100字范文 > 罐式断路器 tank circuit breaker英语短句 例句大全

罐式断路器 tank circuit breaker英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-01 19:43:50


罐式断路器 tank circuit breaker英语短句 例句大全

罐式断路器,tank circuit breaker

1)tank circuit breaker罐式断路器

1.Effect oftank circuit breaker porcelain surface flashover on protection罐式断路器瓷套沿面闪烙对保护动作的影响

2.Characteristic and operation analysis of 800kV double -break pointtank circuit breaker800kV罐式断路器的特性及运行分析


1.Analysis on a Rain Flashover Accident of a 330 kV Tank-type Circuit Breaker一起330kV罐式断路器雨闪事故的分析

2.Operation Analysis and Improvement Measure of 500 kV Tank Circuit Breaker500 kV罐式断路器运行分析及改进措施

3.Characteristic and operation analysis of 800kV double -break point tank circuit breaker800kV罐式断路器的特性及运行分析

4.AC Withstand Voltage Test on 500 kV Tank Breaker500kV罐式断路器交流耐压试验

5.Fault Analysis of the Fiest Domestic 750 kV Tank Circuit Breaker首台国产750kV罐式断路器故障分析

6.Analysis and Countermeasure to Fault for High Voltage Tank Circuit Breaker;高压罐式断路器故障的分析及治理研究

7.Effect of tank circuit breaker porcelain surface flashover on protection罐式断路器瓷套沿面闪烙对保护动作的影响

8.Analysis and Improvernent of the Control Circuits of LW13-800 Pot Breaker Storage MotorsLW13-800型罐式断路器储能电机控制回路的分析与改进

9.Analysis of an A-phase earth fault of a 750kV pot-type breaker internal750kV罐式断路器内部单相接地故障的保护动作行为分析

10.The circuit-breaker is generally immersed in a tank of oil.断路器一般浸在油罐内。

11.enclosed switches and circuit breakers密闭式开关和断路器

12.portable residual current device手提电流式漏电断路器

13.oil blow-up type impulse breaker喷油熄弧式脉冲断路器

14.frame type automatic air circuit breaker框架式自动空气断路器

15.pulsed-off signal generator脉冲断路信号发生器;脉冲切断式信号发生器

16.Magnetic Field Analysis of Bridge-Type Dual-Breaker Moulded Case Circuit Breaker桥式双断点塑料外壳式断路器磁场分析

17.Ensures cleaner tanks, lines, strainers, preheaters and burners.清洁油罐()管路、滤器、热器以及燃烧器。

18.Analyzes the cause of full open safety valve spring break built in liquefied petroleum gas railway tanker and describes the method for prevention of spring break.分析了液化石油气铁路罐车内置全启式安全阀弹簧断裂的原因,介绍了防止弹簧断裂的方法。


SF_6 pot breakerSF6罐式断路器

3)500 kV tank circuit breaker500kV罐式断路器

4)800 kV tank circuit breaker with two breaks800kV双断口罐式断路器

5)double break point tank switch双断口罐式断路器

1.Analyzes the structure, characteristic, function and principle of the 800kVdouble break point tank switch, deems that the structure design of the 800kVdouble break point tank switch making innovation, each function of it can satisfy the operation demand of the EHV Grid.分析了800kV双断口罐式断路器的结构、特点、作用及原理,认为800kV双断口罐式断路器在结构设计上取得了创新,其各项性能可以满足超高压电网的运行需求。

6)LW13-550 SF6 circuit breakersLW13-550型罐式SF_6断路器


