100字范文 > 精细结构激发转移 Fine-structure excitation transfer英语短句 例句大全

精细结构激发转移 Fine-structure excitation transfer英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-02-26 09:52:47


精细结构激发转移 Fine-structure excitation transfer英语短句 例句大全

精细结构激发转移,Fine-structure excitation transfer

1)Fine-structure excitation transfer精细结构激发转移

2)hyperfine structure of high-lying levels高激发态超精细结构

3)exciton fine-structure model激子精细结构

4)rotational fine structure转动精细结构

5)fine structure精细结构

1.The analytical calculation of thefine structure for n_1sn_2p configuration of helium-like atoms;氦原子(n_1sn_2p)组态精细结构的解析计算

2.Relativistic energy,fine structure and wavelength of the low-lying excited state 1s~22p~2~3P~e for a beryllium-like system;类铍离子激发态1s~22p~2~3P~e的能量、精细结构和跃迁波长的计算

3.Thefine structures of the energy levels for the low- lyingexcited states of lithium-like atom;锂原子低激发态能量的精细结构


1.Sommerfeld fine-structure constant索末菲精细结构常数

2.fine featured resist精细结构光刻用抗蚀剂

3.Theoretical Study on Atomic (Ionic) Fine and Hyperfine Structure;原子(离子)的精细与超精细结构的理论研究

4.Measurement of Experiment Design of Fine Structure and Hyperfine Structure of Atomic Energy Level;原子能级的精细结构与超精细结构实验设计研究

5.Looking at small details we find that the corona has a delicate structure.仔细研究细节后,我们发现日冕有精细结构。

6.extended x ray absorption fine structure扩展x射线吸收精细结构

7.International XAFS Society (IXS)国际X射线吸收精细结构学会

8.Nuclear effects produce hyperfine structure.原子核的影响引起超精细结构。

9.Study on Microstructures and Fine Structures of the Carbon/Carbon Composites;C/C复合材料的显微和精细结构研究

10.Fine Structures of Energy Levels of DX Centers in AlGaAs:Sn Alloy Semiconductors;AlGaAs:Sn混晶中DX中心能级的精细结构

11.Measurement of Fine Structure Branching Ratios for Rb-He Optical Collisions;Rb-He光学碰撞精细结构分支比的测量

12.The Physical Significance and Theoretical Calculation of the Fine-structure Constant;精细结构常数的物理意义和理论计算

13.Measurement of the ultra - fine structure of He - Ne laser;He-Ne激光波长超精细结构的测量

14.Calculation of Atomic Na 3p~2P_(3/2) Hyperfine StructureNa原子3p~2P_(3/2)态超精细结构的计算

15.Observation of effect of SMF on cellular membrane subtle structure by AFMAFM观察稳恒磁场对细胞表面精细结构的影响

16.Fine structure in coarse grain region of fine grained titanium alloy细晶粒钛合金焊接接头粗晶区的精细结构

17.Theoretical Study on the Fine and Hyperfine Structures and Spectra of Atoms (Ions);原子(离子)的精细与超精细结构及光谱的理论研究

18.Theoretical Study of Molecular Structure and Hyperfine Structure of Radical Ions;自由基离子的分子结构和超精细结构的理论研究


hyperfine structure of high-lying levels高激发态超精细结构

3)exciton fine-structure model激子精细结构

4)rotational fine structure转动精细结构

5)fine structure精细结构

1.The analytical calculation of thefine structure for n_1sn_2p configuration of helium-like atoms;氦原子(n_1sn_2p)组态精细结构的解析计算

2.Relativistic energy,fine structure and wavelength of the low-lying excited state 1s~22p~2~3P~e for a beryllium-like system;类铍离子激发态1s~22p~2~3P~e的能量、精细结构和跃迁波长的计算

3.Thefine structures of the energy levels for the low- lyingexcited states of lithium-like atom;锂原子低激发态能量的精细结构

6)Fine structures精细结构

1.Besides the main lobe structure, our numerical calculations reproduce the fine structures in the angular distribution of ATI peaks observed by Nandor et al.由于自发辐射的影响 ,电子的角分布具有精细结构 ,成功地解释了Nandor等人的实验观测。

2.The observational characteristics of the solar fast fine structures and their qualitative mechanism are presented.主要对 1 557个单个Spike的时间和频率分布作了统计分析 ,着重指出太阳快速精细结构的观测特征并定性地指出其产生机制。

3.There are two leading fine structures of microwave solar bursts.微波Ⅲ型爆发和微波尖峰辐射是太阳微波爆发中两个主要的精细结构,由于微波段比长波段的情况更复杂,单从形态上很难区分。


