100字范文 > 嵌入式称重系统 embedded weighing system英语短句 例句大全

嵌入式称重系统 embedded weighing system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-24 12:01:18


嵌入式称重系统 embedded weighing system英语短句 例句大全

嵌入式称重系统,embedded weighing system

1)embedded weighing system嵌入式称重系统


1.Embedded Weighing System Based on Intelligent Fuzzy Control基于智能模糊控制的嵌入式称重系统的研究

2.Design and Application of the Embedded Weigh-In-Motion System of Vehicles嵌入式动态汽车称重系统的设计与应用

3.FPGA-based Dynamic Self-reconfiguration Embedded System Design基于FPGA动态自重构的嵌入式系统设计

4.Building an Operating System on Embedded Asymmetry Multi-Processor Platform;嵌入式非对称多处理器操作系统的构建

5.Research on Some Reconfigurable Problems in Distributed Embedded Systems;分布式嵌入式系统若干可重构问题的研究

6.Research on Embeded uClinux System Application;嵌入式uClinux系统应用研究


8.LPC2210 Embedded System Design ResearchLPC2210嵌入式系统设计研究

9.Embedded oprating system is the croe of the embedded application,and the kern is the most important part of the opratingsystem.嵌入式操作系统是嵌入式系统应用的核心。

10.Embedded Operating System is the foundation for modern embedded system.嵌入式操作系统是构筑现代嵌入式系统的基础。

11.Research on the Key Technique of the Reconfigurable CNC Based on Embedded System;嵌入式可重构数控系统及其关键技术研究

12.Embedded Remote Monitor of Capsule Online Weighing and Sorting System;药囊在线稳重及分拣系统的嵌入式远程监控

13.Design of the Embedded Control System of a Reconfigurable Mobile Robot;可重构移动机器人的嵌入式控制系统设计

14.Research on the Refactoring Method of an Embedded Electronic Chart System;嵌入式电子海图系统软件重构方法研究

15.Research and Design of the Embedded Reconfigurable Remote Measurement and Control System;嵌入式、可重构远程测控系统的研究与设计

16.Research of Embedded and Reconfigurable CNC System Based on MC68K and FPGA;基于MC68K和FPGA的嵌入式可重构数控系统的研究

17.Important Concepts in Embedded System Teaching;嵌入式系统教学过程中的几个重要概念

18.Embedded Technology is Used in Crane Safety Monitoring System嵌入式技术在起重机安全监控系统中的应用


embedded system嵌入式系统

1.Causes of interference inembedded system design and its solution;嵌入式系统设计中干扰成因及解决方法

2.The application and development of anembedded system;嵌入式系统的应用与发展

3.Study on Embedded System Software Measurement;嵌入式系统软件测试的研究

3)embed system嵌入式系统

1.According to medical imaging equipment developing trend, this article introduces the basic idea and method forembed system teaching at medical imaging specialty.本文以医学影像专业影像设备发展趋势为例,介绍了在医学影像专业引入嵌入式系统作为专业基础课程的思想和方法。

2.The paper expatiates the car trouble diagnostic tool and the tool software and hardware s implementation,the tool bases on anembed system the core of which is PIC18F452 single chip processor.阐述基于以PIC18F452单片机为核心的嵌入式系统的汽车故障诊断仪及其软硬件的实现,并详细介绍该仪器的诊断原理、诊断协议和诊断方法,然后给出系统流程图,最后进行总结和展望。

3.In the present complex situation,the control of test and forecast about anembed system become more and more hard.在嵌入式系统越来越复杂的情况下,一个设计糟糕的系统,其运行行为很难、甚至不可能预测,设计所带来的风险也越来越大。

4)embeded system嵌入式系统

1.Interface Design and Programming of PCI Based Embeded System;嵌入式系统的PCI接口设计与编程

2.Application of WinCvs in the Embeded System Development;WinCvs在嵌入式系统开发中的应用

3.Application of virtual machine in experiment teaching based onembeded system;虚拟机在嵌入式系统实验教学中的应用

5)embedded systems嵌入式系统

1.Study on performance evaluation environment forembedded systems;面向嵌入式系统的性能评测环境的研究

2.Realization of dynamic password card by usingembedded systems;采用嵌入式系统实现动态口令卡

3.An Analysis of Hotspots and Tendency of Embedded Systems;嵌入式系统发展热点及趋势浅析


1.The application of embedded-system based on ARM in fault diagnosis for the NC machine;基于ARM的嵌入式系统在数控设备故障诊断中的应用

2.Research of embedded-system based on Ethernet;基于以太网的嵌入式系统研究

3.The whole process of uClinux s kernel direction in an embedded system based on the chip of S3C44B0 is analyzed according to a mature embedded-system exploitation board in markets.针对一款市场上成熟的嵌入式开发板,分析了在基于S3C44B0芯片的嵌入式系统中,引导uClinux内核的全过程,并且分3个主要阶段,对整个引导过程中的关键流程进行了剖析。


