100字范文 > 服务氛围 service climate英语短句 例句大全

服务氛围 service climate英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-04-01 15:54:40


服务氛围 service climate英语短句 例句大全

服务氛围,service climate

1)service climate服务氛围

1.Exploring the effect ofservice climate on customer knowledge acquisition in service settings;服务氛围对顾客知识获取影响路径的实证研究

2.Service Climate and Employee Service Performance:Exploring the Moderating Role of Felt Job Stress and Organizational Identification服务氛围与一线员工服务绩效:工作压力和组织认同的调节效应研究

3.The Authors did an empirical study in 17 hotels and restaurants in Guangzhou to investigate the impact of organizationalservice climate and employees emotional labor on customers perception of service quality.作者在广州市的17个酒店和餐馆进行了一次实证研究,探讨组织的服务氛围和员工的情感性劳动行为对顾客感知的服务质量的影响。


1.Exploring the effect of service climate on customer knowledge acquisition in service settings;服务氛围对顾客知识获取影响路径的实证研究

2.The Impact of Organizational Service Climate and Employees Emotional Labor on Service Quality;组织的服务氛围与员工的情感性劳动对服务质量的影响

3.Service Climate Theory and Its Practical Implications服务氛围理论及其对服务性企业管理实践的启示

4.Service Climate and Employee Service Performance:Exploring the Moderating Role of Felt Job Stress and Organizational Identification服务氛围与一线员工服务绩效:工作压力和组织认同的调节效应研究

5.Research on Relativity between Service Atmosphere and Customer Satisfaction服务氛围与顾客满意度关联性之研究——以台湾地区海运承揽运送业为例

6.After years of high performance and quality services, it creates an environment cherished by countless near and faraway merchants.经过多年的高效优质服务,形成了近悦远来,万商云集的氛围。

7.Study on Internal Service Quality Measurement Constructs and Influence Scheme from Organizational Climate Viewpoint;组织氛围视角下的企业内部服务质量测评维度及影响机理研究

8.The Mechanism of How Trust Climate Impacts on Individual Performance;组织信任氛围对任务绩效的作用途径

9.Building up an Atmosphere of Clothing Outlet Influencing Brand Value服装卖场氛围营造对服装品牌价值的影响

10.(2) to extend its scope of services;(2)扩大服务范围;

11.renowned for exclusive atmosphere and superlative service.以独特的气氛和超群的服务而驰名。

12.offer gracious service in a casually harmonious atmosphere.在轻松和谐的气氛中提供精良的服务。

13.Building the Cultural Environment in Campus; Implementing the Task of Quality Education;积极营造校园文化氛围 努力落实素质教育任务

14.Clothes──the Important Carrier of Culture──A Brief Analysis of the Song Dynasty and Its Cultural Background;服饰──重要的文化载体──浅谈宋代服饰与其文化氛围

15.CWIS (Campus-Wide Information Server)校园范围信息服务器

16.A splendid atmosphere or aura, as of glamour, that surrounds a person or thing.气氛,光彩围绕人或东西的气氛或氛围,如魅力

17.These services are divided into the following three phases: call setup, call connection, and call release.这些业务氛围下面三个阶段: 呼叫建立、呼叫连接和呼叫释放。

18.To Deepen the publicity of Class Affair To Tamp the Basement of Management and construct Harmonious Development Atmosphere深化班务公开 夯实管理基础 凝心聚力营造和谐发展氛围


team service climate团队服务氛围

3)external services外围服务

1.The writers discuss the problems arisen in site selection of large aluminum electrolytic plant according to their years"experiences and point out that among many factors,the most important ones which may impact the site selection are electric power supply,transportation system,external services and environment.笔者依据多年的工程设计经验,对近几年来我国大型电解铝厂的厂址选择出现的一些问题进行了讨论,指出在影响厂址选择的诸多因素中,电力供应、运输系统、外围服务和环境因素是最为重要的,这是一个新理念,可为同类选厂的选址提供一些参考。

4)service areas服务范围

1.Break-point-ring model is an effective tool of dividingservice areas when the servers are in different scales.裂点环模型是服务设施规模不等情况下对区域服务范围进行划分的有效工具。

2.The trade of CPA in America devotes themselves to looking for their re-location and broadens theirservice areas,modes and ways.美国的注册会计师行业一直以来致力于寻找“重新定位”并不断拓展其服务范围、方式和途径,这对于改变我国目前注册会计师服务市场狭窄和服务品种单一的局面有一定的借鉴意义。


1.To develop sound public relationatmosphere in editorial departments;编辑部内外部人际关系氛围的建设

2.The color′s use andatmosphere construction in the animated cartoon;动画片中的色彩运用与氛围营造

3.Forming four sorts ofatmosphere to and continuing strengthen ideological work;大力营造四种氛围 不断加强思想工作


1.Research on out-of-class autonomous learningenvironment of english;英语课外自主学习氛围的研究

2.Strengthen the Library Culture in the University and Construct Environment in All Way the People-educating;加强高校图书馆文化建设 全面营造育人氛围


