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模糊权重 fuzzy weight英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-08-31 17:04:43


模糊权重 fuzzy weight英语短句 例句大全

模糊权重,fuzzy weight

1)fuzzy weight模糊权重

1.Firstly,the multi experts opinions can be integrated by the fuzzy delphi to determine the triangularfuzzy weights of the 1st indices.采用模糊Delph i法集成多个专家的意见,确定一级指标的三角形模糊数权重;用模糊语言变量来描述二级指标的模糊权重和满意度,结合层次集成的模糊算法得到绩效的三角模糊数评价;借助Lee-L i的模糊数排序方法,确定绩效评价值,从而得出其属性判定。

2.As the target function of the optimization model,the system entire efficacy was calculated by power index andfuzzy weight methods.采用幂指数法结合模糊权重评价法计算系统总体效能,并以此作为优化的目标函数。

3.The concept offuzzy weight is proposed in the model,which could avoid the limitation of its weight value in the classical theory of fuzzy comprehensive evaluation.针对模糊综合评判法在高层建筑火灾风险评价中的不足之处,提出了模糊权重的概念,并建立了高层建筑火灾风险评价的多级模糊概率综合评判模型。


1.Multi-Objective Order Allocation Model under Fuzzy Weight基于模糊权重的多目标订单分配模型

2.This method is mainly based on FUZZY theory: using FUZZY Linear Weighingmodel.这种算法主要是基于模糊数学原理,利用线性加权方法,建立模糊权重综合评价模型。

3.Fuzzy queries with weights based on fuzzy logic conjunctions基于模糊逻辑带权重的模糊查询研究

4.Fuzzy Decision-making Model for ASW Search Schemes based on Changing Weight Fuzzy Sets基于可变权重模糊集的搜索方案模糊决策模型

5.Superior weight-based multi-objective fuzzy optimal-selection model;基于优性权重的多目标模糊优选模型

6.Two Dimension Modulus Evaluating Model on the Performance of Enterprises;利用二维权重模型模糊评价企业绩效

7.Determinating the Priority Vectors of Alternatives in Fuzzy Multiple Attribute Decision Making;模糊多属性决策方案优先权重的确定

8.Method of Obtaining Eigenvector for a Fuzzy AHP;模糊AHP的权重向量求解方法研究

9.An improved method of Fuzzy Variable Weight combination forecasting;一种改进的模糊变权重组合预测方法

10.Research and application on method of self-adaptive weight setting AHP权重自适应模糊层次分析方法及应用

11.A Research on Learning Weights of Fuzzy Production Rules Based on Maximum Fuzzy Entropy;基于极大模糊熵原理的模糊产生式规则权重获取方法研究

12.Study on the Weight Sensitive Analysis in Fuzzy Decision Making and Their Applications;模糊决策权重灵敏度分析及其应用研究

13.Method for Multiple Attribute Decision Making of Trapezoidal Fuzzy Number with Incomplete Weight Information;权重信息不完全的梯形模糊数多属性决策方法

14.The Method for Determining the Posterior Weight of Expert Based on Fuzzy Judgment Matrices;基于模糊判断矩阵信息确定专家权重的方法

15.To Determine the Weights of Attributes in Fuzzy Multiple Attribute Decision Making Problems and Application;模糊多属性决策问题中属性权重的确定及应用

16.Applying the Fuzzy AHP to Determine the Importance Weights of Customer Requirements in Quality Function Deployment;用模糊层次分析法确定QFD中消费者要求权重

17.Weight Assignation of Dependability Attributes based on Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process可信性属性权重分配的模糊层次分析方法

18.Weight vector of interval fuzzy complementary judgment-matrix基于区间模糊互补判断矩阵的排序权重研究


fuzzy weights模糊权重

1.This paper discusses the consistence of the judgement matriX in fuzzy AHP and the appriach to Calculatefuzzy weights under the condition of consistence and to rand alternatives by means of Weights.本文讨论了模糊层次分析法中的模糊判断矩阵,给出了判断矩阵的一致性定义并讨论了模糊权重的排序问题。

3)fuzzy weighted value模糊权重

1.In order to scientifically assess index-weighted values,an analytic hierarchy process(AHP) was introduced intofuzzy weighted values to avoid uncertainties while determining index weights.在应用模糊权重与层次分析法的基础上,构建多层综合评价地下水资源模型。

2.Thefuzzy weighted values are established to avoid the uncertainties in determining the index weights.在模糊概率理论的基础上,建立了一类新的岩体稳定性综合评价方法——模糊概率方法,并提出了模糊权重的概念,从而避免了权重取值带来的不确定性。

4)fuzzy variable weight模糊变权重

1.Based on current data of energy consuming quantum about rolling reheat furnace, its combined forecasting model was established by using conceptions such as the relative error, the tendency of the forecasted object and gray basic weight due to the method offuzzy variable weight.基于已有的轧钢加热炉的能耗数据,引入了各预测方法的预测相对误差、预测对象的变化趋势和灰色基本权重等概念,建立了轧钢加热炉的能耗模糊变权重组合预测模型。

5)fuzzy relative weight模糊相对权重

1.Based on the fuzzy theory,the fuzzy optimization model and thefuzzy relative weight were introduced.引进了一种模糊相对权重的概念,将其与模糊优选理论结合运用到铁谱分析的磨粒智能识别中,提出了一种新的基于加权模糊优选理论的磨粒识别方法,实际计算表明,该方法在发动机磨粒智能识别中取得了很好的识别效果。

2.Based on fuzzy theory,the fuzzy optimization model and thefuzzy relative weight were introduced.引进一种模糊相对权重的概念,并结合模糊优选理论建立了发动机磨损模式识别的加权模糊优选分析模型。

3.Based on the grey theory and the fuzzy theory,the grey relationship degree evaluation model and thefuzzy relative weight(FRW) were introduced.根据灰色系统理论和模糊数学,引进了一种灰关联度综合评价模型和模糊相对权重的概念,并将两者相结合运用到铁谱分析的磨粒识别中,提出了一种新的基于模糊灰关联度的磨粒识别方法。

6)fuzzy proportion matrix模糊权重矩阵


