100字范文 > 医药费用 medical expenses英语短句 例句大全

医药费用 medical expenses英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-08-24 04:41:15


医药费用 medical expenses英语短句 例句大全

医药费用,medical expenses

1)medical expenses医药费用

1.Controlling themedical expenses reasonably to promote the smooth operation of New Rural Cooperative Health System;合理控制医药费用 促进新型农村合作医疗平稳运行


1.Improving Medical Service Quality to Control Increase of Medical Cost提高医疗服务质量 控制医药费用增长

2.Study on Influence Factors of the Health Care Expenditure and the Countermeasures;医药费用增长的影响因素及控制策略研究

3.Study on Key Technologies of the Medical Expenditure Growth Control;控制医药费用过快增长政策的关键技术研究

4.Analyzing the Current Situation of Residents" Medical Expenses in Sichuan Province and Its Influencing Factors四川省居民医药费用现状及其影响因素分析

5.The Study about the Effect of the New Policy on the Medical Expenses of Public Hospitals in Zhejiang Province;浙江省控制公立医院医药费用新政策运行效果研究

6.Analysis on medical expenditure containment related policy (2):Basic medical insurance policy;医药费用控制相关政策分析(二)——基本医疗保险政策

7.Control the medical expenses to increase unreasonably,Promote the sustainable development of the cooperative medical service;控制医药费用不合理增长 促进合作医疗可持续发展

8.The present situation of province-level- hospital patients medicalexpenses and rele vant factors in Hunanprovince;湖南省级医院病人医药费用现状及其影响因素分析

9.Reimburses the actual medical expenses due to an accidental injury or sickness.赔偿因罹患疾病或意外事故,而导致的实际医药费用。

10.To protect themselves against financial hardships that can result from expenses for physicians, hospital care, and other medical treatment, most people in the United States purchase health insurance.为了防备看病,住医院及其他医药费用所造成的经济困难,在美国大多数人都买健康保险。

11.We will reimburse the actual medical expenses due to an accidental injury or sickness.旅行期间因意外事故或罹患疾病需要在医院进行必要治疗,我们将补偿实际医药费用。

12."This has resulted in bubble prices and high commissions in drug promotion, which has directly contributed to the rapid increase of drug costs."造成了药品销售的虚高定价和大回扣促销现象,直接推动了医药费用的过快上涨。

13.I want to get paid for all my expenses: auto repairs, medical and lost opportunities.我希望我所有的费用都得到补偿:汽车修理费、医药费和失去的机会。

14.Sector Analysis of Antibacterials Purchase Expenditure from 1996 to of Sample Hospitals北京样本医院全身用抗感染药品费用研究

15.Of all medical expenses, drug expenses rank first both in increment speed and in proportion.药品费用无论是增长速度还是所占比例,均位居医疗费用之首。

16.Analysis of Performance the Special Project Expense of Sichuan Tradition Medicine;四川省中医药专项事业费投入使用绩效分析

17.The logic strategies of using controlling medical expenses as a core in the progress of ongoing health care reform以医疗费用有效控制为核心的医药卫生体制改革逻辑步骤

18.The amount charged for miscellaneous hospital services, such as laboratory, X--rays, blood, and prescriptions.医院为进行其他服务,例如化验、X光及输血、用药等而收的种种费用。


Medical expenditure医药费用

1.Analysis on medical expenditure in city hospitals;城市医院医药费用变化及原因分析

2.Study on Key Technologies of the Medical Expenditure Growth Control;控制医药费用过快增长政策的关键技术研究

3.By comparting the average inpatient medical expenditure and the percentage change of its various compositions.通过比较我院1993、2000年2年的住院病人的平均医药费用和各类费用占总费用的比例可以发现,2002年住院病人的平均医药费用与1993年相比增加了356%,各类费用占总费用的比例也不相同,在进行8个常见单病种的比较时发现,不同病种各类费用占总费用的比例改变情况也不一致,主要原因是一些病种的治疗方法发生了改变,新药物药的不断出现、一次性用品和高科技材料的广泛应用等。

3)medical cost医药费用

1.Objective To study the situation of the prevention and treatment of malaria in Nanhui district of Shanghai through analyzing themedical cost of malaria patients.结果南汇区最近的17例疟疾病例中,其医药费用有70。

4)Medical expense医药费用

1.Analyzing the Current Situation of Residents" Medical Expenses in Sichuan Province and Its Influencing Factors四川省居民医药费用现状及其影响因素分析

5)Medical expenditure containment医药费用控制

6)medical expenses医药费

1.The high cost ofmedical expenses is not only a heavy burden on enterprises, but also related to the immediate interests of workers, in order to reducemedical expenses and reduce the burden on enterprises and individuals, so how the reasonable use of limited financial resources, do not waste, but also can be used in the right, is an urgent need to solve the problem.高额的医药费开支不仅是企业的沉重负担,而且还关系到职工的切身利益,为了降低医药费开支,减轻企业及个人的负担,因此如何合理运用有限的经费资源,做到既不浪费,也能用得恰到好处,是目前急需解决的问题。


哈尔滨天价医药费案处理结果公布卫生部通报了中央纪委、监察部、卫生部和黑龙江省纪委联合调查组对哈尔滨医科大学附属第二医院天价医药费案的处理结果,哈医大二院被中止三级甲等医院称号一年,责成该医院向患者家属退还违规收取的费用,并向患者家属赔礼道歉,医院院长、党委书记等主要领导被撤销职务。 多收医疗费20.7万余元 经查,患者翁某,男,75岁。因患恶性淋巴肿瘤,于5月16日入住哈医大二院,先后在干部病房和心外科重症监护室(简称心外科ICU)治疗,最终因多脏器功能衰竭,于8月6日病故。住院82天,医院共收取住院费138.9万元。哈医大二院在治疗患者翁某的过程中主要存在以下问题:一是违反规定乱收费。通过自立项目、分解项目、超标准收费、重复收费等手段,多收医疗费用20.7万余元。二是心外科ICU主任于玲范为掩盖违规计费和医疗过程中的问题,伪造并组织有关医护人员违反规定大量涂改翁某的医疗文书。三是部分科室管理混乱,相关职能科室监管不力。心外科ICU存在医嘱、特护记录、收费单中药品数量互不相符和部分医嘱单非医师本人签字的现象,使用未经国家审批的进口药品,对自购药品没有与患者家属之间的交接、核对及退药手续;物价科、医务科没有认真履行相应的监管职责。 乱收费院长将一律免职 卫生部通报中要求,各级卫生行政部门和公立医疗机构立即对将医疗服务收入与医务人员个人分配直接挂钩的情况进行一次全面检查清理。今后,凡公立医疗机构发生严重乱收费行为,对院长要一律先免职,然后再根据调查情况,依法依纪作出相应处理。 通报还要求,各级卫生行政部门要加强对医疗机构病历质量和管理的监督检查,严肃查处伪造和违法违规涂改病历的行为。凡违反规定,伪造、涂改、隐匿或销毁病历的,一经发现,对医疗机构要予以警告,对主管人员给予纪律处分,对直接责任人员要吊销执业证书。 处理结果 1.哈医大二院院长、党委委员张岂凡,党委书记王国良,党委副书记、纪委书记杨慧等均被给予撤销职务处分;2.心外科ICU主任于玲范撤销心外科ICU主任职务处分,并吊销医师执业证书;3.心外科ICU护士长、物价科科长、医务科副科长也被撤销职务;4.哈医大二院给予中止三级甲等医院称号一年的处理;5.责成该医院向患者家属退还违规收取的费用,并向患者家属赔礼道歉;6.责成哈尔滨医科大学、黑龙江省卫生厅写出深刻检查。
