100字范文 > 策略模型 strategy model英语短句 例句大全

策略模型 strategy model英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-28 10:23:08


策略模型 strategy model英语短句 例句大全

策略模型,strategy model

1)strategy model策略模型

1.In order to analyze the actuality of its application,this paper summarizes the lately researches of Agent based analysis of power market from four aspects,the framework of Multi-Agent system,the Single-Agent Learning mode with directly or indirectly exploring learning-algorithm,otherstrategy models of Agent and the information-interaction between Agents.为了分析这一技术应用现状,从电力市场Multi-Agent系统框架、基于直接或间接探索学习算法的单Agent学习模式、Agent其他策略模型以及各Agent之间信息交互四个方面综述了近年来Agent技术在电力市场中的应用成果。

2.In response to these problems,this paper,according with the existing marketingstrategy model characteristics of operators,puts forward a trigger test marketing model, workflow model,dependent on user behavior analysis model as well as marketing analysis of the feedback model,followed by the use of UML Methods of process models and the detailed design of the system analysis.本文首先对中国电信运营商的营销策略进行分析,指出运营商现有营销策略所存在的问题,然后从中国第三代通信市场实际情况出发,分析3G时代电信运营商所面临的机遇和挑战,引入了第三代通信市场营销策略模型的概念,阐述了建立市场营销模型的必要性和关键点。


1.Mixed Strategy Model of Fuzzy Payoff Matrix and Its Algorithm模糊支付矩阵混合策略模型及其求解

2.The Storage and Procurement Model Based on the Algorithm of VaR and CVaR;基于VaR和CVaR技术的采购存储策略模型

3.A Model of Bidding Strategy for Power Generating Enterprises Based on Game Theory;基于博弈论的发电企业竞价策略模型

4.A Model Based on ANN of Marketing Combination Strategy;一种基于ANN的市场营销组合策略模型

5.Strategy and Decision Making Model for Outsourcing in Manufacturing Industry;制造型企业外包策略及决策模型研究

6.Study on Typical Attack Models and Security Strategies in WSNWSN中典型的攻击模型与安全策略研究

7.Nested Software Rejuvenation Policy and Its Model一种嵌套的软件抗衰策略及其模型

8.Research on Knowledge Transferring Model and Strategies for Requirement Engineering;需求工程的知识转移模型与策略研究

9.Strategy Analysis of Duopoly Competition in Hotelling Model;基于Hotelling模型的双头竞争策略分析

10.Research on Quantitative Model Construction for Strategic R&D Subsidy Policy Effects;战略R&D补贴政策效应数量模型研究

11.Research on BitTorrent File-sharing Model Based on S-RTT Strategy;基于S-RTT策略的BitTorrent文件共享模型

12.Strategy for Assembling Test Automatically Based on IRT;基于IRT模型的题库智能组卷策略

13.Research of Authorization Policy Based on Expanded RBAC Model;基于RBAC扩展模型的授权策略研究

14.Agent-based Security Policy Negotiation Model in Grid;网格中基于Agent的安全策略协商模型

15.Research of IDS Detection Model Based on Sampling Policy;基于抽样策略的IDS检测模型研究

16.Research and Implementation on Negotiation Model and Strategies of Establishing Cooperative Work Team;CSCW建组协商模型及策略的研究与实现

17.Research on Corporation Strategic Human Resource Outsourcing Model;企业战略人力资源外包决策模型研究

18.The Research and Application of the Strategic Decision-Making Model Based on BSC-BN;基于BSC-BN的战略决策模型研究与应用


Policy model策略模型

1.The performance control policy model is defined according to the DEN-ng model framework,and the policy conflicts are detected and resolved within a network element.该文提出了一种基于策略的通用性能控制方法,根据DEN-ng模型框架定义了性能控制策略模型,给出了面向网元的性能控制策略冲突检测和解决方法。

2.This paper proposes a generic audit policy model on multilevel secure DBMS.提出了一种基于多级安全数据库管理系统的通用审计策略模型。

3)strategic model策略模型

1.Astrategic model proposed by van Di jk & Kintsch in 1983 is a prevailing trend of cognitive psychology u.课文理解策略模型是目前广泛用于课文理解研究的一种比较常用的建构观点。

4)model strategy模型策略

5)model and strategies模型与策略

6)model scheduling strategy模型调度策略

1.The latest achievements in control arithmetic,modeling method,model banks construction,model scheduling strategy,robustness and global stability for the MMC are addres.该文从多模型控制算法、建模方法、模型集构造、模型调度策略、鲁棒性和全局稳定性等方面,比较详细地介绍了当今研究的最新进展;回顾了近几年多模型控制在控制领域的应用情况,指出多模型控制研究中还存在的问题,并展望今后发展方向。


AutoCad 教你绘制三爪卡盘模型,借用四视图来建模型小弟写教程纯粹表达的是建模思路,供初学者参考.任何物体的建摸都需要思路,只有思路多,模型也就水到渠成.ok废话就不说了.建议使用1024X768分辨率 开始先看下最终效果第一步,如图所示将窗口分为四个视图第二步,依次选择每个窗口,在分别输入各自己的视图第三步,建立ucs重新建立世界坐标体系,捕捉三点来确定各自的ucs如图第四步,初步大致建立基本模型.可以在主视图建立两个不同的圆,在用ext拉升,在用差集运算.如图:第五步:关键一步,在此的我思路是.先画出卡爪的基本投影,在把他进行面域,在进行拉升高度分别是10,20,30曾t形状.如图:第六步:画出螺栓的初步形状.如图第七步:利用ext拉升圆,在拉升内六边形.注意拉升六边行时方向与拉升圆的方向是相反的.之后在利用差集运算第八步:将所得内螺栓模型分别复制到卡爪上,在利用三个视图调到与卡爪的中心对称.效果如图红色的是螺栓,最后是差集第九步:阵列第10步.模型就完成了来一张利用矢量处理的图片
