100字范文 > 内控制度 internal control system英语短句 例句大全

内控制度 internal control system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-18 20:31:19


内控制度 internal control system英语短句 例句大全

内控制度,internal control system

1)internal control system内控制度

1.On the problem and countermeasure of State-owned Commercial Banks,internal control system;国有商业银行内控制度建设存在的问题及其对策

2.On Internal Control System and Corporation Management Structure;内控制度与法人治理结构

3.This paper expounds the main expressions of the distemperedinternal control system in our country, probes into the reasons why theinternal control system is distempered, and puts forward some countermeasures for perfecting theinternal control system and preventing the financial risks.阐述了我国内控制度不健全的主要表现,探讨了内控制度不健全的原因,提出了健全内控制度、防范财务风险的若干对策。


1.to monitor the company"s internal control system.审查公司的内控制度。

2.Promoting the Efficiency of Internal Control and Perfecting the Internal Control System of Bank Accounting;提高内控的有效性 完善银行会计内控制度

3.Getting out of the Blind Area of Internal Control and Aiming at the Perfection of Internal Control system;走出内部控制误区 完善内部控制制度

4.Improve inter-control system to promote inter-management of a unit;完善内部控制制度 促进单位内部管理

5.Internal Personnel, Internal Control and Out of Control;内部人、内部人控制及内部人控制失控——兼论会计委派制度

6.On The Enterprise’s Internal Control System--A Probe Into The Cauese For The Enerpris’s Inefficient Interial Control System And Its Contermeasuers;论企业的内部控制制度——探讨企业内部控制制度失效的原因及对策

7.Internal Control Measurement in Modern Enterprise Management System;现代企业治理机制下的内部控制制度

8.Accountant Appointment System (AAS) and Internal Control System (ICS);对会计委派制与内部控制制度的思考

9.proposed business rules and procedures and internal controls;拟办业务的规章制度及内部风险控制制度。

10.(f) proposed business rules and procedures and internal controls.(六) 拟办业务的规章制度及内部风险控制制度。

11.A Study on the Internal Accounting Controll of Chinese Port;我国港口企业内部会计控制制度研究

12.Research on Value-Create Oriented Internal Control System of Our Country;我国价值创造导向内部控制制度研究

13.Study on Internal Control System of XX Branch of Huaxia Bank;华夏银行XX分行内部控制制度研究

14.Research on Legal System of Internal Control of Investment Company in U.S.A;美国投资公司内部控制法律制度研究

15.Research on Improvement KFT s Internal Control System;完善KFT公司内部控制制度体系研究

16.Study to the Construction on Internal Control System for Universities and Colleges in Our Country;我国高等学校内部控制制度建设研究

17.The Study on Internal Control System Design of ABC Group Company;ABC集团公司内部控制制度设计研究

18.Law Regulations Research of Corporation Insider Control Behavior;公司内部人控制行为的法律制度分析


inner control system内控制度

1.Some Thoughts on Strengthening Construction of Inner Control System关于加强内控制度建设的几点思考

2.The author considered that to deal with the problem in accounting faith, something should be done to promote professional quality and professional ethic, strengthen the construction of accounting standard, improve administration structure in the company, fortify the contract relationship, build the accounting regulation system with multi-level andinner control system of enterp.认为要解决会计诚信问题,要注重提高会计人员业务素质和职业道德,加强会计规范建设,完善公司治理结构,强化契约关系,建立多层次的会计控制体系和企业内控制度,会计信息披露制度以及社会监管体系等。

3.This paper emphasizes the importance of establishing and perfecting theinner control system for the authenticity and integration of the accounting materials.该文从《会计法》对会计信息质量要求出发,阐述建立健全内控制度对保证会计资料真实完整的重要性。

3)internal control内控制度

1.The modern enterprise system,whose main goal is to establish an integrated "internal control system" is an important guide to advancing and speeding the establishment of a modern enterprise system and integrating a corporation controlling structure.在社会主义市场经济条件下,引入和借鉴现代企业的内控制度机制,对于完善高校法人体制,推进高校管理改革,降低办学成本,提高办学效益,整合办学资源,不仅是一条行之有效的“捷径”,也是一种现实和必然的选择。

4)inside control system内控制度

1.This text takes the fast growing enterprises as topic, analyzing the existing problems of theirinside control systems and on how to set up effectively ones.文章以一个高速发展的企业集团为案例,分析企业内控制度存在的问题及如何建立有效的方法,并着重对财务内控制度的构建进行讨论。

2.Theinside control system is a safeguard line to the economic activities of enterprises’.企业内控制度是企业经济活动中一道安全防线 ,健全的内控制度能防止欺诈、舞弊 ,提高企业的管理水平 ,提高其经济效益。

5)Inner-control system内控制度

6)Internal Control Degree内部控制度


