100字范文 > 直接医疗费用 Direct medical cost英语短句 例句大全

直接医疗费用 Direct medical cost英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-02 21:51:34


直接医疗费用 Direct medical cost英语短句 例句大全

直接医疗费用,Direct medical cost

1)Direct medical cost直接医疗费用

1.Objective: Review literatures about the direct medical cost of treating the lung cancer.目的:对国内外有关肺癌直接医疗费用的文献进行研究。

2.Results:Direct medical cost of type 2 diabetes mellitus per capita in Shanghai in was about 2349.方法:根据上海市2型糖尿病及其并发症的年直接医疗费用、年直接非医疗费用和间接费用计算2型糖尿病的疾病经济负担。

3.In the peper, the economic burden was only considered the direct medical costs, neither the indirect non - medical costs nor the indirect costs.主要利用直接医疗费用来计算疾病经济负担,而未考虑直接非医疗费用和间接费用。


1.Analysis on direct medical cost of respiratory diseases in China in 我国呼吸系统疾病直接医疗费用分析

2.The effect of dosage cards on compliance with directly observed tuberculosis therapy in hospital医院内直接观察下治疗结核病时治疗卡对坚持规律治疗的作用

3.medical expenses deduction纳税时的医疗费用扣除

4.The Impact of Medical Service Price Adjustment for Medical Cost in Hospital;医疗服务价格调整对医疗费用的影响

5.Distribution Characteristics of In-patient Medical Expenditure with Medical Insurance医疗保险患者住院医疗费用分布特点

6.People in the rich world are used to forking out for those of their fellow citizens who have incurable conditions.发达国家的纳税人过去一直为那些身患绝症的人支付医疗费用。

7.Claiming alimony, costs of support or upbringing, pensions for the disabled and medical expenses,追索赡养费、扶养费、抚育费、抚恤金、医疗费用的,

8.Factors for the growing medical fee in emergency department of hospitals医院门(急)诊医疗费用增长因素分析

9.Improving Medical Service Quality to Control Increase of Medical Cost提高医疗服务质量 控制医药费用增长

10.Program Design and Applications of Hospital Socialized Medicine Management医院公费医疗管理的程序设计和应用

11.Direct costs are those that form the part of the product, e.g. direct labor, direct materials and direct expenses.直接成本是构成产品实体的成本,如直接人工、直接材料和直接费用。

12.A comparative analysis on medical expenses between insured and uninsured inpatients医保患者和自费患者住院医疗费用比较分析

13.Public health is directly related to medical issue.医疗问题直接关乎公众的生命健康。

14.Analysis on direct logistics cost of medical devices in one hospital in Shanghai上海市某医院医疗器械物流直接成本分析

15.Medical expenditure reserch in CMS trial towm in rural poverty areas农村贫困地区合作医疗试点乡医疗费用研究

16.Implementation of Clinical Pathway for Assuring Quality of Health Care and Lowering Medical Expenses实施临床路径 保证医疗质量 降低医疗费用

17.The Study on the Vertical Integration of Medical Insurance and Control of Medical Expenses;医疗费用控制与医疗保险纵向一体化研究

18.On Health Technology Progress and Health Expenditure Increase in China;我国医疗技术进步与医疗费用增长研究


Direct non-medical cost直接非医疗费用

3)Indirect medical cost间接医疗费用

4)medical expense医疗费用

1.A five-year follow-up survey on the effect of the new rural cooperative medical system on the village residentsmedical expenses;新农合对农民医疗费用影响的五年连续追踪研究

2.Analysis of farmersmedical expense and compensating proportion measuring in Henan Provincial sampling counties in cooperative medical scheme;新型农村合作医疗试点县农民医疗费用分析和补偿比例测算

3.A study onmedical expenses borne by malignant tumour patients;恶性肿瘤病人医疗费用问题研究

5)medical cost医疗费用

1.CP analysis inmedical cost management;临床路径在医疗费用管理中的应用分析

2.Investigation onmedical cost of 70 patients with panic attack;70例惊恐障碍患者的医疗费用调查

3.Suggestions as well as enlarging medical insurance coverage, increasing co-payment rate, allocation medical resource and adjusting irrationalmedical cost were presented.通过对北京某三级甲等综合医院5~6月间164名住院患者的调查,提出缓解人民群众看病就医问题的相关政策建议,包括加大医疗保障范围和力度,均衡医疗资源,调整现行不合理的医疗费用支付规定等。

6)medical expenses医疗费用

1.Analysis ofmedical expenses of 10 systematic diseases in order inpatients proportions with factor method;10种系统疾病住院病人医疗费用因子分析

2.The analysis of the faster increase ofmedical expenses under the Supplier Induced Demand;供给诱导需求下的医疗费用增长问题分析

3.The follow-up investigation of the effect caused by the new rural Cooperative Medical System on the village residents’medical expenses;新型农村合作医疗制度对农民医疗费用影响的追踪调查


