need no recourse to explicit derivatives are revived and become popular again.不依赖于方向导数计算或逼近的直接搜索法(Direct Searches)或支撑集搜索法GSS(Generating Set Searches)在近几年来得到较多的关注和研究。

3)direct searching method直接搜索法

1.Taking the overall cost as the objective function,this optimum design is performed by the combination of thedirect searching method and the criterion method.提出了针对单层球面网壳结构的一种优化设计方法,它是一种以网壳的总造价为目标函数,取网壳的网格数、矢高、杆件截面面积和节点体积作为优化设计变量,采取直接搜索法与准则法相结合的优化设计方法。

4)Direct Search Method直接搜索算法

1.Application of theDirect Search Method In Soil Moisture Inversion;直接搜索算法在反演土壤湿度中的应用

5)direct search algorithm直接搜索算法

1.Thedirect search algorithm of Matlab is introduced in this paper.介绍了Matlab直接搜索算法,并利用其不需要目标函数梯度信息的特点,对脉冲射流系统的6个主要参数进行了优化求解。

2.The sensitivity of parameters indirect search algorithm with quadratic interpolation model is examined by numerical experiments.对无约束优化问题的二次插值型直接搜索算法中初始插值半径,信赖域初始半径,位移接受准则和信赖域半径调节参数进行了数值实验分析。

6)Direct binary search algorithm直接二元搜索法


